ARG BASE_IMAGE=opensuse/tumbleweed:latest FROM ${BASE_IMAGE} AS repos RUN \ --mount=type=cache,id=zypp,target=/var/cache/zypp \ zypper mr -k repo-oss && \ zypper mr -k repo-update && \ zypper dup -y # ====================== FROM repos EXPOSE 1812 1813 # These all need to be on one line else the rpm cache ends # up in the layers. RUN \ --mount=type=cache,id=zypp,target=/var/cache/zypp \ zypper install -y \ freeradius-client \ freeradius-server \ freeradius-server-python3 \ freeradius-server-utils \ hostname \ python310 \ python310-devel \ python310-pip \ timezone \ iproute2 \ iputils \ openssl \ curl ADD kanidm_rlm_python/mods-available/ /etc/raddb/mods-available/ COPY kanidm_rlm_python/sites-available/ /etc/raddb/sites-available/ # Set a working directory of /etc/raddb WORKDIR /etc/raddb # Enable the python and cache module. RUN ln -s /etc/raddb/mods-available/python3 /etc/raddb/mods-enabled/python3 && \ ln -s /etc/raddb/sites-available/check-eap-tls /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/check-eap-tls # disable auth via methods we don't support! RUN rm /etc/raddb/mods-available/sql && \ rm /etc/raddb/mods-enabled/{passwd,totp} # Allows the radiusd user to write to the directory RUN chown -R radiusd: /etc/raddb && \ chmod 775 /etc/raddb/certs && \ chmod 640 /etc/raddb/clients.conf RUN mkdir -p /pkg/pykanidm/ COPY pykanidm/ /pkg/pykanidm/ # install the package and its dependencies RUN python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir --no-warn-script-location /pkg/pykanidm && \ rm -rf /pkg/* COPY kanidm_rlm_python/ / ENV LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/ ENV KANIDM_CONFIG_FILE="/data/kanidm" USER radiusd CMD [ "/usr/bin/python3", "/" ]