2022-11-04 01:07:22 +01:00
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2022-11-01 05:21:08 +01:00
pub issuer: < a class = "struct" href = "https://docs.rs/url/2.3.1/url/struct.Url.html" title = "struct url::Url" > Url< / a > ,
pub authorization_endpoint: < a class = "struct" href = "https://docs.rs/url/2.3.1/url/struct.Url.html" title = "struct url::Url" > Url< / a > ,
pub token_endpoint: < a class = "struct" href = "https://docs.rs/url/2.3.1/url/struct.Url.html" title = "struct url::Url" > Url< / a > ,
2022-11-04 01:07:22 +01:00
pub userinfo_endpoint: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://docs.rs/url/2.3.1/url/struct.Url.html" title = "struct url::Url" > Url< / a > > ,
2022-11-01 05:21:08 +01:00
pub jwks_uri: < a class = "struct" href = "https://docs.rs/url/2.3.1/url/struct.Url.html" title = "struct url::Url" > Url< / a > ,
2022-11-04 01:07:22 +01:00
pub registration_endpoint: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://docs.rs/url/2.3.1/url/struct.Url.html" title = "struct url::Url" > Url< / a > > ,
pub scopes_supported: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/string/struct.String.html" title = "struct alloc::string::String" > String< / a > > > ,
pub response_types_supported: < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "enum" href = "enum.ResponseType.html" title = "enum kanidm_proto::oauth2::ResponseType" > ResponseType< / a > > ,
pub response_modes_supported: < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "enum" href = "enum.ResponseMode.html" title = "enum kanidm_proto::oauth2::ResponseMode" > ResponseMode< / a > > ,
pub grant_types_supported: < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "enum" href = "enum.GrantType.html" title = "enum kanidm_proto::oauth2::GrantType" > GrantType< / a > > ,
pub acr_values_supported: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/string/struct.String.html" title = "struct alloc::string::String" > String< / a > > > ,
pub subject_types_supported: < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "enum" href = "enum.SubjectType.html" title = "enum kanidm_proto::oauth2::SubjectType" > SubjectType< / a > > ,
pub id_token_signing_alg_values_supported: < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "enum" href = "enum.IdTokenSignAlg.html" title = "enum kanidm_proto::oauth2::IdTokenSignAlg" > IdTokenSignAlg< / a > > ,
pub id_token_encryption_alg_values_supported: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/string/struct.String.html" title = "struct alloc::string::String" > String< / a > > > ,
pub id_token_encryption_enc_values_supported: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/string/struct.String.html" title = "struct alloc::string::String" > String< / a > > > ,
pub userinfo_signing_alg_values_supported: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/string/struct.String.html" title = "struct alloc::string::String" > String< / a > > > ,
pub userinfo_encryption_alg_values_supported: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/string/struct.String.html" title = "struct alloc::string::String" > String< / a > > > ,
pub userinfo_encryption_enc_values_supported: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/string/struct.String.html" title = "struct alloc::string::String" > String< / a > > > ,
pub request_object_signing_alg_values_supported: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/string/struct.String.html" title = "struct alloc::string::String" > String< / a > > > ,
pub request_object_encryption_alg_values_supported: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/string/struct.String.html" title = "struct alloc::string::String" > String< / a > > > ,
pub request_object_encryption_enc_values_supported: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/string/struct.String.html" title = "struct alloc::string::String" > String< / a > > > ,
pub token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported: < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "enum" href = "enum.TokenEndpointAuthMethod.html" title = "enum kanidm_proto::oauth2::TokenEndpointAuthMethod" > TokenEndpointAuthMethod< / a > > ,
pub token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/string/struct.String.html" title = "struct alloc::string::String" > String< / a > > > ,
pub display_values_supported: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "enum" href = "enum.DisplayValue.html" title = "enum kanidm_proto::oauth2::DisplayValue" > DisplayValue< / a > > > ,
pub claim_types_supported: < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "enum" href = "enum.ClaimType.html" title = "enum kanidm_proto::oauth2::ClaimType" > ClaimType< / a > > ,
pub claims_supported: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/string/struct.String.html" title = "struct alloc::string::String" > String< / a > > > ,
pub service_documentation: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://docs.rs/url/2.3.1/url/struct.Url.html" title = "struct url::Url" > Url< / a > > ,
pub claims_locales_supported: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/string/struct.String.html" title = "struct alloc::string::String" > String< / a > > > ,
pub ui_locales_supported: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/string/struct.String.html" title = "struct alloc::string::String" > String< / a > > > ,
pub claims_parameter_supported: < a class = "primitive" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/std/primitive.bool.html" > bool< / a > ,
pub request_parameter_supported: < a class = "primitive" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/std/primitive.bool.html" > bool< / a > ,
pub request_uri_parameter_supported: < a class = "primitive" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/std/primitive.bool.html" > bool< / a > ,
pub require_request_uri_registration: < a class = "primitive" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/std/primitive.bool.html" > bool< / a > ,
pub op_policy_uri: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://docs.rs/url/2.3.1/url/struct.Url.html" title = "struct url::Url" > Url< / a > > ,
pub op_tos_uri: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://docs.rs/url/2.3.1/url/struct.Url.html" title = "struct url::Url" > Url< / a > > ,
< / details > }< / code > < / pre > < / div > < h2 id = "fields" class = "fields small-section-header" > Fields< a href = "#fields" class = "anchor" > < / a > < / h2 > < span id = "structfield.issuer" class = "structfield small-section-header" > < a href = "#structfield.issuer" class = "anchor field" > < / a > < code > issuer: < a class = "struct" href = "https://docs.rs/url/2.3.1/url/struct.Url.html" title = "struct url::Url" > Url< / a > < / code > < / span > < span id = "structfield.authorization_endpoint" class = "structfield small-section-header" > < a href = "#structfield.authorization_endpoint" class = "anchor field" > < / a > < code > authorization_endpoint: < a class = "struct" href = "https://docs.rs/url/2.3.1/url/struct.Url.html" title = "struct url::Url" > Url< / a > < / code > < / span > < span id = "structfield.token_endpoint" class = "structfield small-section-header" > < a href = "#structfield.token_endpoint" class = "anchor field" > < / a > < code > token_endpoint: < a class = "struct" href = "https://docs.rs/url/2.3.1/url/struct.Url.html" title = "struct url::Url" > Url< / a > < / code > < / span > < span id = "structfield.userinfo_endpoint" class = "structfield small-section-header" > < a href = "#structfield.userinfo_endpoint" class = "anchor field" > < / a > < code > userinfo_endpoint: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://docs.rs/url/2.3.1/url/struct.Url.html" title = "struct url::Url" > Url< / a > > < / code > < / span > < span id = "structfield.jwks_uri" class = "structfield small-section-header" > < a href = "#structfield.jwks_uri" class = "anchor field" > < / a > < code > jwks_uri: < a class = "struct" href = "https://docs.rs/url/2.3.1/url/struct.Url.html" title = "struct url::Url" > Url< / a > < / code > < / span > < span id = "structfield.registration_endpoint" class = "structfield small-section-header" > < a href = "#structfield.registration_endpoint" class = "anchor field" > < / a > < code > registration_endpoint: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://docs.rs/url/2.3.1/url/struct.Url.html" title = "struct url::Url" > Url< / a > > < / code > < / span > < span id = "structfield.scopes_supported" class = "structfield small-section-header" > < a href = "#structfield.scopes_supported" class = "anchor field" > < / a > < code > scopes_supported: < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/option/enum.Option.html" title = "enum core::option::Option" > Option< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/string/struct.String.html" title = "struct alloc::string::String" > String< / a > > > < / code > < / span > < span id = "structfield.response_types_supported" class = "structfield small-section-header" > < a href = "#structfield.response_types_supported" class = "anchor field" > < / a > < code > response_types_supported: < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "enum" href = "enum.ResponseType.html" title = "enum kanidm_proto::oauth2::ResponseType" > ResponseType< / a > > < / code > < / span > < span id = "structfield.response_modes_supported" class = "structfield small-section-header" > < a href = "#structfield.response_modes_supported" class = "anchor field" > < / a > < code > response_modes_supported: < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "enum" href = "enum.ResponseMode.html" title = "enum kanidm_proto::oauth2::ResponseMode" > ResponseMode< / a > > < / code > < / span > < span id = "structfield.grant_types_supported" class = "structfield small-section-header" > < a href = "#structfield.grant_types_supported" class = "anchor field" > < / a > < code > grant_types_supported: < a class = "struct" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html" title = "struct alloc::vec::Vec" > Vec< / a > < < a class = "enum" href = "enum.GrantType.html" title = "enum kanidm_proto::oauth2::GrantType" > GrantType< / a > > < / code > < / span > < span id = "structfield.acr_values_supported" class = "structfield small-section-header" >
< / div > < / details > < / div > < / details > < details class = "rustdoc-toggle implementors-toggle" > < summary > < section id = "impl-Into%3CU%3E-for-OidcDiscoveryResponse" class = "impl has-srclink" > < a class = "srclink rightside" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/src/core/convert/mod.rs.html#543" > source< / a > < a href = "#impl-Into%3CU%3E-for-OidcDiscoveryResponse" class = "anchor" > < / a > < h3 class = "code-header in-band" > impl< T, U> < a class = "trait" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/convert/trait.Into.html" title = "trait core::convert::Into" > Into< / a > < U> for T< span class = "where fmt-newline" > where< br > U: < a class = "trait" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/convert/trait.From.html" title = "trait core::convert::From" > From< / a > < T> ,< / span > < / h3 > < / section > < / summary > < div class = "impl-items" > < details class = "rustdoc-toggle method-toggle" open > < summary > < section id = "method.into" class = "method trait-impl has-srclink" > < span class = "rightside" > < span class = "since" title = "const unstable" > const: < a href = "https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/88674" title = "Tracking issue for const_convert" > unstable< / a > < / span > · < a class = "srclink" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/src/core/convert/mod.rs.html#551" > source< / a > < / span > < a href = "#method.into" class = "anchor" > < / a > < h4 class = "code-header" > fn < a href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/convert/trait.Into.html#tymethod.into" class = "fnname" > into< / a > (self) -> U< / h4 > < / section > < / summary > < div class = "docblock" > < p > Calls < code > U::from(self)< / code > .< / p >
2022-11-01 05:21:08 +01:00
< p > That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of
2022-11-04 01:07:22 +01:00
< code > < a href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/convert/trait.From.html" title = "From" > From< / a > < T> for U< / code > chooses to do.< / p >
< / div > < / details > < / div > < / details > < details class = "rustdoc-toggle implementors-toggle" > < summary > < section id = "impl-Serialize-for-OidcDiscoveryResponse-1" class = "impl has-srclink" > < a class = "srclink rightside" href = "https://docs.rs/erased-serde/0.3.23/src/erased_serde/ser.rs.html#238" > source< / a > < a href = "#impl-Serialize-for-OidcDiscoveryResponse-1" class = "anchor" > < / a > < h3 class = "code-header in-band" > impl< T> < a class = "trait" href = "https://docs.rs/erased-serde/0.3.23/erased_serde/ser/trait.Serialize.html" title = "trait erased_serde::ser::Serialize" > Serialize< / a > for T< span class = "where fmt-newline" > where< br > T: < a class = "trait" href = "https://docs.rs/serde/1.0.147/serde/ser/trait.Serialize.html" title = "trait serde::ser::Serialize" > Serialize< / a > + ?< a class = "trait" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/marker/trait.Sized.html" title = "trait core::marker::Sized" > Sized< / a > ,< / span > < / h3 > < / section > < / summary > < div class = "impl-items" > < section id = "method.erased_serialize" class = "method trait-impl has-srclink" > < a class = "srclink rightside" href = "https://docs.rs/erased-serde/0.3.23/src/erased_serde/ser.rs.html#242" > source< / a > < a href = "#method.erased_serialize" class = "anchor" > < / a > < h4 class = "code-header" > fn < a href = "https://docs.rs/erased-serde/0.3.23/erased_serde/ser/trait.Serialize.html#tymethod.erased_serialize" class = "fnname" > erased_serialize< / a > (& self, serializer: & mut dyn < a class = "trait" href = "https://docs.rs/erased-serde/0.3.23/erased_serde/ser/trait.Serializer.html" title = "trait erased_serde::ser::Serializer" > Serializer< / a > ) -> < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/result/enum.Result.html" title = "enum core::result::Result" > Result< / a > < Ok, < a class = "struct" href = "https://docs.rs/erased-serde/0.3.23/erased_serde/error/struct.Error.html" title = "struct erased_serde::error::Error" > Error< / a > > < / h4 > < / section > < / div > < / details > < details class = "rustdoc-toggle implementors-toggle" > < summary > < section id = "impl-TryFrom%3CU%3E-for-OidcDiscoveryResponse" class = "impl has-srclink" > < a class = "srclink rightside" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/src/core/convert/mod.rs.html#601" > source< / a > < a href = "#impl-TryFrom%3CU%3E-for-OidcDiscoveryResponse" class = "anchor" > < / a > < h3 class = "code-header in-band" > impl< T, U> < a class = "trait" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/convert/trait.TryFrom.html" title = "trait core::convert::TryFrom" > TryFrom< / a > < U> for T< span class = "where fmt-newline" > where< br > U: < a class = "trait" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/convert/trait.Into.html" title = "trait core::convert::Into" > Into< / a > < T> ,< / span > < / h3 > < / section > < / summary > < div class = "impl-items" > < details class = "rustdoc-toggle" open > < summary > < section id = "associatedtype.Error-1" class = "associatedtype trait-impl has-srclink" > < a href = "#associatedtype.Error-1" class = "anchor" > < / a > < h4 class = "code-header" > type < a href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/convert/trait.TryFrom.html#associatedtype.Error" class = "associatedtype" > Error< / a > = < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/convert/enum.Infallible.html" title = "enum core::convert::Infallible" > Infallible< / a > < / h4 > < / section > < / summary > < div class = 'docblock' > The type returned in the event of a conversion error.< / div > < / details > < details class = "rustdoc-toggle method-toggle" open > < summary > < section id = "method.try_from" class = "method trait-impl has-srclink" > < span class = "rightside" > < span class = "since" title = "const unstable" > const: < a href = "https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/88674" title = "Tracking issue for const_convert" > unstable< / a > < / span > · < a class = "srclink" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/src/core/convert/mod.rs.html#607" > source< / a > < / span > < a href = "#method.try_from" class = "anchor" > < / a > < h4 class = "code-header" > fn < a href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/convert/trait.TryFrom.html#tymethod.try_from" class = "fnname" > try_from< / a > (value: U) -> < a class = "enum" href = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.65.0/core/result/enum.Result.html" title = "enum core::result::Result" > Result< / a > < T, < T as < a class =