use actix::SystemRunner; use actix_web::{ error, http, middleware, App, AsyncResponder, Error, FutureResponse, HttpMessage, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Path, State, }; use bytes::BytesMut; use futures::{future, Future, Stream}; use super::config::Configuration; use super::event::{CreateEvent, SearchEvent, SearchResult}; use super::filter::Filter; use super::log; use super::proto_v1::{CreateRequest, Response, SearchRequest, SearchResponse}; use super::server; struct AppState { qe: actix::Addr, max_size: usize, } macro_rules! json_event_decode { ($req:expr, $state:expr, $event_type:ty, $response_type:ty, $message_type:ty) => {{ // This is copied every request. Is there a better way? // The issue is the fold move takes ownership of state if // we don't copy this here let max_size = $state.max_size; // HttpRequest::payload() is stream of Bytes objects $req.payload() // `Future::from_err` acts like `?` in that it coerces the error type from // the future into the final error type .from_err() // `fold` will asynchronously read each chunk of the request body and // call supplied closure, then it resolves to result of closure .fold(BytesMut::new(), move |mut body, chunk| { // limit max size of in-memory payload if (body.len() + chunk.len()) > max_size { Err(error::ErrorBadRequest("overflow")) } else { body.extend_from_slice(&chunk); Ok(body) } }) // `Future::and_then` can be used to merge an asynchronous workflow with a // synchronous workflow .and_then( move |body| -> Box> { // body is loaded, now we can deserialize serde-json // let r_obj = serde_json::from_slice::(&body); let r_obj = serde_json::from_slice::<$message_type>(&body); // Send to the db for create match r_obj { Ok(obj) => { let res = $state .qe .send( // Could make this a .into_inner() and move? // event::SearchEvent::new(obj.filter), <($event_type)>::from_request(obj), ) .from_err() .and_then(|res| match res { Ok(event_result) => { Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().json(event_result.response())) } Err(e) => Ok(HttpResponse::InternalServerError().json(e)), }); Box::new(res) } Err(e) => Box::new(future::err(error::ErrorBadRequest(format!( "Json Decode Failed: {:?}", e )))), } }, ) }}; } // Handle the various end points we need to expose /// simple handle fn index(req: &HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse { println!("{:?}", req); HttpResponse::Ok().body("Hello\n") } fn class_list((_name, state): (Path, State)) -> FutureResponse { // println!("request to class_list"); let filt = Filter::Pres(String::from("objectclass")); state .qe .send( // This is where we need to parse the request into an event // LONG TERM // Make a search REQUEST, and create the audit struct here, then // pass it to the server // // FIXME: Don't use SEARCHEVENT here!!!! // SearchEvent::from_request(SearchRequest::new(filt)), ) // TODO: How to time this part of the code? // What does this do? .from_err() .and_then(|res| match res { // What type is entry? Ok(search_result) => Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().json(search_result.response())), // Ok(_) => Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().into()), // Can we properly report this? Err(_) => Ok(HttpResponse::InternalServerError().into()), }) // What does this do? .responder() } fn create( (req, state): (HttpRequest, State), ) -> impl Future { json_event_decode!(req, state, CreateEvent, Response, CreateRequest) } fn search( (req, state): (HttpRequest, State), ) -> impl Future { json_event_decode!(req, state, SearchEvent, SearchResponse, SearchRequest) } pub fn create_server_core(config: Configuration) { // Configure the middleware logger ::std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "actix_web=info"); env_logger::init(); // Until this point, we probably want to write to stderr // Start up the logging system: for now it just maps to stderr let log_addr = log::start(); log_event!(log_addr, "Starting rsidm with configuration: {:?}", config); // Start the query server with the given be path: future config let server_addr = server::start(log_addr.clone(), config.db_path.as_str(), config.threads); // Copy the max size let max_size = config.maximum_request; // start the web server actix_web::server::new(move || { App::with_state(AppState { qe: server_addr.clone(), max_size: max_size, }) // Connect all our end points here. .middleware(middleware::Logger::default()) .resource("/", |r| r.f(index)) // curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{ "entries": [ {"attrs": {"class": ["group"], "name": ["testgroup"], "description": ["testperson"]}}]}' .resource("/v1/create", |r| { r.method(http::Method::POST).with_async(create) }) // curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{ "filter" : { "Eq": ["class", "user"] }}' .resource("/v1/search", |r| { r.method(http::Method::POST).with_async(search) }) // Add an ldap compat search function type? .resource("/v1/list/{class_list}", |r| { r.method(http::Method::GET).with(class_list) }) }) .bind(config.address) .unwrap() .start(); }