use anyhow::Error; use yew::format::{Json, Nothing}; use yew::prelude::*; use yew_services::fetch::{FetchOptions, FetchService, FetchTask, Redirect, Request, Response}; use yew_services::ConsoleService; use crate::manager::Route; use crate::models; pub use kanidm_proto::oauth2::{ AccessTokenRequest, AccessTokenResponse, AuthorisationRequest, CodeChallengeMethod, ConsentRequest, ErrorResponse, }; enum State { // We don't have a token, or something is invalid. LoginRequired, // We are in the process of check the auth token to be sure we can proceed. TokenCheck(String, FetchTask), // Token check done, lets do it. SubmitAuthReq(String, FetchTask), Consent(String, ConsentRequest), ConsentGranted(FetchTask), ErrInvalidRequest, } pub struct Oauth2App { link: ComponentLink, state: State, } pub enum Oauth2Msg { LoginProceed, ConsentGranted, TokenValid, Consent(ConsentRequest), Redirect(String), Error { emsg: String, kopid: Option }, } impl Oauth2App { fn fetch_token_valid(token: &str, link: &ComponentLink) -> Result { let callback = link.callback(move |response: Response>| { let (parts, body) = response.into_parts(); if parts.status.is_success() { Oauth2Msg::TokenValid } else if parts.status == 401 { Oauth2Msg::LoginProceed } else { Oauth2Msg::Error { emsg: body.unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string()), kopid: parts .headers .get("x-kanidm-opid") .map(|id| id.to_str().unwrap().to_string()), } } }); Request::get("/v1/auth/valid") .header("content-type", "application/json") .header("authorization", format!("Bearer {}", token)) .body(Nothing) .map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e)) .and_then(|request| { FetchService::fetch(request, callback).map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e)) }) } fn fetch_authreq( token: &str, authreq: &AuthorisationRequest, link: &ComponentLink, ) -> Result { let callback = link.callback( move |response: Response>>| { let (parts, body) = response.into_parts(); match body { Json(Ok(state)) => Oauth2Msg::Consent(state), Json(Err(e)) => Oauth2Msg::Error { emsg: format!("{:?}", e), kopid: parts .headers .get("x-kanidm-opid") .map(|id| id.to_str().unwrap().to_string()), }, } }, ); Request::post("/oauth2/authorise") .header("content-type", "application/json") .header("authorization", format!("Bearer {}", token)) .body(Json(authreq)) .map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e)) .and_then(|request| { FetchService::fetch_binary(request, callback).map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e)) }) } fn fetch_consent_token( token: &str, consent_token: String, link: &ComponentLink, ) -> Result { let callback = link.callback(move |response: Response, Error>>| { let (parts, _body) = response.into_parts(); let kopid = parts .headers .get("x-kanidm-opid") .map(|id| id.to_str().unwrap().to_string()); if parts.status == 200 { if let Some(loc) = parts .headers .get("location") .and_then(|hv| hv.to_str().ok().map(str::to_string)) { Oauth2Msg::Redirect(loc) } else { Oauth2Msg::Error { emsg: "no location header".to_string(), kopid, } } } else { Oauth2Msg::Error { emsg: "Redirect error".to_string(), kopid, } } }); let options = FetchOptions { cache: None, credentials: None, redirect: Some(Redirect::Manual), mode: None, referrer: None, referrer_policy: None, integrity: None, }; Request::post("/oauth2/authorise/permit") .header("content-type", "application/json") .header("authorization", format!("Bearer {}", token)) .body(Json(&consent_token)) .map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e)) .and_then(|request| { FetchService::fetch_binary_with_options(request, options, callback) .map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e)) }) } } impl Component for Oauth2App { type Message = Oauth2Msg; type Properties = (); fn create(_: Self::Properties, link: ComponentLink) -> Self { ConsoleService::log("oauth2::create"); // Do we have a query here? // Did we get sent a valid Oauth2 request? let query: Option = yew_router::parse_query() .map_err(|e| { let e_msg = format!("lstorage error -> {:?}", e); ConsoleService::log(e_msg.as_str()); }) .ok() .or_else(|| { ConsoleService::log("pop_oauth2_authorisation_request"); models::pop_oauth2_authorisation_request() }); // If we have neither we need to say that we can not proceed at all. let query = match query { Some(q) => q, None => { return Oauth2App { link, state: State::ErrInvalidRequest, }; } }; let e_msg = format!("{:?}", query); ConsoleService::log(e_msg.as_str()); // Push the request down. This covers if we move to LoginRequired. models::push_oauth2_authorisation_request(query); match models::get_bearer_token() { Some(token) => { // Start the fetch req. // Put the fetch handle into the consent type. match Self::fetch_token_valid(token.as_str(), &link) { Ok(ft) => Oauth2App { link, state: State::TokenCheck(token, ft), }, Err(e_msg) => { ConsoleService::log(e_msg.as_str()); Oauth2App { link, state: State::ErrInvalidRequest, } } } } None => Oauth2App { link, state: State::LoginRequired, }, } } fn change(&mut self, _: Self::Properties) -> ShouldRender { ConsoleService::log("oauth2::change"); false } fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender { ConsoleService::log("oauth2::update"); match msg { Oauth2Msg::LoginProceed => { models::push_return_location(models::Location::Oauth2); yew_router::push_route(Route::Login); // Don't need to redraw as we are yolo-ing out. false } Oauth2Msg::TokenValid => { // Okay we can proceed, pop the query. let ar = models::pop_oauth2_authorisation_request(); self.state = match (&self.state, ar) { (State::TokenCheck(token, _), Some(ar)) => { match Self::fetch_authreq(&token, &ar, & { Ok(ft) => State::SubmitAuthReq(token.clone(), ft), Err(e_msg) => { ConsoleService::log(e_msg.as_str()); State::ErrInvalidRequest } } } _ => { ConsoleService::log("Invalid state transition"); State::ErrInvalidRequest } }; true } Oauth2Msg::Consent(consent_req) => { self.state = match &self.state { State::SubmitAuthReq(token, _) => State::Consent(token.clone(), consent_req), _ => { ConsoleService::log("Invalid state transition"); State::ErrInvalidRequest } }; true } Oauth2Msg::ConsentGranted => { self.state = match &self.state { State::Consent(token, consent_req) => { match Self::fetch_consent_token( &token, consent_req.consent_token.clone(), &, ) { Ok(ft) => State::ConsentGranted(ft), Err(e) => { ConsoleService::log(e.as_str()); State::ErrInvalidRequest } } } _ => { ConsoleService::log("Invalid state transition"); State::ErrInvalidRequest } }; // We need to send off fetch task here. true } Oauth2Msg::Error { emsg, kopid } => { self.state = State::ErrInvalidRequest; ConsoleService::log(format!("{:?}", kopid).as_str()); ConsoleService::log(emsg.as_str()); true } Oauth2Msg::Redirect(loc) => { ConsoleService::log(format!("Redirecting to {}", loc).as_str()); // Send the location here, and then update will trigger the redir via // // see let location = yew::utils::window().location(); match location.replace(loc.as_str()) { // No need to redraw, we are leaving. Ok(_) => false, Err(e) => { // Something went bang, opps. ConsoleService::log(format!("{:?}", e).as_str()); self.state = State::ErrInvalidRequest; true } } } } } fn rendered(&mut self, _first_render: bool) { ConsoleService::log("oauth2::rendered"); } fn view(&self) -> Html { match &self.state { State::LoginRequired => { html! {

{" Sign in to proceed" }

} } State::Consent(_, query) => { let client_name = query.client_name.clone(); html! {

{"Consent to Proceed to " }{ client_name }

} } State::ConsentGranted(_) | State::SubmitAuthReq(_, _) | State::TokenCheck(_, _) => { html! {

{ " ... " }

} } State::ErrInvalidRequest => { html! {

{ " ❌ " }

} } } } fn destroy(&mut self) { ConsoleService::log("oauth2::destroy"); } }