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synced 2025-02-24 13:07:00 +01:00
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165 lines
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use std::fs::File;
use std::path::Path;
use std::time::Duration;
use uuid::Uuid;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use crate::data::*;
const N_USERS: usize = 3000;
const N_GROUPS: usize = 1500;
const N_MEMBERSHIPS: usize = 10;
const N_NEST: usize = 4;
pub(crate) fn doit(output: &Path) {
"Performing data generation into {}",
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
error!("Too many memberships per group. Memberships must be less that n-groups");
// Open before we start so we have it ready to go.
let out_file = match File::create(output) {
Ok(f) => f,
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to open {} - {:?}", output.to_str().unwrap(), e);
// Number of users
let accounts: Vec<_> = (0..N_USERS)
.map(|i| Account {
name: format!("testuser{}", i),
display_name: format!("Test User {}", i),
password: readable_password_from_random(),
uuid: Uuid::new_v4(),
// Number of groups.
let mut groups: Vec<_> = (0..N_GROUPS)
.map(|i| Group {
name: format!("testgroup{}", i),
uuid: Uuid::new_v4(),
members: Vec::new(),
// Should groups be randomly nested?
// The way this is done is we split the array based on nest level. If it's 1, we split
// in 2, 2 we split in 3 and so on.
if N_NEST > 0 {
debug!("Nesting Groups");
let chunk_size = N_GROUPS / (N_NEST + 1);
if chunk_size == 0 {
error!("Unable to chunk groups, need (N_GROUPS / (N_NEST + 1)) > 0");
let mut chunk_iter = groups.chunks_mut(chunk_size);
// Can't fail due to above checks.
let mut p_chunk = chunk_iter.next().unwrap();
// while let Some(w_chunk) = chunk_iter.next() {
for w_chunk in chunk_iter {
// add items from work chunk to parent chunk
.for_each(|(p, w): (&mut _, &_)| p.members.push(w.uuid));
// swap w_chunk to p_chunk
p_chunk = w_chunk;
// Number of memberships per user.
// We use rand for this to sample random numbers of
for acc in accounts.iter() {
// Sample randomly.
for idx in rand::seq::index::sample(&mut rng, N_GROUPS, N_MEMBERSHIPS).iter() {
// Build from the generated data above.
let all_entities: HashMap<Uuid, Entity> = accounts
.map(|acc| (acc.uuid, Entity::Account(acc)))
.chain(groups.into_iter().map(|grp| (grp.uuid, Entity::Group(grp))))
// Define the entries that should exist "at the start of the test". For now, we just
// create everything. Maybe when we start to add mod tests we need to retain a pool
// of things to retain here for those ops.
let precreate: HashSet<_> = all_entities.keys().copied().collect();
// The set of accounts in all_entities.
let accounts: HashSet<Uuid> = all_entities
.filter_map(|(uuid, ent)| match ent {
Entity::Account(_) => Some(*uuid),
_ => None,
// This defines a map of "entity" to "what can it manipulate". This
// is used to create access controls in some cases for mod tests.
// For example, if we have user with uuid X and it changes Group with
// uuid Y, then we need to ensure that X has group-mod permissions over
// Y in some capacity.
let access: HashMap<Uuid, Vec<EntityType>> = HashMap::new();
// The set of operations to simulate. We pre-calc these so tests can randomly
// sample and perform the searches as needed.
// We don't have original times, so we can fudge these.
let orig_etime = Duration::from_secs(1);
let rtime = Duration::from_secs(1);
// Needed for random sampling.
let all_ids: Vec<_> = all_entities.keys().copied().collect();
let all_ids_len = all_ids.len();
let connections: Vec<_> = (0..all_ids_len)
.map(|id| {
// Could be rand?
let n_search = 1;
let mut search_ids = Vec::new();
for idx in rand::seq::index::sample(&mut rng, all_ids_len, n_search).iter() {
Conn {
id: id as i32,
ops: vec![Op {
op_type: OpType::Search(search_ids),
let td = TestData {
if let Err(e) = serde_json::to_writer_pretty(out_file, &td) {
error!("Writing to file -> {:?}", e);