diff --git a/book/src/integrations/oauth2/examples.md b/book/src/integrations/oauth2/examples.md
index a60167547..b01eb3244 100644
--- a/book/src/integrations/oauth2/examples.md
+++ b/book/src/integrations/oauth2/examples.md
@@ -449,6 +449,147 @@ php occ config:app:set --value=0 user_oidc allow_multiple_user_backends
You can login directly by appending `?direct=1` to your login page. You can re-enable other backends
by setting the value to `1`
+## Outline
+> These instructions were tested with self-hosted Outline 0.80.2.
+Outline is a wiki / knowledge base which [can be self-hosted][outline-self].
+Self-hosted [Outline supports authentication with OpenID Connect][outline-oidc],
+with some limitations:
+* [Outline does not support PKCE][outline-pkce],
+ [which is a security issue][pkce-disable-security].
+* Outline does not support group or ACL delegation.
+ On a new Outline installation, the first user who authenticates to Outline
+ will be granted administrative rights.
+* Outline *only* automatically updates the user's email address on log in.
+ It will set the user's preferred name on *first* log in *only*.
+To set up a *new* self-hosted Outline instance to authenicate with Kanidm:
+1. Add an email address to your regular Kanidm account, if it doesn't have one
+ already:
+ ```sh
+ kanidm person update your_username -m your_username@example.com
+ ```
+2. Create a new Kanidm group for your Outline users (`outline_users`), and
+ **only** add your regular account to it:
+ ```sh
+ kanidm group create outline
+ kanidm group add-members outline_users your_username
+ ```
+ **Warning:** don't add any other users when first setting up Outline. The
+ first user who logs in will gain administrative rights.
+3. Create a new OAuth2 application configuration in Kanidm (`outline`),
+ disable the PKCE requirement ([this is insecure][pkce-disable-security], but
+ [Outline doesn't support it][outline-pkce]), configure the redirect URL, and
+ scope access to the `outline_users` group:
+ ```sh
+ kanidm system oauth2 create outline Outline https://outline.example.com
+ kanidm system oauth2 warning-insecure-client-disable-pkce outline
+ kanidm system oauth2 add-redirect-url outline https://outline.example.com/auth/oidc.callback
+ kanidm system oauth2 update-scope-map outline outline_users email openid profile groups
+ ```
+4. Get the `outline` OAuth2 client secret from Kanidm:
+ ```sh
+ kanidm system oauth2 show-basic-secret outline
+ ```
+5. Configure Outline to authenticate to Kanidm with OpenID Connect in
+ Outline's environment file (`docker.env` / `.env`):
+ ```
+ OIDC_CLIENT_ID=outline
+ OIDC_AUTH_URI=https://kanidm.example.com/ui/oauth2
+ OIDC_TOKEN_URI=https://kanidm.example.com/oauth2/token
+ OIDC_USERINFO_URI=https://kanidm.example.com/oauth2/openid/outline/userinfo
+ # Prevent redirect loop on logout
+ # Outline doesn't seem to actually use this.
+ OIDC_USERNAME_CLAIM=preferred_username
+ OIDC_SCOPES=openid profile email
+ ```
+6. Restart Outline and wait for it to come back up again.
+Outline's login form should now show a Continue with Kanidm button,
+which can be used to sign in.
+### Migrating between Outline authentication providers
+> While Outline supports multiple authentication providers, we'd recommend
+> running Outline with a *single* authentication provider (once you've tested
+> it works correctly).
+> When *migrating* from one authentication provider to another, Outline will
+> attempt to match based on email address. This can be vulnerable to account
+> take-over if email addresses are *not* validated in *all* providers and
+> Outline is configured with multiple authentication providers.
+Each Outline user only has a single credential associated with it (provider +
+`sub`), even if Outline is configured to use multiple identity providers. This
+is set to the last-used credential on login (detailed below).
+When using Kanidm, `sub` is the user's UUID, and is stable even if their Kanidm
+account is renamed or changes email address – but Outline will only update the
+email address automatically.
+When a user authenticates to Outline, it will attempt to match the credential
+with an Outline user:
+1. Find a matching user by credential (provider + `sub`).
+2. If there is a matching user, the user is logged in.
+3. Find a matching user by email address.
+4. If there's no matching Outline user with that email address, Outline will
+ create a new user account (if allowed by Security →
+ Access → Allowed domains), and the user is logged in.
+ If a user account is not allowed to be created, the login will be rejected.
+5. If the matching user's credential *is* associated with *this* provider,
+ [Outline will (currently) reject the login attempt](https://github.com/outline/outline/blob/ce987d23edbb7be940d26e2cc7df8c1e51aabc3c/server/commands/userProvisioner.ts#L86-L94).
+6. At this point, the matching user's credential must be associated with a
+ different provider, and it is treated as a migration.
+ Outline replaces the matching user's credential with the one currently used,
+ and logs them in.
+As long as all email addresses are verified *and* unique to a single account in
+each provider, this should allow you to easily and securely migrate from one
+identity provider to another.
+However, if emails are not verified in even a *single* provider, this could make
+Outline vulnerable to account take-over.
+Outline has *no UI* for managing or displaying external credentials, so it's
+difficult to troubleshoot.
+[outline-oidc]: https://docs.getoutline.com/s/hosting/doc/oidc-8CPBm6uC0I
+[outline-pkce]: https://github.com/outline/outline/discussions/7706
+[outline-self]: https://docs.getoutline.com/s/hosting
## ownCloud
> These instructions were tested with ownCloud 10.15.10.