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<ol class="chapter"><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="intro.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">1.</strong> Introduction to Kanidm</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="installing_the_server.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">2.</strong> Installing the Server</a></li><li><ol class="section"><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="choosing_a_domain_name.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">2.1.</strong> Choosing a Domain Name</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="prepare_the_server.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">2.2.</strong> Preparing for your Deployment</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="server_configuration.html" class="active"><strong aria-hidden="true">2.3.</strong> Server Configuration and Install</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="server_update.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">2.4.</strong> Server Updates</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="security_hardening.html"><strong 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<h1 id="configuring-the-server"><a class="header" href="#configuring-the-server">Configuring the Server</a></h1>
<h2 id="configuring-servertoml"><a class="header" href="#configuring-servertoml">Configuring server.toml</a></h2>
<p>You need a configuration file in the volume named <code>server.toml</code>. (Within the container it should be
<code>/data/server.toml</code>) Its contents should be as follows:</p>
<pre><code class="language-toml"># The webserver bind address. Will use HTTPS if tls_*
# is provided. If set to 443 you may require the
# NET_BIND_SERVICE capability.
# Defaults to ""
bindaddress = "[::]:8443"
# The read-only ldap server bind address. The server
# will use LDAPS if tls_* is provided. If set to 636
# you may require the NET_BIND_SERVICE capability.
# Defaults to "" (disabled)
# ldapbindaddress = "[::]:3636"
# HTTPS requests can be reverse proxied by a loadbalancer.
# To preserve the original IP of the caller, these systems
# will often add a header such as "Forwarded" or
# "X-Forwarded-For". If set to true, then this header is
# respected as the "authoritative" source of the IP of the
# connected client. If you are not using a load balancer
# then you should leave this value as default.
# Defaults to false
# trust_x_forward_for = false
# The path to the kanidm database.
db_path = "/data/kanidm.db"
# If you have a known filesystem, kanidm can tune database
# to match. Valid choices are:
# [zfs, other]
# If you are unsure about this leave it as the default
# (other). After changing this
# value you must run a vacuum task.
# - zfs:
# * sets database pagesize to 64k. You must set
# recordsize=64k on the zfs filesystem.
# - other:
# * sets database pagesize to 4k, matching most
# filesystems block sizes.
# db_fs_type = "zfs"
# The number of entries to store in the in-memory cache.
# Minimum value is 256. If unset
# an automatic heuristic is used to scale this.
# db_arc_size = 2048
# TLS chain and key in pem format. Both must be present
tls_chain = "/data/chain.pem"
tls_key = "/data/key.pem"
# The log level of the server. May be default, verbose,
# perfbasic, perffull
# Defaults to "default"
# log_level = "default"
# The DNS domain name of the server. This is used in a
# number of security-critical contexts
# such as webauthn, so it *must* match your DNS
# hostname. It is used to create
# security principal names such as `william@idm.example.com`
# so that in a (future)
# trust configuration it is possible to have unique Service
# Principal Names (spns) throughout the topology.
# ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️
# Changing this value WILL break many types of registered
# credentials for accounts
# including but not limited to webauthn, oauth tokens, and more.
# If you change this value you *must* run
# `kanidmd domain_name_change` immediately after.
domain = "idm.example.com"
# The origin for webauthn. This is the url to the server,
# with the port included if
# it is non-standard (any port except 443). This must match
# or be a descendent of the
# domain name you configure above. If these two items are
# not consistent, the server WILL refuse to start!
# origin = "https://idm.example.com"
origin = "https://idm.example.com:8443"
# The role of this server. This affects available features
# and how replication may interact.
# Valid roles are:
# - WriteReplica
# This server provides all functionality of Kanidm. It
# allows authentication, writes, and
# the web user interface to be served.
# - WriteReplicaNoUI
# This server is the same as a WriteReplica, but does NOT
# offer the web user interface.
# - ReadOnlyReplica
# This server will not writes initiated by clients. It
# supports authentication and reads,
# and must have a replication agreement as a source of
# its data.
# Defaults to "WriteReplica".
# role = "WriteReplica"
# [online_backup]
# The path to the output folder for online backups
# path = "/var/lib/kanidm/backups/"
# The schedule to run online backups (see https://crontab.guru/)
# every day at 22:00 UTC (default)
# schedule = "00 22 * * *"
# four times a day at 3 minutes past the hour, every 6th hours
# schedule = "03 */6 * * *"
# Number of backups to keep (default 7)
# versions = 7
<p>This example is located in
<a href="https://github.com/kanidm/kanidm/blob/master/examples/server_container.toml">examples/server_container.toml</a>.</p>
<!-- deno-fmt-ignore-start -->
<td rowspan=2><img src="images/kani-warning.png" alt="Kani Warning" /></td>
<td>You MUST set the `domain` name correctly, aligned with your `origin`, else the server may refuse to start or some features (e.g. webauthn, oauth) may not work correctly!</td>
<!-- deno-fmt-ignore-end -->
<h2 id="check-the-configuration-is-valid"><a class="header" href="#check-the-configuration-is-valid">Check the configuration is valid</a></h2>
<p>You should test your configuration is valid before you proceed.</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">docker run --rm -i -t -v kanidmd:/data \
kanidm/server:latest /sbin/kanidmd configtest -c /data/server.toml
<h2 id="default-admin-account"><a class="header" href="#default-admin-account">Default Admin Account</a></h2>
<p>Then you can setup the initial admin account and initialise the database into your volume. This
command will generate a new random password for the admin account.</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">docker run --rm -i -t -v kanidmd:/data \
kanidm/server:latest /sbin/kanidmd recover_account -c /data/server.toml admin
# success - recover_account password for user admin: vv...
<h2 id="run-the-server"><a class="header" href="#run-the-server">Run the Server</a></h2>
<p>Now we can run the server so that it can accept connections. This defaults to using
<code>-c /data/server.toml</code></p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">docker run -p 443:8443 -v kanidmd:/data kanidm/server:latest
<h2 id="using-the-net_bind_service-capability"><a class="header" href="#using-the-net_bind_service-capability">Using the NET_BIND_SERVICE capability</a></h2>
<p>If you plan to run without using docker port mapping or some other reverse proxy, and your
bindaddress or ldapbindaddress port is less than <code>1024</code> you will need the <code>NET_BIND_SERVICE</code> in
docker to allow these port binds. You can add this with <code>--cap-add</code> in your docker run command.</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">docker run --cap-add NET_BIND_SERVICE --network [host OR macvlan OR ipvlan] \
-v kanidmd:/data kanidm/server:latest
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