2024-09-10 00:36:50 +00:00

176 lines
6.1 KiB

"""User Auth Token related widgets"""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
import base64
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from authlib.jose import JsonWebSignature # type: ignore
from pydantic import ConfigDict, BaseModel, Field
from . import TOKEN_PATH
class JWSHeader(BaseModel):
"""JWS Header Parser"""
class JWSHeaderJWK(BaseModel):
"""JWS Header Sub-bit"""
kty: str
crv: str
x: str
y: str
alg: str
use: str
alg: str
typ: str
jwk: JWSHeaderJWK
model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)
class JWSPayload(BaseModel):
"""JWS Payload parser"""
session_id: str
auth_type: str
# TODO: work out the format of the expiry
# example expiry: 2022,265,28366,802525000
expiry: List[int] # [year, day of year, something?]
uuid: str
name: str
displayname: str
spn: str
mail_primary: Optional[str] = None
lim_uidx: bool
lim_rmax: int
lim_pmax: int
lim_fmax: int
def expiry_datetime(self) -> datetime:
"""parse the expiry and return a datetime object"""
year, day, seconds, _ = self.expiry
retval = datetime(year=year, month=1, day=1, second=0, hour=0, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
# day - 1 because we're already starting at day 1
retval += timedelta(days=day - 1, seconds=seconds)
return retval
class JWS:
"""JWS parser"""
def __init__(self, raw: str) -> None:
"""raw is the raw string version of the JWS"""
data = self.parse(raw)
self.header = data[0]
self.payload = data[1]
self.signature = data[2]
def parse(cls, raw: str) -> Tuple[JWSHeader, JWSPayload, bytes]:
"""parse a raw JWS"""
if "." not in raw:
raise ValueError("Invalid number of segments, there's no . in the raw JWS")
split_raw = raw.split(".")
if len(split_raw) != 3:
raise ValueError("Invalid number of segments")
raw_header = split_raw[0]
logging.debug("Parsing header: %s", raw_header)
padded_header = raw_header + "=" * divmod(len(raw_header), 4)[0]
decoded_header = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(padded_header)
logging.debug("decoded_header=%s", decoded_header)
header = JWSHeader.model_validate(json.loads(decoded_header.decode("utf-8")))
logging.debug("header: %s", header)
raw_payload = split_raw[1]
logging.debug("Parsing payload: %s", raw_payload)
padded_payload = raw_payload + "=" * divmod(len(raw_payload), 4)[1]
payload = JWSPayload.model_validate_json(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(padded_payload))
raw_signature = split_raw[2]
logging.debug("Parsing signature: %s", raw_signature)
padded_signature = raw_signature + "=" * divmod(len(raw_signature), 4)[1]
signature = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(padded_signature)
return header, payload, signature
class ConfigInstance(BaseModel):
"""Configuration Instance"""
keys: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = Field(dict())
tokens: Dict[str, str] = Field(dict())
class TokenStore(BaseModel):
"""Represents the user auth tokens, so we can load them from the user store"""
instances: Dict[str, ConfigInstance] = Field({"" : {}})
def save(self, filepath: Path = TOKEN_PATH) -> None:
"""saves the cached tokens to disk"""
data = self.model_dump_json(indent=2)
with filepath.expanduser().resolve().open(mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as file_handle:
def load(self, overwrite: bool = True, filepath: Path = TOKEN_PATH) -> None:
"""Loads the tokens from from the store and caches them in memory - by default
from the local user's store path, but you can point it at any file path.
If overwrite=False, then it will add them to the existing in-memory store"""
token_path = filepath.expanduser().resolve()
if not token_path.exists():
tokens = TokenStore.model_validate({})
with token_path.open(encoding="utf-8") as file_handle:
tokens = TokenStore.model_validate_json(file_handle.read())
if overwrite:
self = TokenStore.model_validate(tokens)
# naive update
for instance, value in tokens.instances.items():
if instance not in self.instances:
self.instances[instance] = value
# TODO: make this work properly
# self.validate_tokens()
def validate_tokens(self) -> None:
"""validates the JWS tokens for format, not their signature - PRs welcome"""
for instance_name, instance in self.instances.items():
for username, token in instance.tokens.items():
logging.debug("Parsing instance=%s username=%s", instance_name, username)
# TODO: Work out how to get the validation working. We probably shouldn't be worried about this since we're using it for auth...
logging.debug(JsonWebSignature().deserialize_compact(s=token, key=None))
def token_info(self, username: str, instance: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[JWSPayload]:
"""grabs a token and returns a complex object object"""
instance = instance if instance is not None else ""
if instance not in self.instances:
logging.error("No instance found for %s", instance)
return None
if not hasattr(self.instances[instance], "tokens"):
logging.error("No tokens found for instance '%s'", instance)
return None
token = self.instances[instance].tokens.get(username)
if token is None:
logging.debug("No token found for %s", username)
return None
parsed_object = JsonWebSignature().deserialize_compact(s=token, key=None)
return JWSPayload.model_validate_json(parsed_object.payload)