#![deny(warnings)] #![warn(unused_extern_crates)] #![deny(clippy::todo)] #![deny(clippy::unimplemented)] #![deny(clippy::unwrap_used)] #![deny(clippy::expect_used)] #![deny(clippy::panic)] #![deny(clippy::unreachable)] #![deny(clippy::await_holding_lock)] #![deny(clippy::needless_pass_by_value)] #![deny(clippy::trivially_copy_pass_by_ref)] use std::net::TcpStream; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU16, Ordering}; use kanidm_client::{KanidmClient, KanidmClientBuilder}; use kanidm_proto::v1::{Filter, Modify, ModifyList}; use kanidmd_core::config::{Configuration, IntegrationTestConfig}; use kanidmd_core::{create_server_core, CoreHandle}; use kanidmd_lib::prelude::{ Attribute, BUILTIN_GROUP_IDM_ADMINS_V1, IDM_PEOPLE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_IMPORT_PRIV_V1, IDM_PEOPLE_EXTEND_PRIV_V1, }; use tokio::task; pub const ADMIN_TEST_USER: &str = "admin"; pub const ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD: &str = "integration test admin password"; pub const IDM_ADMIN_TEST_USER: &str = "idm_admin"; pub const IDM_ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD: &str = "integration idm admin password"; pub const NOT_ADMIN_TEST_USERNAME: &str = "krab_test_user"; pub const NOT_ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD: &str = "eicieY7ahchaoCh0eeTa"; pub static PORT_ALLOC: AtomicU16 = AtomicU16::new(18080); pub use testkit_macros::test; use tracing::trace; pub fn is_free_port(port: u16) -> bool { TcpStream::connect(("", port)).is_err() } // Test external behaviours of the service. // allowed because the use of this function is behind a test gate #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn setup_async_test(mut config: Configuration) -> (KanidmClient, CoreHandle) { sketching::test_init(); let mut counter = 0; let port = loop { let possible_port = PORT_ALLOC.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); if is_free_port(possible_port) { break possible_port; } counter += 1; #[allow(clippy::panic)] if counter >= 5 { tracing::error!("Unable to allocate port!"); panic!(); } }; let int_config = Box::new(IntegrationTestConfig { admin_user: ADMIN_TEST_USER.to_string(), admin_password: ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD.to_string(), }); let addr = format!("http://localhost:{}", port); // Setup the address and origin.. config.address = format!("{}", port); config.integration_test_config = Some(int_config); config.domain = "localhost".to_string(); config.origin = addr.clone(); let core_handle = match create_server_core(config, false).await { Ok(val) => val, #[allow(clippy::panic)] Err(_) => panic!("failed to start server core"), }; // We have to yield now to guarantee that the elements are setup. task::yield_now().await; #[allow(clippy::panic)] let rsclient = match KanidmClientBuilder::new() .address(addr.clone()) .no_proxy() .build() { Ok(val) => val, Err(_) => panic!("failed to build client"), }; tracing::info!("Testkit server setup complete - {}", addr); (rsclient, core_handle) } /// creates a user (username: `id`) and puts them into a group, creating it if need be. pub async fn create_user(rsclient: &KanidmClient, id: &str, group_name: &str) { #[allow(clippy::expect_used)] rsclient .idm_person_account_create(id, id) .await .expect("Failed to create the user"); // Create group and add to user to test read attr: member_of #[allow(clippy::panic)] if rsclient .idm_group_get(group_name) .await .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to get group {}", group_name)) .is_none() { #[allow(clippy::panic)] rsclient .idm_group_create(group_name) .await .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to create group {}", group_name)); } #[allow(clippy::panic)] rsclient .idm_group_add_members(group_name, &[id]) .await .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to add user {} to group {}", id, group_name)); } pub async fn create_user_with_all_attrs( rsclient: &KanidmClient, id: &str, optional_group: Option<&str>, ) { let group_format = format!("{}_group", id); let group_name = optional_group.unwrap_or(&group_format); create_user(rsclient, id, group_name).await; add_all_attrs(rsclient, id, group_name, Some(id)).await; } pub async fn add_all_attrs( rsclient: &KanidmClient, id: &str, group_name: &str, legalname: Option<&str>, ) { // Extend with posix attrs to test read attr: gidnumber and loginshell #[allow(clippy::expect_used)] rsclient .idm_person_account_unix_extend(id, None, Some("/bin/sh")) .await .expect("Failed to set shell to /bin/sh for user"); #[allow(clippy::expect_used)] rsclient .idm_group_unix_extend(group_name, None) .await .expect("Failed to extend user group"); for attr in [Attribute::SshPublicKey, Attribute::Mail].into_iter() { println!("Checking writable for {}", attr); #[allow(clippy::expect_used)] let res = is_attr_writable(rsclient, id, attr) .await .expect("Failed to get writable status for attribute"); assert!(res); } if let Some(legalname) = legalname { #[allow(clippy::expect_used)] let res = is_attr_writable(rsclient, legalname, Attribute::LegalName) .await .expect("Failed to get writable status for legalname field"); assert!(res); } // Write radius credentials if id != "anonymous" { login_account(rsclient, id).await; #[allow(clippy::expect_used)] let _ = rsclient .idm_account_radius_credential_regenerate(id) .await .expect("Failed to regen password for user"); #[allow(clippy::expect_used)] rsclient .auth_simple_password(ADMIN_TEST_USER, ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD) .await .expect("Failed to auth with password as admin!"); } } pub async fn is_attr_writable(rsclient: &KanidmClient, id: &str, attr: Attribute) -> Option { println!("writing to attribute: {}", attr); match attr { Attribute::RadiusSecret => Some( rsclient .idm_account_radius_credential_regenerate(id) .await .is_ok(), ), Attribute::PrimaryCredential => Some( rsclient .idm_person_account_primary_credential_set_password(id, "dsadjasiodqwjk12asdl") .await .is_ok(), ), Attribute::SshPublicKey => Some( rsclient .idm_person_account_post_ssh_pubkey( id, "k1", "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAeGW1P6Pc2rPq0XqbRaDKBcXZUPRklo0\ L1EyR30CwoP william@amethyst", ) .await .is_ok(), ), Attribute::UnixPassword => Some( rsclient .idm_person_account_unix_cred_put(id, "dsadjasiodqwjk12asdl") .await .is_ok(), ), Attribute::LegalName => Some( rsclient .idm_person_account_set_attr( id, Attribute::LegalName.as_ref(), &["test legal name"], ) .await .is_ok(), ), Attribute::Mail => Some( rsclient .idm_person_account_set_attr( id, Attribute::Mail.as_ref(), &[&format!("{}@example.com", id)], ) .await .is_ok(), ), entry => { let new_value = match entry { Attribute::AcpReceiverGroup => "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000011".to_string(), Attribute::AcpTargetScope => "{\"and\": [{\"eq\": [\"class\",\"access_control_profile\"]}, {\"andnot\": {\"or\": [{\"eq\": [\"class\", \"tombstone\"]}, {\"eq\": [\"class\", \"recycled\"]}]}}]}".to_string(), _ => id.to_string(), }; let m = ModifyList::new_list(vec![ Modify::Purged(attr.to_string()), Modify::Present(attr.to_string(), new_value), ]); let f = Filter::Eq(Attribute::Name.to_string(), id.to_string()); Some(rsclient.modify(f.clone(), m.clone()).await.is_ok()) } } } pub async fn login_account(rsclient: &KanidmClient, id: &str) { #[allow(clippy::expect_used)] rsclient .idm_group_add_members( IDM_PEOPLE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_IMPORT_PRIV_V1.name, &[ADMIN_TEST_USER], ) .await .expect("Failed to add user to idm_people_account_password_import_priv"); #[allow(clippy::expect_used)] rsclient .idm_group_add_members(IDM_PEOPLE_EXTEND_PRIV_V1.name, &[ADMIN_TEST_USER]) .await .expect("Failed to add user to idm_people_extend_priv"); #[allow(clippy::expect_used)] rsclient .idm_person_account_primary_credential_set_password(id, NOT_ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD) .await .expect("Failed to set password for user"); let _ = rsclient.logout().await; let res = rsclient .auth_simple_password(id, NOT_ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD) .await; // Setup privs println!("{} logged in", id); assert!(res.is_ok()); let res = rsclient .reauth_simple_password(NOT_ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD) .await; println!("{} priv granted for", id); assert!(res.is_ok()); } // Login to the given account, but first login with default admin credentials. // This is necessary when switching between unprivileged accounts, but adds extra calls which // create extra debugging noise, so should be avoided when unnecessary. pub async fn login_account_via_admin(rsclient: &KanidmClient, id: &str) { let _ = rsclient.logout().await; #[allow(clippy::expect_used)] rsclient .auth_simple_password(ADMIN_TEST_USER, ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD) .await .expect("Failed to login as admin!"); login_account(rsclient, id).await } pub async fn test_read_attrs( rsclient: &KanidmClient, id: &str, attrs: &[Attribute], is_readable: bool, ) { println!("Test read to {}, is readable: {}", id, is_readable); #[allow(clippy::expect_used)] let rset = rsclient .search(Filter::Eq(Attribute::Name.to_string(), id.to_string())) .await .expect("Can't get user from search"); #[allow(clippy::expect_used)] let e = rset.first().expect("Failed to get first user from set"); for attr in attrs.iter() { trace!("Reading {}", attr); #[allow(clippy::unwrap_used)] let is_ok = match *attr { Attribute::RadiusSecret => rsclient .idm_account_radius_credential_get(id) .await .unwrap() .is_some(), _ => e.attrs.get(attr.as_ref()).is_some(), }; trace!("is_ok: {}, is_readable: {}", is_ok, is_readable); assert!(is_ok == is_readable) } } pub async fn test_write_attrs( rsclient: &KanidmClient, id: &str, attrs: &[Attribute], is_writeable: bool, ) { println!("Test write to {}, is writeable: {}", id, is_writeable); for attr in attrs.iter() { println!("Writing to {} - ex {}", attr, is_writeable); #[allow(clippy::unwrap_used)] let is_ok = is_attr_writable(rsclient, id, *attr).await.unwrap(); assert!(is_ok == is_writeable) } } pub async fn test_modify_group( rsclient: &KanidmClient, group_names: &[&str], can_be_modified: bool, ) { // need user test created to be added as test part for group in group_names.iter() { println!("Testing group: {}", group); for attr in [Attribute::Description, Attribute::Name].into_iter() { #[allow(clippy::unwrap_used)] let is_writable = is_attr_writable(rsclient, group, attr).await.unwrap(); dbg!(group, attr, is_writable, can_be_modified); assert!(is_writable == can_be_modified) } assert!( rsclient .idm_group_add_members(group, &[NOT_ADMIN_TEST_USERNAME]) .await .is_ok() == can_be_modified ); } } /// Logs in with the admin user and puts them in idm_admins so they can do admin things pub async fn login_put_admin_idm_admins(rsclient: &KanidmClient) { #[allow(clippy::expect_used)] rsclient .auth_simple_password(ADMIN_TEST_USER, ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD) .await .expect("Failed to authenticate as admin!"); #[allow(clippy::expect_used)] rsclient .idm_group_add_members(BUILTIN_GROUP_IDM_ADMINS_V1.name, &[ADMIN_TEST_USER]) .await .expect("Failed to add admin user to idm_admins") }