30 lines
1,013 B
30 lines
1,013 B
baseURL = "https://brokentech.cloud/"
languageCode = "en-gb"
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
title = "The Broken Tech Cloud"
copyright = "© 2025 mart-w"
enableEmoji = true
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name = "The Broken Tech Cloud"
headline = "Making innocent web apps cloud since 2021"
image = "logo_big.png"
links = [
{ auth = { href = "https://accounts.brokentech.cloud", text = "Log in to stuff" } },
{ git = { href = "https://git.brokentech.cloud", text = "Look at some code" } },
{ monitoring = { href = "https://status.brokentech.cloud", text = "See what’s most broken" } },
{ link = { href = "https://mart-w.de/", text = "Read up on the admin" } },
{ mastodon = { href = "https://chaos.social/@mart_w", text = "Yell at the admin" } },
{ legal = { href = "/legal_notice", text = "Legal Notice", target = "_self" } },
{ legal = { href = "/privacy", text = "Privacy Policy", target = "_self" } },
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