use std::collections::BTreeMap; use kanidm_proto::v1::{ AccountUnixExtend, CredentialStatus, Entry, SingleStringRequest, UatStatus, }; use uuid::Uuid; use crate::{ClientError, KanidmClient}; impl KanidmClient { pub async fn idm_person_account_list(&self) -> Result, ClientError> { self.perform_get_request("/v1/person").await } pub async fn idm_person_account_get(&self, id: &str) -> Result, ClientError> { self.perform_get_request(format!("/v1/person/{}", id).as_str()) .await } pub async fn idm_person_account_create( &self, name: &str, displayname: &str, ) -> Result<(), ClientError> { let mut new_acct = Entry { attrs: BTreeMap::new(), }; new_acct .attrs .insert("name".to_string(), vec![name.to_string()]); new_acct .attrs .insert("displayname".to_string(), vec![displayname.to_string()]); self.perform_post_request("/v1/person", new_acct).await } pub async fn idm_person_account_update( &self, id: &str, newname: Option<&str>, displayname: Option<&str>, legalname: Option<&str>, mail: Option<&[String]>, ) -> Result<(), ClientError> { let mut update_entry = Entry { attrs: BTreeMap::new(), }; if let Some(newname) = newname { update_entry .attrs .insert("name".to_string(), vec![newname.to_string()]); } if let Some(newdisplayname) = displayname { update_entry .attrs .insert("displayname".to_string(), vec![newdisplayname.to_string()]); } if let Some(newlegalname) = legalname { update_entry .attrs .insert("legalname".to_string(), vec![newlegalname.to_string()]); } if let Some(mail) = mail { update_entry.attrs.insert("mail".to_string(), mail.to_vec()); } self.perform_patch_request(format!("/v1/person/{}", id).as_str(), update_entry) .await } pub async fn idm_person_account_delete(&self, id: &str) -> Result<(), ClientError> { self.perform_delete_request(["/v1/person/", id].concat().as_str()) .await } pub async fn idm_person_account_add_attr( &self, id: &str, attr: &str, values: &[&str], ) -> Result<(), ClientError> { let msg: Vec<_> = values.iter().map(|v| (*v).to_string()).collect(); self.perform_post_request(format!("/v1/person/{}/_attr/{}", id, attr).as_str(), msg) .await } pub async fn idm_person_account_set_attr( &self, id: &str, attr: &str, values: &[&str], ) -> Result<(), ClientError> { let m: Vec<_> = values.iter().map(|v| (*v).to_string()).collect(); self.perform_put_request(format!("/v1/person/{}/_attr/{}", id, attr).as_str(), m) .await } pub async fn idm_person_account_get_attr( &self, id: &str, attr: &str, ) -> Result>, ClientError> { self.perform_get_request(format!("/v1/person/{}/_attr/{}", id, attr).as_str()) .await } pub async fn idm_person_account_purge_attr( &self, id: &str, attr: &str, ) -> Result<(), ClientError> { self.perform_delete_request(format!("/v1/person/{}/_attr/{}", id, attr).as_str()) .await } pub async fn idm_person_account_primary_credential_import_password( &self, id: &str, pw: &str, ) -> Result<(), ClientError> { self.perform_put_request( format!("/v1/person/{}/_attr/password_import", id).as_str(), vec![pw.to_string()], ) .await } pub async fn idm_person_account_get_credential_status( &self, id: &str, ) -> Result { let res: Result = self .perform_get_request(format!("/v1/person/{}/_credential/_status", id).as_str()) .await; res.and_then(|cs| { if cs.creds.is_empty() { Err(ClientError::EmptyResponse) } else { Ok(cs) } }) } // This helper calls through the credential update session wrappers to pub async fn idm_person_account_primary_credential_set_password( &self, id: &str, pw: &str, ) -> Result<(), ClientError> { let (session_tok, status) = self.idm_account_credential_update_begin(id).await?; trace!(?status); let status = self .idm_account_credential_update_set_password(&session_tok, pw) .await?; trace!(?status); self.idm_account_credential_update_commit(&session_tok) .await } pub async fn idm_person_account_post_ssh_pubkey( &self, id: &str, tag: &str, pubkey: &str, ) -> Result<(), ClientError> { let sk = (tag.to_string(), pubkey.to_string()); self.perform_post_request(format!("/v1/person/{}/_ssh_pubkeys", id).as_str(), sk) .await } pub async fn idm_person_account_delete_ssh_pubkey( &self, id: &str, tag: &str, ) -> Result<(), ClientError> { self.perform_delete_request(format!("/v1/person/{}/_ssh_pubkeys/{}", id, tag).as_str()) .await } pub async fn idm_person_account_unix_extend( &self, id: &str, gidnumber: Option, shell: Option<&str>, ) -> Result<(), ClientError> { let ux = AccountUnixExtend { shell:, gidnumber, }; self.perform_post_request(format!("/v1/person/{}/_unix", id).as_str(), ux) .await } pub async fn idm_person_account_unix_cred_put( &self, id: &str, cred: &str, ) -> Result<(), ClientError> { let req = SingleStringRequest { value: cred.to_string(), }; self.perform_put_request( ["/v1/person/", id, "/_unix/_credential"].concat().as_str(), req, ) .await } pub async fn idm_person_account_unix_cred_delete(&self, id: &str) -> Result<(), ClientError> { self.perform_delete_request(["/v1/person/", id, "/_unix/_credential"].concat().as_str()) .await } pub async fn idm_account_radius_credential_get( &self, id: &str, ) -> Result, ClientError> { self.perform_get_request(format!("/v1/person/{}/_radius", id).as_str()) .await } pub async fn idm_account_radius_credential_regenerate( &self, id: &str, ) -> Result { self.perform_post_request(format!("/v1/person/{}/_radius", id).as_str(), ()) .await } pub async fn idm_account_radius_credential_delete(&self, id: &str) -> Result<(), ClientError> { self.perform_delete_request(format!("/v1/person/{}/_radius", id).as_str()) .await } pub async fn idm_account_list_user_auth_token( &self, id: &str, ) -> Result, ClientError> { self.perform_get_request(format!("/v1/account/{}/_user_auth_token", id).as_str()) .await } pub async fn idm_account_destroy_user_auth_token( &self, id: &str, token_id: Uuid, ) -> Result<(), ClientError> { self.perform_delete_request( format!( "/v1/account/{}/_user_auth_token/{}", id, &token_id.to_string() ) .as_str(), ) .await } }