Module kanidm_proto::v1 [−][src]
AccountUnixExtend | |
AuthRequest | |
AuthResponse | |
BackupCodesView | |
Claim | |
CreateRequest | |
CredentialDetail | |
CredentialStatus | |
DeleteRequest | |
Entry | |
Group | |
GroupUnixExtend | |
ModifyList | |
ModifyRequest | |
RadiusAuthToken | |
SearchRequest | |
SearchResponse | |
SingleStringRequest | |
TotpSecret | |
UnixGroupToken | |
UnixUserToken | |
UserAuthToken | The currently authenticated user, and any required metadata for them to properly authorise them. This is similar in nature to oauth and the krb PAC/PAD structures. Currently we only use this internally, but we should consider making it “parseable” by the client so they can have per-session group/authorisation data. |
WhoamiResponse |
AuthAllowed | |
AuthCredential | |
AuthMech | |
AuthState | |
AuthStep | |
AuthType | |
ConsistencyError | |
CredentialDetailType | |
Filter | |
Modify | |
OperationError | |
PluginError | |
SchemaError | |
SetCredentialRequest | |
SetCredentialResponse | |
TotpAlgo |