James Hodgkinson 3b3c029e30
#3387 - RADIUS Startup fixin's (#3388)
* fix: outdated poetry.toml entries
* fix: better handling errors on startup in radius_entrypoint
* fix: radiusd eap config, removing dh_file per error message in freeradius startup
* fix: updating docs to be a little clearer and reflect new config
* fix: fixing up handling dhparam, trying to throw better errors
* fix: unified how the config path is found in pykanidm radius, new default config path


Co-authored-by: Firstyear <william@blackhats.net.au>
2025-02-04 09:30:25 +00:00

71 lines
1.9 KiB

ARG BASE_IMAGE=opensuse/tumbleweed:latest
# ARG BASE_IMAGE=opensuse/leap:15.5
# FROM ${BASE_IMAGE} as repos
ADD ../scripts/zypper_fixing.sh /zypper_fixing.sh
RUN /zypper_fixing.sh
# ======================
# FROM repos
EXPOSE 1812 1813
RUN zypper install -y \
freeradius-client \
freeradius-server \
freeradius-server-python3 \
freeradius-server-utils \
hostname \
python3 \
python3-devel \
python3-pip \
timezone \
iproute2 \
iputils \
openssl \
# Don't put in the TZ at build time - it needs to be bind mounted at runtime
# else we are forcing things on people.
# RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone
ADD rlm_python/mods-available/ /etc/raddb/mods-available/
COPY rlm_python/sites-available/ /etc/raddb/sites-available/
# Set a working directory of /etc/raddb
WORKDIR /etc/raddb
# Enable the python and cache module.
RUN ln -s /etc/raddb/mods-available/python3 /etc/raddb/mods-enabled/python3 && \
ln -s /etc/raddb/sites-available/check-eap-tls /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/check-eap-tls
# disable auth via methods we don't support!
RUN rm /etc/raddb/mods-available/sql && \
rm /etc/raddb/mods-enabled/{passwd,totp}
# Allows the radiusd user to write to the directory
RUN chown -R $RADIUS_USER. /etc/raddb/ && \
chmod 775 /etc/raddb/certs && \
chmod 640 /etc/raddb/clients.conf
RUN mkdir -p /pkg/pykanidm/
COPY pykanidm/ /pkg/pykanidm/
# install the package and its dependencies
RUN python3 -m pip install \
--break-system-packages \
--no-cache-dir \
--no-warn-script-location \
COPY rlm_python/radius_entrypoint.py /radius_entrypoint.py
RUN mkdir /data && chown radiusd /data
RUN chmod a+r /etc/raddb/certs/ -R
CMD [ "/usr/bin/python3", "/radius_entrypoint.py" ]