use gloo::console; use wasm_bindgen::{JsCast, UnwrapThrowExt}; pub use web_sys::InputEvent; use web_sys::{Document, Event, HtmlInputElement, Window}; pub fn window() -> Window { web_sys::window().expect("Unable to retrieve window") } pub fn document() -> Document { window().document().expect("Unable to retrieve document") } pub fn autofocus() { // Once rendered if an element with id autofocus exists, focus it. let doc = document(); if let Some(element) = doc.get_element_by_id("autofocus") { if let Ok(htmlelement) = element.dyn_into::() { if htmlelement.focus().is_err() { console::log!("unable to autofocus."); } } } } pub fn get_value_from_input_event(e: InputEvent) -> String { let event: Event = e.dyn_into().unwrap_throw(); let event_target =; let target: HtmlInputElement = event_target.dyn_into().unwrap_throw(); target.value() }