use proc_macro::TokenStream; use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span}; use quote::{quote, quote_spanned, ToTokens}; use syn::{parse::Parser, punctuated::Punctuated, spanned::Spanned, ExprAssign, Token}; fn token_stream_with_error(mut tokens: TokenStream, error: syn::Error) -> TokenStream { tokens.extend(TokenStream::from(error.into_compile_error())); tokens } const ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES: &[&str] = &["audit", "domain_level"]; #[derive(Default)] struct Flags { audit: bool, } fn parse_attributes( args: &TokenStream, input: &syn::ItemFn, ) -> Result<(proc_macro2::TokenStream, Flags), syn::Error> { let args: Punctuated = match Punctuated::::parse_terminated.parse(args.clone()) { Ok(it) => it, Err(e) => return Err(e), }; let args_are_allowed = args.pairs().all(|p| { ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES.to_vec().contains( &p.value() .left .span() .source_text() .unwrap_or_default() .as_str(), ) }); if !args_are_allowed { let msg = "Invalid test config attribute. The following are allow"; return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned( input.sig.fn_token, format!("{}: {}", msg, ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES.join(", ")), )); } let mut flags = Flags::default(); let mut field_modifications = quote! {}; args.pairs().for_each(|p| { match p .value() .left .span() .source_text() .unwrap_or_default() .as_str() { "audit" => flags.audit = true, _ => { let field_name = p.value().left.to_token_stream(); // here we can use to_token_stream as we know we're iterating over ExprAssigns let field_value = p.value().right.to_token_stream(); field_modifications.extend(quote! { #field_name: #field_value,}) } } }); let ts = quote!(crate::testkit::TestConfiguration { #field_modifications ..crate::testkit::TestConfiguration::default() }); Ok((ts, flags)) } pub(crate) fn qs_test(args: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let input: syn::ItemFn = match syn::parse(item.clone()) { Ok(it) => it, Err(e) => return token_stream_with_error(item, e), }; if let Some(attr) = input.attrs.iter().find(|attr| attr.path().is_ident("test")) { let msg = "second test attribute is supplied"; return token_stream_with_error(item, syn::Error::new_spanned(attr, msg)); }; if input.sig.asyncness.is_none() { let msg = "the `async` keyword is missing from the function declaration"; return token_stream_with_error(item, syn::Error::new_spanned(input.sig.fn_token, msg)); } // If type mismatch occurs, the current rustc points to the last statement. let (last_stmt_start_span, _last_stmt_end_span) = { let mut last_stmt = input .block .stmts .last() .map(ToTokens::into_token_stream) .unwrap_or_default() .into_iter(); // `Span` on stable Rust has a limitation that only points to the first // token, not the whole tokens. We can work around this limitation by // using the first/last span of the tokens like // `syn::Error::new_spanned` does. let start =, |t| t.span()); let end = last_stmt.last().map_or(start, |t| t.span()); (start, end) }; // Setup the config filling the remaining fields with the default values let (default_config_struct, _flags) = match parse_attributes(&args, &input) { Ok(dc) => dc, Err(e) => return token_stream_with_error(args, e), }; let rt = quote_spanned! {last_stmt_start_span=> tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() }; let header = quote! { #[::core::prelude::v1::test] }; let test_fn = &input.sig.ident; let test_driver = Ident::new(&format!("qs_{}", test_fn), input.sig.span()); // Effectively we are just injecting a real test function around this which we will // call. let result = quote! { #input #header fn #test_driver() { let body = async { let test_config = #default_config_struct; #[cfg(feature = "dhat-heap")] let _profiler = dhat::Profiler::new_heap(); let test_server = crate::testkit::setup_test(test_config).await; #test_fn(&test_server).await; #[cfg(feature = "dhat-heap")] drop(_profiler); // Any needed teardown? // Clear the cache before we verify. assert!(test_server.clear_cache().await.is_ok()); // Make sure there are no errors. let verifications = test_server.verify().await; trace!("Verification result: {:?}", verifications); assert_eq!(verifications.len(),0); }; #[allow(clippy::expect_used, clippy::diverging_sub_expression)] { return #rt .enable_all() .build() .expect("Failed building the Runtime") .block_on(body); } } }; result.into() } pub(crate) fn qs_pair_test(args: &TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let input: syn::ItemFn = match syn::parse(item.clone()) { Ok(it) => it, Err(e) => return token_stream_with_error(item, e), }; if let Some(attr) = input.attrs.iter().find(|attr| attr.path().is_ident("test")) { let msg = "second test attribute is supplied"; return token_stream_with_error(item, syn::Error::new_spanned(attr, msg)); }; if input.sig.asyncness.is_none() { let msg = "the `async` keyword is missing from the function declaration"; return token_stream_with_error(item, syn::Error::new_spanned(input.sig.fn_token, msg)); } // If type mismatch occurs, the current rustc points to the last statement. let (last_stmt_start_span, _last_stmt_end_span) = { let mut last_stmt = input .block .stmts .last() .map(ToTokens::into_token_stream) .unwrap_or_default() .into_iter(); // `Span` on stable Rust has a limitation that only points to the first // token, not the whole tokens. We can work around this limitation by // using the first/last span of the tokens like // `syn::Error::new_spanned` does. let start =, |t| t.span()); let end = last_stmt.last().map_or(start, |t| t.span()); (start, end) }; let rt = quote_spanned! {last_stmt_start_span=> tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() }; let header = quote! { #[::core::prelude::v1::test] }; // Setup the config filling the remaining fields with the default values let (default_config_struct, _flags) = match parse_attributes(args, &input) { Ok(dc) => dc, Err(e) => return token_stream_with_error(args.clone(), e), }; let test_fn = &input.sig.ident; let test_driver = Ident::new(&format!("qs_{}", test_fn), input.sig.span()); // Effectively we are just injecting a real test function around this which we will // call. let result = quote! { #input #header fn #test_driver() { let body = async { let test_config = #default_config_struct; #[cfg(feature = "dhat-heap")] let _profiler = dhat::Profiler::new_heap(); let (server_a, server_b) = crate::testkit::setup_pair_test(test_config).await; #test_fn(&server_a, &server_b).await; #[cfg(feature = "dhat-heap")] drop(_profiler); // Any needed teardown? assert!(server_a.clear_cache().await.is_ok()); assert!(server_b.clear_cache().await.is_ok()); // Make sure there are no errors. let verifications_a = server_a.verify().await; let verifications_b = server_b.verify().await; trace!("Verification result: {:?}, {:?}", verifications_a, verifications_b); assert!(verifications_a.len() + verifications_b.len() == 0); }; #[allow(clippy::expect_used, clippy::diverging_sub_expression)] { return #rt .enable_all() .build() .expect("Failed building the Runtime") .block_on(body); } } }; result.into() } pub(crate) fn idm_test(args: &TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let input: syn::ItemFn = match syn::parse(item.clone()) { Ok(it) => it, Err(e) => return token_stream_with_error(item, e), }; if let Some(attr) = input.attrs.iter().find(|attr| attr.path().is_ident("test")) { let msg = "second test attribute is supplied"; return token_stream_with_error(item, syn::Error::new_spanned(attr, msg)); }; if input.sig.asyncness.is_none() { let msg = "the `async` keyword is missing from the function declaration"; return token_stream_with_error(item, syn::Error::new_spanned(input.sig.fn_token, msg)); } // If type mismatch occurs, the current rustc points to the last statement. let (last_stmt_start_span, _last_stmt_end_span) = { let mut last_stmt = input .block .stmts .last() .map(ToTokens::into_token_stream) .unwrap_or_default() .into_iter(); // `Span` on stable Rust has a limitation that only points to the first // token, not the whole tokens. We can work around this limitation by // using the first/last span of the tokens like // `syn::Error::new_spanned` does. let start =, |t| t.span()); let end = last_stmt.last().map_or(start, |t| t.span()); (start, end) }; // Setup the config filling the remaining fields with the default values let (default_config_struct, flags) = match parse_attributes(args, &input) { Ok(dc) => dc, Err(e) => return token_stream_with_error(args.clone(), e), }; let rt = quote_spanned! {last_stmt_start_span=> tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() }; let header = quote! { #[::core::prelude::v1::test] }; let test_fn = &input.sig.ident; let test_driver = Ident::new(&format!("idm_{}", test_fn), input.sig.span()); let test_fn_args = if flags.audit { quote! { &test_server, &mut idms_delayed, &mut idms_audit } } else { quote! { &test_server, &mut idms_delayed } }; // Effectively we are just injecting a real test function around this which we will // call. let result = quote! { #input #header fn #test_driver() { let body = async { let test_config = #default_config_struct; #[cfg(feature = "dhat-heap")] let _profiler = dhat::Profiler::new_heap(); let (test_server, mut idms_delayed, mut idms_audit) = crate::testkit::setup_idm_test(test_config).await; #test_fn(#test_fn_args).await; #[cfg(feature = "dhat-heap")] drop(_profiler); // Any needed teardown? // assert!(test_server.clear_cache().await.is_ok()); // Make sure there are no errors. let mut idm_read_txn = test_server.proxy_read().await.unwrap(); let verifications = idm_read_txn.qs_read.verify(); trace!("Verification result: {:?}", verifications); assert_eq!(verifications.len(),0); idms_delayed.check_is_empty_or_panic(); idms_audit.check_is_empty_or_panic(); }; #[allow(clippy::expect_used, clippy::diverging_sub_expression)] { return #rt .enable_all() .build() .expect("Failed building the Runtime") .block_on(body); } } }; result.into() }