2023-06-13 14:26:50 +10:00

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# The sync account token as generated by "system sync generate-token".
sync_token = "eyJhb..."
# A cron-like expression of when to run when in scheduled mode. The format is:
# sec min hour day of month month day of week year
# The default of this value is "0 */5 * * * * *" which means "run every 5 minutes".
# schedule = ""
# If you want to monitor the status of the scheduled sync tool (you should)
# then you can set a bind address here.
# If not set, defaults to no status listener.
# status_bind = ""
# The LDAP URI to the server. This MUST be LDAPS. You should connect to a unique single
# server in the LDAP topology rather than via a load balancer or dns srv records. This
# is to prevent replication conflicts and issues due to how 389-ds and openldap sync works.
ldap_uri = "ldaps://specific-server.ldap.kanidm.com"
# Path to the LDAP CA certificate in PEM format.
ldap_ca = "/path/to/kanidm-ldap-ca.pem"
# The DN of an account with content sync rights. On 389-ds, by default cn=Directory Manager has
# this access. On OpenLDAP you must grant this access.
ldap_sync_dn = "cn=Directory Manager"
ldap_sync_pw = "directory manager password"
# The basedn to search
ldap_sync_base_dn = "dc=ldap,dc=dev,dc=kanidm,dc=com"
# Filter the entries that are synchronised with this filter
# NOTE: attribute-value-assertions with spaces require quoting!
ldap_filter = "(|(objectclass=person)(objectclass=posixgroup))"
# ldap_filter = "(cn=\"my value\")"
# The objectclass used to identify persons to import to Kanidm.
# If not set, defaults to "person"
# person_objectclass = ""
# Attribute mappings. These allow you to bind values from your directory server
# to the values that Kanidm will import.
# person_attr_user_name = "uid"
# person_attr_display_name = "cn"
# person_attr_gidnumber = = "uidnumber"
# person_attr_login_shell = "loginshell"
# person_attr_password = "userpassword"
# If the password value requires a prefix for Kanidm to import it, this can be optionally
# provided here.
# person_password_prefix = ""
# The objectclass used to identify groups to import to Kanidm.
# If not set, defaults to "groupofnames"
# group_objectclass = ""
# Attribute mappings. These allow you to bind values from your directory server
# to the values that Kanidm will import.
# group_attr_name = "cn"
# group_attr_description = "description"
# group_attr_member = "member"
# group_attr_gidnumber = "gidnumber"
# The sync tool can alter or exclude entries. These are mapped by their syncuuid
# The syncuuid is derived from nsUniqueId in 389-ds. It is the entryUUID for OpenLDAP
# This is chosen oven DN because DN's can change with modrdn where nsUniqueId/entryUUID is
# immutable and requires an entry to be deleted and recreated.
# my-problematic-entry
exclude = true