#!/bin/bash # This sets up a Kanidm environment for doing RADIUS testing. read -r -n 1 -p "This script rather destructively resets the idm_admin and admin passwords and YOLO's its way through setting up a RADIUS user (test) and service account (radius_server) make sure you're not running this on an environment you care deeply about!" PWD="$(pwd)" cd ../kanidmd/daemon || exit 1 echo "Resetting IDM_ADMIN" # set up idm admin account IDM_ADMIN=$(./run_insecure_dev_server.sh recover_account idm_admin -o json 2>&1 | grep -v Running | grep recover_account | jq .result) echo "IDM_ADMIN_PASSWORD: ${IDM_ADMIN}" read -r -n 1 -p "Copy the idm_admin password somewhere and hit enter to continue" # set up idm admin account ADMIN=$(./run_insecure_dev_server.sh recover_account admin -o json 2>&1 | grep -v Running | grep recover_account | jq .result) echo "ADMIN_PASSWORD: ${ADMIN}" read -r -n 1 -p "Copy the admin password somewhere and hit enter to continue" echo -n "Start the server in another terminal" KEEP_GOING=1 while [ $KEEP_GOING -eq 1 ]; do echo -n "." curl -f -s -k https://localhost:8443/status && KEEP_GOING=0 sleep 1 done cd ../../ || exit 1 echo "Logging in as admin" cargo run --bin kanidm -- login --name admin echo "Logging in as idm_admin" cargo run --bin kanidm -- login --name idm_admin echo "Creating person 'test'" cargo run --bin kanidm -- person create test test --name idm_admin echo "Creating group 'radius_access_allowed'" cargo run --bin kanidm -- group create radius_access_allowed --name idm_admin echo "Adding 'test' to group 'radius_access_allowed'" cargo run --bin kanidm -- group add_members radius_access_allowed test --name idm_admin echo "Creating radius secret for 'test'" cargo run --bin kanidm -- person radius generate_secret test --name idm_admin echo "Showing radius secret for 'test'" cargo run --bin kanidm -- person radius show_secret test --name idm_admin read -r -n 1 -p "Copy the RADIUS secret above then press enter to continue" echo "Creating SA 'radius_server'" cargo run --bin kanidm -- service-account create radius_server radius_server --name idm_admin echo "Setting radius_server to be allowed to be a RADIUS server" cargo run --bin kanidm group add_members --name admin idm_radius_servers radius_server echo "Creating API Token for 'radius_server' account" cargo run --bin kanidm -- service-account api-token generate radius_server radius --name admin echo "Copy the API Token above to the config file" echo "blep?"