use crate::error::Error; use crate::state::*; use crate::stats::{BasicStatistics, TestPhase}; use std::sync::Arc; use rand::seq::SliceRandom; use rand::SeedableRng; use rand_chacha::ChaCha8Rng; use crossbeam::queue::{ArrayQueue, SegQueue}; use kanidm_client::{KanidmClient, KanidmClientBuilder}; use tokio::sync::broadcast; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; async fn actor_person( client: KanidmClient, person: Person, stats_queue: Arc>, mut actor_rx: broadcast::Receiver, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut model = person.model.as_dyn_object()?; while let Err(broadcast::error::TryRecvError::Empty) = actor_rx.try_recv() { let event = model.transition(&client, &person).await?; stats_queue.push(event); } debug!("Stopped person {}", person.username); Ok(()) } pub struct EventRecord { pub start: Instant, pub duration: Duration, pub details: EventDetail, } pub enum EventDetail { Login, Logout, PersonSetSelfMail, PersonReauth, Error, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum Signal { Stop, } async fn execute_inner( warmup: Duration, test_time: Option, mut control_rx: broadcast::Receiver, stat_ctrl: Arc>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { // Delay for warmup time. tokio::select! { _ = tokio::time::sleep(warmup) => { // continue. } _ = control_rx.recv() => { // Until we add other signal types, any event is // either Ok(Signal::Stop) or Err(_), both of which indicate // we need to stop immediately. return Err(Error::Interrupt); } } info!("warmup time passed, statistics will now be collected ..."); let start = Instant::now(); if let Err(crossbeam_err) = stat_ctrl.push(TestPhase::Start(start)) { error!( ?crossbeam_err, "Unable to signal statistics collector to start" ); return Err(Error::Crossbeam); } if let Some(test_time) = test_time { let sleep = tokio::time::sleep(test_time); tokio::pin!(sleep); let recv = (control_rx).recv(); tokio::pin!(recv); // Wait for some condition (signal, or time). tokio::select! { _ = sleep => { // continue. } _ = recv => { // Until we add other signal types, any event is // either Ok(Signal::Stop) or Err(_), both of which indicate // we need to stop immediately. debug!("Interrupt"); return Err(Error::Interrupt); } } } else { let _ = control_rx.recv().await; } let end = Instant::now(); if let Err(crossbeam_err) = stat_ctrl.push(TestPhase::End(end)) { error!( ?crossbeam_err, "Unable to signal statistics collector to end" ); return Err(Error::Crossbeam); } Ok(()) } pub async fn execute(state: State, control_rx: broadcast::Receiver) -> Result<(), Error> { // Create a statistics queue. let stats_queue = Arc::new(SegQueue::new()); let stats_ctrl = Arc::new(ArrayQueue::new(4)); // Spawn the stats aggregator let c_stats_queue = stats_queue.clone(); let c_stats_ctrl = stats_ctrl.clone(); let mut dyn_data_collector = BasicStatistics::new(); let stats_task = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move ||, c_stats_ctrl)); // Create clients. Note, we actually seed these deterministically too, so that // or persons are spread over the clients that exist, in a way that is also // deterministic. let mut seeded_rng = ChaCha8Rng::seed_from_u64(state.profile.seed()); let clients = std::iter::once(state.profile.control_uri().to_string()) .chain(state.profile.extra_uris().iter().cloned()) .map(|uri| { KanidmClientBuilder::new() .address(uri) .danger_accept_invalid_hostnames(true) .danger_accept_invalid_certs(true) .build() .map_err(|err| { error!(?err, "Unable to create kanidm client"); Error::KanidmClient }) }) .collect::, _>>()?; let (actor_tx, _actor_rx) = broadcast::channel(1); // Start the actors let mut tasks = Vec::with_capacity(state.persons.len()); for person in state.persons.into_iter() { let client = clients .choose(&mut seeded_rng) .expect("Invalid client set") .new_session() .map_err(|err| { error!(?err, "Unable to create kanidm client"); Error::KanidmClient })?; let c_stats_queue = stats_queue.clone(); let c_actor_rx = actor_tx.subscribe(); tasks.push(tokio::spawn(actor_person( client, person, c_stats_queue, c_actor_rx, ))) } let warmup = state.profile.warmup_time(); let test_time = state.profile.test_time(); // We run a separate test inner so we don't have to worry about // task spawn/join within our logic. let c_stats_ctrl = stats_ctrl.clone(); // Don't ? this, we want to stash the result so we cleanly stop all the workers // before returning the inner test result. let test_result = execute_inner(warmup, test_time, control_rx, c_stats_ctrl).await; info!("stopping stats"); // The statistics collector has been working in the BG, and was likely told // to end by now, but if not (due to an error) send a signal to stop immediately. if let Err(crossbeam_err) = stats_ctrl.push(TestPhase::StopNow) { error!( ?crossbeam_err, "Unable to signal statistics collector to stop" ); return Err(Error::Crossbeam); } info!("stopping workers"); // Test workers to stop actor_tx.send(Signal::Stop).map_err(|broadcast_err| { error!(?broadcast_err, "Unable to signal workers to stop"); Error::Tokio })?; info!("joining workers"); // Join all the tasks. for task in tasks { task.await.map_err(|tokio_err| { error!(?tokio_err, "Failed to join task"); Error::Tokio })??; // The double ? isn't a mistake, it's because this is Result, E> // and flatten is nightly. } // By this point the stats task should have been told to halt and rejoin. stats_task.await.map_err(|tokio_err| { error!(?tokio_err, "Failed to join statistics task"); Error::Tokio })??; // Not an error, two ? to handle the inner data collector error. // Complete! test_result }