# Frequently Asked Questions ... or ones we think people _might_ ask. ## Why disallow HTTP (without TLS) between my load balancer and Kanidm? Because Kanidm is one of the keys to a secure network, and insecure connections to them are not best practice. Please refer to [Why TLS?](why_tls.md) for a longer explanation. ## Why so many crabs? It's [a rust thing](https://rustacean.net). ## Will you implement -insert protocol here- Probably, on an infinite time-scale! As long as it's not Kerberos. Or involves SSL or STARTTLS. Please log an issue and start the discussion! ## Why do the crabs have knives? Don't [ask](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QaAKi0NFkA). They just [do](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WizH5ae9ozw). ## Why won't you take this FAQ thing seriously? Look, people just haven't asked many questions yet.