This account is externally managed. Some features may not be available.
(% when CUExtPortal::Some(url) %)
This account is externally managed. Some features may not be available.
(% else %)
(% endif %)
(% match warning %)
(% when CURegWarning::MfaRequired %)
Multi-Factor Authentication is required for your account. Either add TOTP or remove your password in favour of passkeys to submit.
(% when CURegWarning::PasskeyRequired %)
Passkeys are required for your account.
(% when CURegWarning::AttestedPasskeyRequired %)
Attested Passkeys are required for your account.
(% when CURegWarning::AttestedResidentKeyRequired %)
Attested Resident Keys are required for your account.
(% when CURegWarning::WebauthnAttestationUnsatisfiable %)
A webauthn attestation policy conflict has occurred and you will not be able to save your credentials
(% when CURegWarning::Unsatisfiable %)
An account policy conflict has occurred and you will not be able to save your credentials
(% endmatch %)
(% if is_danger %)
Contact support IMMEDIATELY.
(% endif %)
(% endfor %)
(% endif %)
(% match attested_passkeys_state %)
(% when CUCredState::Modifiable %)
(% include "credentials_update_attested_passkeys.html" %)
(% when CUCredState::DeleteOnly %)
(% if attested_passkeys.len() > 0 %)
(% include "credentials_update_attested_passkeys.html" %)
(% endif %)
(% when CUCredState::AccessDeny %)
(% when CUCredState::PolicyDeny %)
(% endmatch %)
(% match passkeys_state %)
(% when CUCredState::Modifiable %)
(% include "credentials_update_passkeys.html" %)
(% when CUCredState::DeleteOnly %)
(% if passkeys.len() > 0 %)
(% include "credentials_update_passkeys.html" %)
(% endif %)
(% when CUCredState::AccessDeny %)
(% when CUCredState::PolicyDeny %)
(% endmatch %)
(% let primary_state = primary_state %)
(% include "credentials_update_primary.html" %)
Careful- save when you're done: