Firstyear e9cb71b9a7
Add tooling for accounts to self-set their password (#107)
Partially Implements #6 - add ability for accounts to self set password. This is good for now, as I get closer to a trial radius deployment, but I think I'm finding the rest api probably needs a better plan at this point, as well as probably the way we do the proto and the communication needs some more thoughts too.
2019-09-27 09:59:23 +10:00

204 lines
5.9 KiB

extern crate log;
extern crate actix;
use actix::prelude::*;
extern crate kanidm;
extern crate kanidm_client;
extern crate kanidm_proto;
extern crate serde_json;
use kanidm_client::KanidmClient;
use kanidm::config::{Configuration, IntegrationTestConfig};
use kanidm::core::create_server_core;
use kanidm_proto::v1::Entry;
extern crate reqwest;
extern crate futures;
// use futures::future;
// use futures::future::Future;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::thread;
extern crate env_logger;
extern crate tokio;
static PORT_ALLOC: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(8080);
static ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD: &'static str = "integration test admin password";
static ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD_CHANGE: &'static str = "integration test admin new🎉";
// Test external behaviorus of the service.
fn run_test(test_fn: fn(KanidmClient) -> ()) {
// ::std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "actix_web=debug,kanidm=debug");
let _ = env_logger::builder().is_test(true).try_init();
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
let port = PORT_ALLOC.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
let int_config = Box::new(IntegrationTestConfig {
admin_password: ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD.to_string(),
let mut config = Configuration::new();
config.address = format!("{}", port);
config.secure_cookies = false;
config.integration_test_config = Some(int_config);
// Setup the config ...
thread::spawn(move || {
// Spawn a thread for the test runner, this should have a unique
// port....
System::run(move || {
// This appears to be bind random ...
// let srv = srv.bind("").unwrap();
let _ = tx.send(System::current());
let sys = rx.recv().unwrap();
// Do we need any fixtures?
// Yes probably, but they'll need to be futures as well ...
// later we could accept fixture as it's own future for re-use
// Setup the client, and the address we selected.
let addr = format!("{}", port);
let rsclient = KanidmClient::new(addr.as_str(), None);
// We DO NOT need teardown, as sqlite is in mem
// let the tables hit the floor
let _ = sys.stop();
fn test_server_create() {
run_test(|rsclient: KanidmClient| {
let e: Entry = serde_json::from_str(
"attrs": {
"class": ["person", "account"],
"name": ["testperson"],
"displayname": ["testperson"]
// Not logged in - should fail!
let res = rsclient.create(vec![e.clone()]);
let a_res = rsclient.auth_simple_password("admin", ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD);
let res = rsclient.create(vec![e]);
fn test_server_whoami_anonymous() {
run_test(|rsclient: KanidmClient| {
// First show we are un-authenticated.
let pre_res = rsclient.whoami();
// This means it was okay whoami, but no uat attached.
// Now login as anonymous
let res = rsclient.auth_anonymous();
// Now do a whoami.
let (_e, uat) = match rsclient.whoami().unwrap() {
Some((e, uat)) => (e, uat),
None => panic!(),
debug!("{}", uat);
assert!(uat.name == "anonymous");
fn test_server_whoami_admin_simple_password() {
run_test(|rsclient: KanidmClient| {
// First show we are un-authenticated.
let pre_res = rsclient.whoami();
// This means it was okay whoami, but no uat attached.
let res = rsclient.auth_simple_password("admin", ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD);
// Now do a whoami.
let (_e, uat) = match rsclient.whoami().unwrap() {
Some((e, uat)) => (e, uat),
None => panic!(),
debug!("{}", uat);
assert!(uat.name == "admin");
fn test_server_search() {
run_test(|rsclient: KanidmClient| {
// First show we are un-authenticated.
let pre_res = rsclient.whoami();
// This means it was okay whoami, but no uat attached.
let res = rsclient.auth_simple_password("admin", ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD);
let rset = rsclient
.search_str("{\"Eq\":[\"name\", \"admin\"]}")
println!("{:?}", rset);
let e = rset.first().unwrap();
// Check it's admin.
println!("{:?}", e);
let name = e.attrs.get("name").unwrap();
assert!(name == &vec!["admin".to_string()]);
fn test_server_admin_change_simple_password() {
run_test(|mut rsclient: KanidmClient| {
// First show we are un-authenticated.
let pre_res = rsclient.whoami();
// This means it was okay whoami, but no uat attached.
let res = rsclient.auth_simple_password("admin", ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD);
// Now change the password.
let _ = rsclient
// Now "reset" the client.
let _ = rsclient.logout();
// Old password fails
let res = rsclient.auth_simple_password("admin", ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD);
// New password works!
let res = rsclient.auth_simple_password("admin", ADMIN_TEST_PASSWORD_CHANGE);
// Test hitting all auth-required endpoints and assert they give unauthorized.