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//! Entries are the base unit of object storage in the server. This is one of the three foundational
//! concepts along with [`filter`]s and [`schema`] that everything else builds upon.
//! An [`Entry`] is a collection of attribute-value sets. There are sometimes called attribute value
//! assertions, or AVAs. The attribute is a "key" and it holds 1 to infinite associated values
//! with no ordering. An entry has many AVAs. A pseudo example, minus schema and typing:
//! ```text
//! Entry {
//! "name": ["william"],
//! "uuid": ["..."],
//! "mail": ["maila@example.com", "mailb@example.com"],
//! };
//! ```
//! There are three rules for entries:
//! * Must have an AVA for UUID containing a single value.
//! * Any AVA with zero values will be removed.
//! * AVAs are stored with no sorting.
//! For more, see the [`Entry`] type.
//! [`Entry`]: struct.Entry.html
//! [`filter`]: ../filter/index.html
//! [`schema`]: ../schema/index.html
use crate::credential::Credential;
use crate::filter::{Filter, FilterInvalid, FilterResolved, FilterValidResolved};
use crate::ldap::ldap_vattr_map;
use crate::modify::{Modify, ModifyInvalid, ModifyList, ModifyValid};
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::repl::cid::Cid;
use crate::schema::{SchemaAttribute, SchemaClass, SchemaTransaction};
use crate::value::{IndexType, SyntaxType};
use crate::value::{IntentTokenState, PartialValue, Value};
use crate::valueset::{self, ValueSet};
use kanidm_proto::v1::Entry as ProtoEntry;
use kanidm_proto::v1::Filter as ProtoFilter;
use kanidm_proto::v1::{OperationError, SchemaError};
use tracing::trace;
use crate::be::dbentry::{DbEntry, DbEntryV2, DbEntryVers};
use crate::be::dbvalue::DbValueSetV2;
use crate::be::{IdxKey, IdxSlope};
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use ldap3_proto::simple::{LdapPartialAttribute, LdapSearchResultEntry};
use smartstring::alias::String as AttrString;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::BTreeMap as Map;
pub use std::collections::BTreeSet as Set;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::sync::Arc;
use time::OffsetDateTime;
use uuid::Uuid;
// use std::convert::TryFrom;
// use std::str::FromStr;
// make a trait entry for everything to adhere to?
// * How to get indexes out?
// * How to track pending diffs?
// Entry is really similar to serde Value, but limits the possibility
// of what certain types could be.
// The idea of an entry is that we have
// an entry that looks like:
// {
// 'class': ['object', ...],
// 'attr': ['value', ...],
// 'attr': ['value', ...],
// ...
// }
// When we send this as a result to clients, we could embed other objects as:
// {
// 'attr': [
// 'value': {
// },
// ],
// }
lazy_static! {
static ref CLASS_EXTENSIBLE: PartialValue = PartialValue::new_class("extensibleobject");
static ref PVCLASS_TOMBSTONE: PartialValue = PartialValue::new_class("tombstone");
static ref PVCLASS_RECYCLED: PartialValue = PartialValue::new_class("recycled");
pub type EntrySealedCommitted = Entry<EntrySealed, EntryCommitted>;
pub type EntryInvalidCommitted = Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryCommitted>;
pub type EntryTuple = (Arc<EntrySealedCommitted>, EntryInvalidCommitted);
// Entry should have a lifecycle of types. This is Raw (modifiable) and Entry (verified).
// This way, we can move between them, but only certain actions are possible on either
// This means modifications happen on Raw, but to move to Entry, you schema normalise.
// Vice versa, you can for free, move to Raw, but you lose the validation.
// Because this is type system it's "free" in the end, and means we force validation
// at the correct and required points of the entries life.
// This is specifically important for the commit to the backend, as we only want to
// commit validated types.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct EntryNew; // new
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct EntryCommitted {
id: u64,
} // It's been in the DB, so it has an id
// pub struct EntryPurged;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct EntryInit;
/* |
* | Init comes from a proto entry, it's new.
* | We add the current Cid before we allow mods.
* V
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct EntryInvalid {
cid: Cid,
/* |
* | The changes made within this entry are validated by the schema.
* V
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct EntryValid {
// Asserted with schema, so we know it has a UUID now ...
uuid: Uuid,
cid: Cid,
/* |
* | The changes are extracted into the changelog as needed, creating a
* | stable database entry.
* V
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct EntrySealed {
uuid: Uuid,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct EntryReduced {
uuid: Uuid,
fn compare_attrs(left: &Map<AttrString, ValueSet>, right: &Map<AttrString, ValueSet>) -> bool {
// We can't shortcut based on len because cid mod may not be present.
// Build the set of all keys between both.
let allkeys: Set<&str> = left
.filter(|k| k != &"last_modified_cid")
.chain(right.keys().filter(|k| k != &"last_modified_cid"))
.map(|s| s.as_str())
allkeys.into_iter().all(|k| {
// Both must be Some, and both must have the same interiors.
match (left.get(k), right.get(k)) {
(Some(l), Some(r)) => l.eq(r),
_ => false,
/// Entry is the core data storage type of the server. Almost every aspect of the server is
/// designed to read, handle and manipulate entries.
/// Entries store attribute value assertions, or AVA. These are sets of key-values.
/// Entries have a lifecycle within a single operation, and as part of replication.
/// The lifecycle for operations is defined through state and valid types. Each entry has a pair
/// Of these types at anytime. The first is the AVA [`schema`] and [`access`] control assertion
/// state. This is represented by the type `VALID` as one of `EntryValid`, `EntryInvalid` or
/// `EntryReduced`. Every entry starts as `EntryInvalid`, and when checked by the schema for
/// correctness, transitions to `EntryValid`. While an entry is `EntryValid` it can not be
/// altered - you must invalidate it to `EntryInvalid`, then modify, then check again.
/// An entry that has had access controls applied moves from `EntryValid` to `EntryReduced`,
/// to show that the AVAs have reduced to the valid read set of the current [`event`] user.
/// The second type of `STATE` represents the database commit state and internal db ID's. A
/// new entry that has never been committed is `EntryNew`, but an entry that has been retrieved
/// from the database is `EntryCommitted`. This affects the operations you can apply IE modify
/// or delete.
/// These types exist to prevent at compile time, mishandling of Entries, to ensure they are always
/// handled with the correct lifecycles and processes.
/// [`schema`]: ../schema/index.html
/// [`access`]: ../access/index.html
/// [`event`]: ../event/index.html
pub struct Entry<VALID, STATE> {
valid: VALID,
state: STATE,
// We may need to change this to Set to allow borrow of Value -> PartialValue for lookups.
attrs: Map<AttrString, ValueSet>,
impl<VALID, STATE> std::fmt::Debug for Entry<VALID, STATE>
STATE: std::fmt::Debug,
VALID: std::fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
f.debug_struct("Entry<EntrySealed, _>")
.field("state", &self.state)
.field("valid", &self.valid)
.field("attrs", &self.attrs)
impl<STATE> std::fmt::Display for Entry<EntrySealed, STATE> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.get_uuid())
impl<STATE> std::fmt::Display for Entry<EntryInit, STATE> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Entry in initial state")
impl<STATE> Entry<EntryInit, STATE> {
/// Get the uuid of this entry.
pub(crate) fn get_uuid(&self) -> Option<Uuid> {
self.attrs.get("uuid").and_then(|vs| vs.to_uuid_single())
impl Default for Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Entry {
// This means NEVER COMMITED
valid: EntryInit,
state: EntryNew,
attrs: Map::new(),
// attrs: Map::with_capacity(32),
/// Consume a Protocol Entry from JSON, and validate and process the data into an internal
/// [`Entry`] type.
pub fn from_proto_entry(
e: &ProtoEntry,
qs: &QueryServerWriteTransaction,
) -> Result<Self, OperationError> {
// Why not the trait? In the future we may want to extend
// this with server aware functions for changes of the
// incoming data.
// Somehow we need to take the tree of e attrs, and convert
// all ref types to our types ...
let map2: Result<Map<AttrString, ValueSet>, OperationError> = e
.filter(|(_, v)| !v.is_empty())
.map(|(k, v)| {
trace!(?k, ?v, "attribute");
let nk = qs.get_schema().normalise_attr_name(k);
let nv =
valueset::from_result_value_iter(v.iter().map(|vr| qs.clone_value(&nk, vr)));
trace!(?nv, "new valueset transform");
match nv {
Ok(nvi) => Ok((nk, nvi)),
Err(e) => Err(e),
let x = map2?;
Ok(Entry {
// For now, we do a straight move, and we sort the incoming data
// sets so that BST works.
state: EntryNew,
valid: EntryInit,
attrs: x,
/// Given a proto entry in JSON formed as a serialised string, processed that string
/// into an Entry.
pub fn from_proto_entry_str(
es: &str,
qs: &QueryServerWriteTransaction,
) -> Result<Self, OperationError> {
spanned!("from_proto_entry_str", {
if cfg!(test) {
if es.len() > 256 {
let (dsp_es, _) = es.split_at(255);
trace!("Parsing -> {}...", dsp_es);
} else {
trace!("Parsing -> {}", es);
// str -> Proto entry
let pe: ProtoEntry = serde_json::from_str(es).map_err(|e| {
admin_error!(?e, "SerdeJson Failure");
// now call from_proto_entry
Self::from_proto_entry(&pe, qs)
pub(crate) fn unsafe_from_entry_str(es: &str) -> Self {
// Just use log directly here, it's testing
// str -> proto entry
let pe: ProtoEntry = serde_json::from_str(es).expect("Invalid Proto Entry");
// use a const map to convert str -> ava
let x: Map<AttrString, ValueSet> = pe.attrs.into_iter()
.filter_map(|(k, vs)| {
if vs.is_empty() {
} else {
let attr = AttrString::from(k.to_lowercase());
let vv: ValueSet = match attr.as_str() {
"attributename" | "classname" | "domain" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_iutf8(&v))
"name" | "domain_name" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_iname(&v))
"userid" | "uidnumber" => {
warn!("WARNING: Use of unstabilised attributes userid/uidnumber");
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_iutf8(&v))
"class" | "acp_create_class" | "acp_modify_class" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_class(v.as_str()))
"acp_create_attr" | "acp_search_attr" | "acp_modify_removedattr" | "acp_modify_presentattr" |
"systemmay" | "may" | "systemmust" | "must"
=> {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_attr(v.as_str()))
"uuid" | "domain_uuid" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_uuids(v.as_str())
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
warn!("WARNING: Allowing syntax incorrect attribute to be presented UTF8 string");
"member" | "memberof" | "directmemberof" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_refer_s(v.as_str()).unwrap() )
"acp_enable" | "multivalue" | "unique" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_bools(v.as_str())
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
warn!("WARNING: Allowing syntax incorrect attribute to be presented UTF8 string");
"syntax" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_syntaxs(v.as_str())
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
warn!("WARNING: Allowing syntax incorrect attribute to be presented UTF8 string");
"index" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_indexs(v.as_str())
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
warn!("WARNING: Allowing syntax incorrect attribute to be presented UTF8 string");
"acp_targetscope" | "acp_receiver" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_json_filter_s(v.as_str())
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
warn!("WARNING: Allowing syntax incorrect attribute to be presented UTF8 string");
"displayname" | "description" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_utf8(v))
"spn" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| {
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
warn!("WARNING: Allowing syntax incorrect SPN attribute to be presented UTF8 string");
"gidnumber" | "version" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| {
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
warn!("WARNING: Allowing syntax incorrect UINT32 attribute to be presented UTF8 string");
"domain_token_key" | "fernet_private_key_str" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_secret_str(&v))
"es256_private_key_der" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_privatebinary_base64(&v))
ia => {
warn!("WARNING: Allowing invalid attribute {} to be interpretted as UTF8 string. YOU MAY ENCOUNTER ODD BEHAVIOUR!!!", ia);
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_utf8(v))
Some((attr, vv))
// return the entry!
Entry {
valid: EntryInit,
state: EntryNew,
attrs: x,
/// Assign the Change Identifier to this Entry, allowing it to be modified and then
/// written to the `Backend`
pub fn assign_cid(mut self, cid: Cid) -> Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryNew> {
/* setup our last changed time */
Entry {
valid: EntryInvalid { cid },
state: EntryNew,
attrs: self.attrs,
/// Compare this entry to another.
pub fn compare(&self, rhs: &Entry<EntrySealed, EntryCommitted>) -> bool {
compare_attrs(&self.attrs, &rhs.attrs)
pub unsafe fn into_invalid_new(mut self) -> Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryNew> {
Entry {
valid: EntryInvalid {
cid: Cid::new_zero(),
state: EntryNew,
attrs: self.attrs,
pub unsafe fn into_valid_new(self) -> Entry<EntryValid, EntryNew> {
Entry {
valid: EntryValid {
cid: Cid::new_zero(),
uuid: self.get_uuid().expect("Invalid uuid").clone(),
state: EntryNew,
attrs: self.attrs,
pub unsafe fn into_sealed_committed(self) -> Entry<EntrySealed, EntryCommitted> {
let uuid = self
.and_then(|u| Some(u.clone()))
.unwrap_or_else(|| Uuid::new_v4());
Entry {
valid: EntrySealed { uuid },
state: EntryCommitted { id: 0 },
attrs: self.attrs,
pub unsafe fn into_sealed_new(self) -> Entry<EntrySealed, EntryNew> {
Entry {
valid: EntrySealed {
uuid: self.get_uuid().expect("Invalid uuid").clone(),
state: EntryNew,
attrs: self.attrs,
/// Add an attribute-value-assertion to this Entry.
pub fn add_ava(&mut self, attr: &str, value: Value) {
self.add_ava_int(attr, value)
/// Replace the existing content of an attribute set of this Entry, with a new set of Values.
// pub fn set_ava(&mut self, attr: &str, values: Set<Value>) {
pub fn set_ava<T>(&mut self, attr: &str, iter: T)
T: IntoIterator<Item = Value>,
self.set_ava_int(attr, iter)
pub fn get_ava_mut(&mut self, attr: &str) -> Option<&mut ValueSet> {
impl<STATE> Entry<EntryInvalid, STATE> {
// This is only used in tests today, but I don't want to cfg test it.
pub(crate) fn get_uuid(&self) -> Option<Uuid> {
self.attrs.get("uuid").and_then(|vs| vs.to_uuid_single())
/// Validate that this entry and it's attribute-value sets are conformant to the systems
/// schema and the releant syntaxes.
pub fn validate(
schema: &dyn SchemaTransaction,
) -> Result<Entry<EntryValid, STATE>, SchemaError> {
let schema_classes = schema.get_classes();
let schema_attributes = schema.get_attributes();
let uuid: Uuid = self
.ok_or_else(|| SchemaError::MissingMustAttribute(vec!["uuid".to_string()]))
.and_then(|vs| {
.ok_or_else(|| SchemaError::MissingMustAttribute(vec!["uuid".to_string()]))
// Build the new valid entry ...
let ne = Entry {
valid: EntryValid {
cid: self.valid.cid,
state: self.state,
attrs: self.attrs,
// Now validate it!
trace!(?ne.attrs, "Entry::validate -> target");
// We scope here to limit the time of borrow of ne.
// First, check we have class on the object ....
if !ne.attribute_pres("class") {
// lrequest_error!("Missing attribute class");
return Err(SchemaError::NoClassFound);
// Do we have extensible?
let extensible = ne.attribute_equality("class", &CLASS_EXTENSIBLE);
let entry_classes = ne.get_ava_set("class").ok_or(SchemaError::NoClassFound)?;
let mut invalid_classes = Vec::with_capacity(0);
let mut classes: Vec<&SchemaClass> = Vec::with_capacity(entry_classes.len());
match entry_classes.as_iutf8_iter() {
Some(cls_iter) => cls_iter.for_each(|s| match schema_classes.get(s) {
Some(x) => classes.push(x),
None => invalid_classes.push(s.to_string()),
None => invalid_classes.push("corrupt class attribute".to_string()),
if !invalid_classes.is_empty() {
// lrequest_error!("Class on entry not found in schema?");
return Err(SchemaError::InvalidClass(invalid_classes));
// What this is really doing is taking a set of classes, and building an
// "overall" class that describes this exact object for checking. IE we
// build a super must/may set from the small class must/may sets.
// for each class
// add systemmust/must and systemmay/may to their lists
// add anything from must also into may
// Now from the set of valid classes make a list of must/may
// NOTE: We still need this on extensible, because we still need to satisfy
// our other must conditions as well!
let must: Result<Vec<&SchemaAttribute>, _> = classes
// Join our class systemmmust + must into one iter
.flat_map(|cls| cls.systemmust.iter().chain(cls.must.iter()))
.map(|s| {
// This should NOT fail - if it does, it means our schema is
// in an invalid state!
let must = must?;
// Check that all must are inplace
// for each attr in must, check it's present on our ent
let mut missing_must = Vec::with_capacity(0);
must.iter().for_each(|attr| {
let avas = ne.get_ava_set(&attr.name);
if avas.is_none() {
if !missing_must.is_empty() {
return Err(SchemaError::MissingMustAttribute(missing_must));
if extensible {
// ladmin_warning!("Extensible Object In Use!");
ne.attrs.iter().try_for_each(|(attr_name, avas)| {
match schema_attributes.get(attr_name) {
Some(a_schema) => {
// Now, for each type we do a *full* check of the syntax
// and validity of the ava.
if a_schema.phantom {
"Attempt to add phantom attribute to extensible: {}",
} else {
a_schema.validate_ava(attr_name.as_str(), avas)
// .map_err(|e| lrequest_error!("Failed to validate: {}", attr_name);)
None => {
// lrequest_error!("Invalid Attribute {} for extensible object", attr_name);
trace!(?attr_name, "extensible -> SchemaError::InvalidAttribute");
} else {
// Note - we do NOT need to check phantom attributes here because they are
// not allowed to exist in the class, which means a phantom attribute can't
// be in the may/must set, and would FAIL our normal checks anyway.
// We clone string here, but it's so we can check all
// the values in "may" ar here - so we can't avoid this look up. What we
// could do though, is have &String based on the schemaattribute though?;
let may: Result<Map<&AttrString, &SchemaAttribute>, _> = classes
// Join our class systemmmust + must + systemmay + may into one.
.flat_map(|cls| {
.map(|s| {
// This should NOT fail - if it does, it means our schema is
// in an invalid state!
Ok((s, schema_attributes.get(s).ok_or(SchemaError::Corrupted)?))
let may = may?;
// TODO #70: Error needs to say what is missing
// We need to return *all* missing attributes, not just the first error
// we find. This will probably take a rewrite of the function definition
// to return a result<_, vec<schemaerror>> and for the schema errors to take
// information about what is invalid. It's pretty nontrivial.
// Check that any other attributes are in may
// for each attr on the object, check it's in the may+must set
ne.attrs.iter().try_for_each(|(attr_name, avas)| {
match may.get(attr_name) {
Some(a_schema) => {
// Now, for each type we do a *full* check of the syntax
// and validity of the ava.
a_schema.validate_ava(attr_name.as_str(), avas)
// .map_err(|e| lrequest_error!("Failed to validate: {}", attr_name);
None => {
// lrequest_error!("Invalid Attribute {} for may+must set", attr_name);
trace!(?attr_name, "SchemaError::InvalidAttribute");
} // unborrow ne.
// Well, we got here, so okay!
impl<VALID, STATE> Clone for Entry<VALID, STATE>
VALID: Clone,
STATE: Clone,
// Dirty modifiable state. Works on any other state to dirty them.
fn clone(&self) -> Entry<VALID, STATE> {
Entry {
valid: self.valid.clone(),
state: self.state.clone(),
attrs: self.attrs.clone(),
* A series of unsafe transitions allowing entries to skip certain steps in
* the process to facilitate eq/checks.
impl Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryCommitted> {
pub unsafe fn into_valid_new(self) -> Entry<EntryValid, EntryNew> {
let uuid = self.get_uuid().expect("Invalid uuid").clone();
Entry {
valid: EntryValid {
cid: self.valid.cid,
state: EntryNew,
attrs: self.attrs,
/// Convert this entry into a recycled entry, that is "in the recycle bin".
pub fn into_recycled(mut self) -> Self {
self.add_ava("class", Value::new_class("recycled"));
Entry {
valid: self.valid.clone(),
state: self.state,
attrs: self.attrs,
// Both invalid states can be reached from "entry -> invalidate"
impl Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryNew> {
pub unsafe fn into_valid_new(self) -> Entry<EntryValid, EntryNew> {
let uuid = self.get_uuid().expect("Invalid uuid").clone();
Entry {
valid: EntryValid {
cid: self.valid.cid,
state: EntryNew,
attrs: self.attrs,
pub unsafe fn into_sealed_committed(self) -> Entry<EntrySealed, EntryCommitted> {
let uuid = self
.and_then(|u| Some(u.clone()))
.unwrap_or_else(|| Uuid::new_v4());
Entry {
valid: EntrySealed { uuid },
state: EntryCommitted { id: 0 },
attrs: self.attrs,
pub unsafe fn into_valid_normal(self) -> Entry<EntryNormalised, EntryNew> {
Entry {
valid: EntryNormalised,
state: EntryNew,
attrs: self
.map(|(k, mut v)| {
(k, v)
pub unsafe fn into_valid_committed(self) -> Entry<EntryValid, EntryCommitted> {
let uuid = self
.and_then(|u| Some(u.clone()))
.unwrap_or_else(|| Uuid::new_v4());
Entry {
valid: EntryValid {
cid: self.valid.cid,
state: EntryCommitted { id: 0 },
attrs: self.attrs,
impl Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryCommitted> {
pub unsafe fn into_sealed_committed(self) -> Entry<EntrySealed, EntryCommitted> {
let uuid = self
.and_then(|u| Some(u.clone()))
.unwrap_or_else(|| Uuid::new_v4());
Entry {
valid: EntrySealed { uuid },
state: self.state,
attrs: self.attrs,
impl Entry<EntrySealed, EntryNew> {
pub unsafe fn into_sealed_committed(self) -> Entry<EntrySealed, EntryCommitted> {
Entry {
valid: self.valid,
state: EntryCommitted { id: 0 },
attrs: self.attrs,
/// Given this validated and sealed entry, process it with a `Backend` ID number so that it
/// can be then serialised to the database.
pub fn into_sealed_committed_id(self, id: u64) -> Entry<EntrySealed, EntryCommitted> {
Entry {
valid: self.valid,
state: EntryCommitted { id },
attrs: self.attrs,
pub fn compare(&self, rhs: &Entry<EntrySealed, EntryNew>) -> bool {
compare_attrs(&self.attrs, &rhs.attrs)
type IdxDiff<'a> =
Vec<Result<(&'a AttrString, &'a IndexType, String), (&'a AttrString, &'a IndexType, String)>>;
impl<VALID> Entry<VALID, EntryCommitted> {
/// If this entry has ever been commited to disk, retrieve it's database id number.
pub fn get_id(&self) -> u64 {
impl<STATE> Entry<EntrySealed, STATE> {
pub fn into_init(self) -> Entry<EntryInit, STATE> {
Entry {
valid: EntryInit,
state: self.state,
attrs: self.attrs,
impl Entry<EntrySealed, EntryCommitted> {
pub unsafe fn into_sealed_committed(self) -> Entry<EntrySealed, EntryCommitted> {
// NO-OP to satisfy macros.
/// Insert a claim to this entry. This claim can NOT be persisted to disk, this is only
/// used during a single Event session.
pub fn insert_claim(&mut self, value: &str) {
self.add_ava_int("claim", Value::new_iutf8(value));
pub fn compare(&self, rhs: &Entry<EntrySealed, EntryCommitted>) -> bool {
compare_attrs(&self.attrs, &rhs.attrs)
/// Serialise this entry to it's Database format ready for storage.
pub fn to_dbentry(&self) -> DbEntry {
// In the future this will do extra work to process uuid
// into "attributes" suitable for dbentry storage.
// How will this work with replication?
// Alternately, we may have higher-level types that translate entry
// into proper structures, and they themself emit/modify entries?
DbEntry {
ent: DbEntryVers::V2(DbEntryV2 {
attrs: self
.map(|(k, vs)| {
let dbvs: DbValueSetV2 = vs.to_db_valueset_v2();
(k.clone(), dbvs)
/// Given this entry, extract the set of strings that can uniquely identify this for authentication
/// purposes. These strings are then indexed.
fn get_name2uuid_cands(&self) -> Set<String> {
// The cands are:
// * spn
// * name
// * gidnumber
let cands = ["spn", "name", "gidnumber"];
.filter_map(|c| self.attrs.get(*c).map(|vs| vs.to_proto_string_clone_iter()))
/// Given this entry, extract it's primary security prinicple name, or if not present
/// extract it's name, and if that's not present, extract it's uuid.
pub(crate) fn get_uuid2spn(&self) -> Value {
.and_then(|vs| vs.to_value_single())
.or_else(|| self.attrs.get("name").and_then(|vs| vs.to_value_single()))
.unwrap_or_else(|| Value::new_uuid(self.get_uuid()))
/// Given this entry, determine it's relative distinguished named for LDAP compatability.
pub(crate) fn get_uuid2rdn(&self) -> String {
.and_then(|vs| vs.to_proto_string_single().map(|v| format!("spn={}", v)))
.or_else(|| {
.and_then(|vs| vs.to_proto_string_single().map(|v| format!("name={}", v)))
.unwrap_or_else(|| format!("uuid={}", self.get_uuid().as_hyphenated()))
/// Determine if this entry is recycled or a tombstone, and map that to "None". This allows
/// filter_map to effectively remove entries that should not be considered as "alive".
pub(crate) fn mask_recycled_ts(&self) -> Option<&Self> {
// Only when cls has ts/rc then None, else lways Some(self).
match self.attrs.get("class") {
Some(cls) => {
if cls.contains(&PVCLASS_TOMBSTONE as &PartialValue)
|| cls.contains(&PVCLASS_RECYCLED as &PartialValue)
} else {
None => Some(self),
/// Generate the required values for a name2uuid index. IE this is
/// ALL possible names this entry COULD be known uniquely by!
pub(crate) fn idx_name2uuid_diff(
pre: Option<&Self>,
post: Option<&Self>,
) -> (
// Add
// Remove
) {
// needs to return gid for posix conversion
match (pre, post) {
(None, None) => {
// No action required
(None, None)
(None, Some(b)) => {
// We are adding this entry (or restoring it),
// so we need to add the values.
(Some(b.get_name2uuid_cands()), None)
(Some(a), None) => {
// Removing the entry, remove all values.
(None, Some(a.get_name2uuid_cands()))
(Some(a), Some(b)) => {
let pre_set = a.get_name2uuid_cands();
let post_set = b.get_name2uuid_cands();
// what is in post, but not pre (added)
let add_set: Set<_> = post_set.difference(&pre_set).cloned().collect();
// what is in pre, but not post (removed)
let rem_set: Set<_> = pre_set.difference(&post_set).cloned().collect();
(Some(add_set), Some(rem_set))
/// Generate a differential between a previous and current entry state, and what changes this
/// means for the current set of spn's for this uuid.
pub(crate) fn idx_uuid2spn_diff(
pre: Option<&Self>,
post: Option<&Self>,
) -> Option<Result<Value, ()>> {
match (pre, post) {
(None, None) => {
// no action
(None, Some(b)) => {
// add
(Some(_a), None) => {
// remove
(Some(a), Some(b)) => {
let ia = a.get_uuid2spn();
let ib = b.get_uuid2spn();
if ia != ib {
// Add (acts as replace)
} else {
// no action
/// Generate a differential between a previous and current entry state, and what changes this
/// means for the current set of LDAP relative distinguished names.
pub(crate) fn idx_uuid2rdn_diff(
pre: Option<&Self>,
post: Option<&Self>,
) -> Option<Result<String, ()>> {
match (pre, post) {
(None, None) => {
// no action
(None, Some(b)) => {
// add
(Some(_a), None) => {
// remove
(Some(a), Some(b)) => {
let ia = a.get_uuid2rdn();
let ib = b.get_uuid2rdn();
if ia != ib {
// Add (acts as replace)
} else {
// no action
/// Given the previous and current state of this entry, determine the indexing differential
/// that needs to be applied. i.e. what indexes must be created, modified and removed.
pub(crate) fn idx_diff<'a>(
idxmeta: &'a HashMap<IdxKey, IdxSlope>,
pre: Option<&Self>,
post: Option<&Self>,
) -> IdxDiff<'a> {
// We yield a list of Result, where Ok() means "add",
// and Err() means "remove".
// the value inside the result, is a tuple of attr, itype, idx_key
match (pre, post) {
(None, None) => {
// if both are none, yield empty list.
(Some(pre_e), None) => {
// If we are none (?), yield our pre-state as removals.
.flat_map(|ikey| {
match pre_e.get_ava_set(ikey.attr.as_str()) {
None => Vec::new(),
Some(vs) => {
let changes: Vec<Result<_, _>> = match ikey.itype {
IndexType::Equality => {
// We generate these keys out of the valueset now.
.map(|idx_key| Err((&ikey.attr, &ikey.itype, idx_key)))
IndexType::Presence => {
vec![Err((&ikey.attr, &ikey.itype, "_".to_string()))]
IndexType::SubString => Vec::new(),
(None, Some(post_e)) => {
// If the pre-state is none, yield our additions.
.flat_map(|ikey| {
match post_e.get_ava_set(ikey.attr.as_str()) {
None => Vec::new(),
Some(vs) => {
let changes: Vec<Result<_, _>> = match ikey.itype {
IndexType::Equality => vs
.map(|idx_key| Ok((&ikey.attr, &ikey.itype, idx_key)))
IndexType::Presence => {
vec![Ok((&ikey.attr, &ikey.itype, "_".to_string()))]
IndexType::SubString => Vec::new(),
// For each value
(Some(pre_e), Some(post_e)) => {
assert!(pre_e.state.id == post_e.state.id);
.flat_map(|ikey| {
match (
) {
(None, None) => {
// Neither have it, do nothing.
(Some(pre_vs), None) => {
// It existed before, but not anymore
let changes: Vec<Result<_, _>> = match ikey.itype {
IndexType::Equality => {
// Turn each idx_key to the tuple of
// changes.
.map(|idx_key| Err((&ikey.attr, &ikey.itype, idx_key)))
IndexType::Presence => {
vec![Err((&ikey.attr, &ikey.itype, "_".to_string()))]
IndexType::SubString => Vec::new(),
(None, Some(post_vs)) => {
// It was added now.
let changes: Vec<Result<_, _>> = match ikey.itype {
IndexType::Equality => {
// Turn each idx_key to the tuple of
// changes.
.map(|idx_key| Ok((&ikey.attr, &ikey.itype, idx_key)))
IndexType::Presence => {
vec![Ok((&ikey.attr, &ikey.itype, "_".to_string()))]
IndexType::SubString => Vec::new(),
(Some(pre_vs), Some(post_vs)) => {
// it exists in both, we need to work out the differents within the attr.
let mut pre_idx_keys = pre_vs.generate_idx_eq_keys();
let mut post_idx_keys = post_vs.generate_idx_eq_keys();
let sz = if pre_idx_keys.len() > post_idx_keys.len() {
} else {
let mut pre_iter = pre_idx_keys.iter();
let mut post_iter = post_idx_keys.iter();
let mut pre = pre_iter.next();
let mut post = post_iter.next();
let mut added_vs = Vec::with_capacity(sz);
let mut removed_vs = Vec::with_capacity(sz);
loop {
match (pre, post) {
(Some(a), Some(b)) => {
match a.cmp(b) {
Ordering::Less => {
pre = pre_iter.next();
Ordering::Equal => {
// In both - no action needed.
pre = pre_iter.next();
post = post_iter.next();
Ordering::Greater => {
post = post_iter.next();
(Some(a), None) => {
pre = pre_iter.next();
(None, Some(b)) => {
post = post_iter.next();
(None, None) => {
let mut diff =
Vec::with_capacity(removed_vs.len() + added_vs.len());
match ikey.itype {
IndexType::Equality => {
.map(|idx_key| Err((&ikey.attr, &ikey.itype, idx_key)))
.for_each(|v| diff.push(v));
.map(|idx_key| Ok((&ikey.attr, &ikey.itype, idx_key)))
.for_each(|v| diff.push(v));
IndexType::Presence => {
// No action - we still are "present", so nothing to do!
IndexType::SubString => {}
// Return the diff
// End diff of the entries
pub fn from_dbentry(db_e: DbEntry, id: u64) -> Option<Self> {
// Convert attrs from db format to value
let r_attrs: Result<Map<AttrString, ValueSet>, ()> = match db_e.ent {
DbEntryVers::V1(_) => {
admin_error!("Db V1 entry should have been migrated!");
DbEntryVers::V2(v2) => v2
// Skip anything empty as new VS can't deal with it.
.filter(|(_k, vs)| !vs.is_empty())
.map(|(k, dbvs)| {
.map(|vs: ValueSet| (k, vs))
.map_err(|e| {
admin_error!(?e, "from_dbentry failed");
let attrs = r_attrs.ok()?;
let uuid = attrs.get("uuid").and_then(|vs| vs.to_uuid_single())?;
Some(Entry {
valid: EntrySealed { uuid },
state: EntryCommitted { id },
/// # Safety
/// This function bypasses the access control validation logic and should NOT
/// be used without special care and attention to ensure that no private data
/// is leaked incorrectly to clients. Generally this is ONLY used inside of
/// the access control processing functions which correctly applies the reduction
/// steps.
pub unsafe fn into_reduced(self) -> Entry<EntryReduced, EntryCommitted> {
Entry {
valid: EntryReduced {
uuid: self.valid.uuid,
state: self.state,
attrs: self.attrs,
/// Given a set of attributes that are allowed to be seen on this entry, process and remove
/// all other values that are NOT allowed in this query.
pub fn reduce_attributes(
allowed_attrs: &BTreeSet<&str>,
) -> Entry<EntryReduced, EntryCommitted> {
// Remove all attrs from our tree that are NOT in the allowed set.
let f_attrs: Map<_, _> = self
.filter_map(|(k, v)| {
if allowed_attrs.contains(k.as_str()) {
Some((k.clone(), v.clone()))
} else {
let valid = EntryReduced {
uuid: self.valid.uuid,
let state = self.state.clone();
Entry {
attrs: f_attrs,
/// Convert this recycled entry, into a tombstone ready for reaping.
pub fn to_tombstone(&self, cid: Cid) -> Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryCommitted> {
// Duplicate this to a tombstone entry
let class_ava = vs_iutf8!["object", "tombstone"];
let last_mod_ava = vs_cid![cid.clone()];
let mut attrs_new: Map<AttrString, ValueSet> = Map::new();
attrs_new.insert(AttrString::from("uuid"), vs_uuid![self.get_uuid()]);
attrs_new.insert(AttrString::from("class"), class_ava);
attrs_new.insert(AttrString::from("last_modified_cid"), last_mod_ava);
Entry {
valid: EntryInvalid { cid },
state: self.state.clone(),
attrs: attrs_new,
/// Given a current transaction change identifier, mark this entry as valid and committed.
pub fn into_valid(self, cid: Cid) -> Entry<EntryValid, EntryCommitted> {
Entry {
valid: EntryValid {
uuid: self.valid.uuid,
state: self.state,
attrs: self.attrs,
impl<STATE> Entry<EntryValid, STATE> {
// Returns the entry in the latest DbEntry format we are aware of.
pub fn invalidate(self) -> Entry<EntryInvalid, STATE> {
Entry {
valid: EntryInvalid {
cid: self.valid.cid,
state: self.state,
attrs: self.attrs,
pub fn seal(self) -> Entry<EntrySealed, STATE> {
Entry {
valid: EntrySealed {
uuid: self.valid.uuid,
state: self.state,
attrs: self.attrs,
pub fn get_uuid(&self) -> Uuid {
impl<STATE> Entry<EntrySealed, STATE> {
// Returns the entry in the latest DbEntry format we are aware of.
pub fn invalidate(mut self, cid: Cid) -> Entry<EntryInvalid, STATE> {
/* Setup our last changed time. */
Entry {
valid: EntryInvalid { cid },
state: self.state,
attrs: self.attrs,
pub fn get_uuid(&self) -> Uuid {
pub unsafe fn into_invalid(mut self) -> Entry<EntryInvalid, STATE> {
Entry {
valid: EntryInvalid {
cid: Cid::new_zero(),
state: self.state,
attrs: self.attrs,
impl Entry<EntryReduced, EntryCommitted> {
pub fn get_uuid(&self) -> Uuid {
/// Transform this reduced entry into a JSON protocol form that can be sent to clients.
pub fn to_pe(&self, qs: &QueryServerReadTransaction) -> Result<ProtoEntry, OperationError> {
// Turn values -> Strings.
let attrs: Result<_, _> = self
.map(|(k, vs)| qs.resolve_valueset(vs).map(|pvs| (k.to_string(), pvs)))
Ok(ProtoEntry { attrs: attrs? })
/// Transform this reduced entry into an LDAP form that can be sent to clients.
pub fn to_ldap(
qs: &QueryServerReadTransaction,
basedn: &str,
// Did the client request all attributes?
all_attrs: bool,
// Did the ldap client request any sperific attribute names? If so,
// we need to remap everything to match.
l_attrs: &[String],
) -> Result<LdapSearchResultEntry, OperationError> {
let rdn = qs.uuid_to_rdn(self.get_uuid())?;
let dn = format!("{},{}", rdn, basedn);
// Everything in our attrs set is "what was requested". So we can transform that now
// so they are all in "ldap forms" which makes our next stage a bit easier.
// Stage 1 - transform our results to a map of kani attr -> ldap value.
let attr_map: Result<Map<&str, Vec<String>>, _> = self
.map(|(k, vs)| {
qs.resolve_valueset_ldap(vs, basedn)
.map(|pvs| (k.as_str(), pvs))
let attr_map = attr_map?;
// Stage 2 - transform and get all our attr - names out that we need to return.
// ldap a, kani a
let attr_names: Vec<(&str, &str)> = if all_attrs {
// Join the set of attr keys, and our requested attrs.
.map(|k| (k.as_str(), k.as_str()))
.map(|k| (k.as_str(), ldap_vattr_map(k.as_str()))),
} else {
// Just get the requested ones.
.map(|k| (k.as_str(), ldap_vattr_map(k.as_str())))
// Stage 3 - given our map, generate the final result.
let attributes: Vec<_> = attr_names
.filter_map(|(ldap_a, kani_a)| {
// In some special cases, we may need to transform or rewrite the values.
match ldap_a {
"entrydn" => Some(LdapPartialAttribute {
atype: "entrydn".to_string(),
vals: vec![dn.clone()],
_ => attr_map.get(kani_a).map(|pvs| LdapPartialAttribute {
atype: ldap_a.to_string(),
vals: pvs.clone(),
Ok(LdapSearchResultEntry { dn, attributes })
// impl<STATE> Entry<EntryValid, STATE> {
/// This internally adds an AVA to the entry.
fn add_ava_int(&mut self, attr: &str, value: Value) {
// How do we make this turn into an ok / err?
if let Some(vs) = self.attrs.get_mut(attr) {
let r = vs.insert_checked(value);
} else {
let vs = valueset::from_value_iter(std::iter::once(value))
.expect("Unable to fail - not empty, and only one type!");
self.attrs.insert(AttrString::from(attr), vs);
// Doesn't matter if it already exists, equality will replace.
/// Overwrite the current set of values for an attribute, with this new set.
pub fn set_ava_int<T>(&mut self, attr: &str, iter: T)
T: IntoIterator<Item = Value>,
// Overwrite the existing value, build a tree from the list.
let values = valueset::from_value_iter(iter.into_iter());
match values {
Ok(vs) => {
let _ = self.attrs.insert(AttrString::from(attr), vs);
Err(e) => {
"dropping content of {} due to invalid valueset {:?}",
/// Update the last_changed flag of this entry to the given change identifier.
fn set_last_changed(&mut self, cid: Cid) {
let cv = vs_cid![cid];
let _ = self.attrs.insert(AttrString::from("last_modified_cid"), cv);
/// Get an iterator over the current set of attribute names that this entry contains.
pub fn get_ava_names(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &str> {
// Get the set of all attribute names in the entry
self.attrs.keys().map(|a| a.as_str())
/// Get an iterator over the current set of values for an attribute name.
pub fn get_ava(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = &Value>> {
self.attrs.get(attr).map(|vs| vs.iter())
/// Return a reference to the current set of values that are associated to this attribute.
pub fn get_ava_set(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<&ValueSet> {
pub fn get_ava_as_oauthscopes(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = &str>> {
self.attrs.get(attr).and_then(|vs| vs.as_oauthscope_iter())
pub fn get_ava_as_oauthscopemaps(
attr: &str,
) -> Option<&std::collections::BTreeMap<Uuid, std::collections::BTreeSet<String>>> {
self.attrs.get(attr).and_then(|vs| vs.as_oauthscopemap())
pub fn get_ava_as_intenttokens(
attr: &str,
) -> Option<&std::collections::BTreeMap<String, IntentTokenState>> {
self.attrs.get(attr).and_then(|vs| vs.as_intenttoken_map())
/// If possible, return an iterator over the set of values transformed into a `&str`.
pub fn get_ava_iter_iname(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = &str>> {
self.get_ava_set(attr).and_then(|vs| vs.as_iname_iter())
/// If possible, return an iterator over the set of values transformed into a `&str`.
pub fn get_ava_iter_iutf8(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = &str>> {
self.get_ava_set(attr).and_then(|vs| vs.as_iutf8_iter())
/// If possible, return an iterator over the set of values transformed into a `Uuid`.
pub fn get_ava_as_refuuid(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Uuid> + '_>> {
// If any value is NOT a reference, it's filtered out.
self.get_ava_set(attr).and_then(|vs| vs.as_ref_uuid_iter())
/// If possible, return an iterator over the set of ssh key values transformed into a `&str`.
pub fn get_ava_iter_sshpubkeys(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = &str>> {
.and_then(|vs| vs.as_sshpubkey_str_iter())
// These are special types to allow returning typed values from
// an entry, if we "know" what we expect to receive.
/// This returns an array of IndexTypes, when the type is an Optional
/// multivalue in schema - IE this will *not* fail if the attribute is
/// empty, yielding and empty array instead.
/// However, the converstion to IndexType is fallaible, so in case of a failure
/// to convert, an Err is returned.
pub(crate) fn get_ava_opt_index(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<Vec<IndexType>> {
if let Some(vs) = self.get_ava_set(attr) {
vs.as_indextype_iter().map(|i| i.collect())
} else {
// Empty, but consider as valid.
/// Return a single value of this attributes name, or `None` if it is NOT present, or
/// there are multiple values present (ambiguous).
pub fn get_ava_single(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<Value> {
self.attrs.get(attr).and_then(|vs| vs.to_value_single())
pub fn get_ava_single_proto_string(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<String> {
.and_then(|vs| vs.to_proto_string_single())
/// Return a single bool, if valid to transform this value into a boolean.
pub fn get_ava_single_bool(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<bool> {
self.attrs.get(attr).and_then(|vs| vs.to_bool_single())
/// Return a single uint32, if valid to transform this value.
pub fn get_ava_single_uint32(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<u32> {
self.attrs.get(attr).and_then(|vs| vs.to_uint32_single())
/// Return a single syntax type, if valid to transform this value.
pub fn get_ava_single_syntax(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<SyntaxType> {
.and_then(|vs| vs.to_syntaxtype_single())
/// Return a single credential, if valid to transform this value.
pub fn get_ava_single_credential(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<&Credential> {
.and_then(|vs| vs.to_credential_single())
/// Return a single secret value, if valid to transform this value.
pub fn get_ava_single_secret(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<&str> {
self.attrs.get(attr).and_then(|vs| vs.to_secret_single())
/// Return a single datetime, if valid to transform this value.
pub fn get_ava_single_datetime(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<OffsetDateTime> {
self.attrs.get(attr).and_then(|vs| vs.to_datetime_single())
/// Return a single `&str`, if valid to transform this value.
pub(crate) fn get_ava_single_utf8(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<&str> {
self.attrs.get(attr).and_then(|vs| vs.to_utf8_single())
/// Return a single `&str`, if valid to transform this value.
pub(crate) fn get_ava_single_iutf8(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<&str> {
self.attrs.get(attr).and_then(|vs| vs.to_iutf8_single())
/// Return a single `&str`, if valid to transform this value.
pub(crate) fn get_ava_single_iname(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<&str> {
self.attrs.get(attr).and_then(|vs| vs.to_iname_single())
/// Return a single `&Url`, if valid to transform this value.
pub fn get_ava_single_url(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<&Url> {
self.attrs.get(attr).and_then(|vs| vs.to_url_single())
pub fn get_ava_single_uuid(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<Uuid> {
self.attrs.get(attr).and_then(|vs| vs.to_uuid_single())
pub fn get_ava_single_refer(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<Uuid> {
self.attrs.get(attr).and_then(|vs| vs.to_refer_single())
pub fn get_ava_mail_primary(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<&str> {
.and_then(|vs| vs.to_email_address_primary_str())
pub fn get_ava_iter_mail(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = &str>> {
self.get_ava_set(attr).and_then(|vs| vs.as_email_str_iter())
/// Return a single protocol filter, if valid to transform this value.
pub fn get_ava_single_protofilter(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<&ProtoFilter> {
.and_then(|vs| vs.to_json_filter_single())
pub fn get_ava_single_private_binary(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<&[u8]> {
.and_then(|vs| vs.to_private_binary_single())
/// Return a single security principle name, if valid to transform this value.
pub(crate) fn generate_spn(&self, domain_name: &str) -> Option<Value> {
.map(|name| Value::new_spn_str(name, domain_name))
/// Assert if an attribute of this name is present on this entry.
pub fn attribute_pres(&self, attr: &str) -> bool {
/// Assert if an attribute of this name is present, and one of it's values contains
/// the an exact match of this partial value.
pub fn attribute_equality(&self, attr: &str, value: &PartialValue) -> bool {
// we assume based on schema normalisation on the way in
// that the equality here of the raw values MUST be correct.
// We also normalise filters, to ensure that their values are
// syntax valid and will correctly match here with our indexes.
match self.attrs.get(attr) {
Some(v_list) => v_list.contains(value),
None => false,
/// Assert if an attribute of this name is present, and one of it's values contains
/// the following substring, if possible to perform the substring comparison.
pub fn attribute_substring(&self, attr: &str, subvalue: &PartialValue) -> bool {
.map(|vset| vset.substring(subvalue))
/// Assert if an attribute of this name is present, and one of it's values is less than
/// the following partial value
pub fn attribute_lessthan(&self, attr: &str, subvalue: &PartialValue) -> bool {
.map(|vset| vset.lessthan(subvalue))
// Since EntryValid/Invalid is just about class adherenece, not Value correctness, we
// can now apply filters to invalid entries - why? Because even if they aren't class
// valid, we still have strict typing checks between the filter -> entry to guarantee
// they should be functional. We'll never match something that isn't syntactially valid.
/// Test if the following filter applies to and matches this entry.
pub fn entry_match_no_index(&self, filter: &Filter<FilterValidResolved>) -> bool {
let _entered = trace_span!("entry::entry_match_no_index").entered();
// This is private, but exists on all types, so that valid and normal can then
// expose the simpler wrapper for entry_match_no_index only.
// Assert if this filter matches the entry (no index)
fn entry_match_no_index_inner(&self, filter: &FilterResolved) -> bool {
// Go through the filter components and check them in the entry.
// This is recursive!!!!
match filter {
FilterResolved::Eq(attr, value, _) => self.attribute_equality(attr.as_str(), value),
FilterResolved::Sub(attr, subvalue, _) => {
self.attribute_substring(attr.as_str(), subvalue)
FilterResolved::Pres(attr, _) => {
// Given attr, is is present in the entry?
FilterResolved::LessThan(attr, subvalue, _) => {
self.attribute_lessthan(attr.as_str(), subvalue)
// Check with ftweedal about or filter zero len correctness.
FilterResolved::Or(l, _) => l.iter().any(|f| self.entry_match_no_index_inner(f)),
// Check with ftweedal about and filter zero len correctness.
FilterResolved::And(l, _) => l.iter().all(|f| self.entry_match_no_index_inner(f)),
FilterResolved::Inclusion(_, _) => {
// An inclusion doesn't make sense on an entry in isolation!
// Inclusions are part of exists queries, on search they mean
// nothing!
FilterResolved::AndNot(f, _) => !self.entry_match_no_index_inner(f),
/// Given this entry, generate a filter containing the requested attributes strings as
/// equality components.
pub fn filter_from_attrs(&self, attrs: &[AttrString]) -> Option<Filter<FilterInvalid>> {
// Because we are a valid entry, a filter we create still may not
// be valid because the internal server entry templates are still
// created by humans! Plus double checking something already valid
// is not bad ...
// Generate a filter from the attributes requested and defined.
// Basically, this is a series of nested and's (which will be
// optimised down later: but if someone wants to solve flatten() ...)
// Take name: (a, b), name: (c, d) -> (name, a), (name, b), (name, c), (name, d)
let mut pairs: Vec<(&str, PartialValue)> = Vec::new();
for attr in attrs {
match self.attrs.get(attr) {
Some(values) => values
.for_each(|pv| pairs.push((attr, pv))),
None => return None,
.map(|(attr, pv)| {
// We use FC directly here instead of f_eq to avoid an excess clone.
FC::Eq(attr, pv)
/// Given this entry, generate a modification list that would "assert"
/// another entry is in the same/identical attribute state.
pub fn gen_modlist_assert(
schema: &dyn SchemaTransaction,
) -> Result<ModifyList<ModifyInvalid>, SchemaError> {
// Create a modlist from this entry. We make this assuming we want the entry
// to have this one as a subset of values. This means if we have single
// values, we'll replace, if they are multivalue, we present them.
let mut mods = ModifyList::new();
for (k, vs) in self.attrs.iter() {
// WHY?! We skip uuid here because it is INVALID for a UUID
// to be in a modlist, and the base.rs plugin will fail if it
// is there. This actually doesn't matter, because to apply the
// modlist in these situations we already know the entry MUST
// exist with that UUID, we only need to conform it's other
// attributes into the same state.
// In the future, if we make uuid a real entry type, then this
// check can "go away" because uuid will never exist as an ava.
// NOTE: Remove this check when uuid becomes a real attribute.
// UUID is now a real attribute, but it also has an ava for db_entry
// conversion - so what do? If we remove it here, we could have CSN issue with
// repl on uuid conflict, but it probably shouldn't be an ava either ...
// as a result, I think we need to keep this continue line to not cause issues.
if k == "uuid" {
// Get the schema attribute type out.
match schema.is_multivalue(k) {
Ok(r) => {
if !r || k == "systemmust" || k == "systemmay" {
// As this is single value, purge then present to maintain this
// invariant. The other situation we purge is within schema with
// the system types where we need to be able to express REMOVAL
// of attributes, thus we need the purge.
// A schema error happened, fail the whole operation.
Err(e) => return Err(e),
for v in vs.to_value_iter() {
mods.push_mod(Modify::Present(k.clone(), v.clone()));
impl<STATE> Entry<EntryInvalid, STATE>
STATE: Clone,
// This should always work? It's only on validate that we'll build
// a list of syntax violations ...
// If this already exists, we silently drop the event? Is that an
// acceptable interface?
// TODO: This should take Value not &Value, would save a lot of clones
// around the codebase.
pub fn add_ava(&mut self, attr: &str, value: Value) {
self.add_ava_int(attr, value)
/// Merge an existing value set into this attributes value set. If they are not
/// the same type, an error is returned. If no attribute exists, then this valueset is
/// cloned "as is".
pub fn merge_ava(&mut self, attr: &str, valueset: &ValueSet) -> Result<(), OperationError> {
if let Some(vs) = self.attrs.get_mut(attr) {
} else {
self.attrs.insert(AttrString::from(attr), valueset.clone());
/// Remove an attribute-value pair from this entry.
fn remove_ava(&mut self, attr: &str, value: &PartialValue) {
let rm = if let Some(vs) = self.attrs.get_mut(attr) {
} else {
if rm {
pub(crate) fn remove_avas(&mut self, attr: &str, values: &BTreeSet<PartialValue>) {
let rm = if let Some(vs) = self.attrs.get_mut(attr) {
values.iter().for_each(|k| {
} else {
if rm {
/// Remove all values of this attribute from the entry.
pub fn purge_ava(&mut self, attr: &str) {
/// Remove all values of this attribute from the entry, and return their content.
pub fn pop_ava(&mut self, attr: &str) -> Option<ValueSet> {
/// Replace the content of this attribute with a new value set.
// pub fn set_ava(&mut self, attr: &str, values: Set<Value>) {
pub fn set_ava<T>(&mut self, attr: &str, iter: T)
T: IntoIterator<Item = Value>,
self.set_ava_int(attr, iter)
pub fn get_ava_mut(&mut self, attr: &str) -> Option<&mut ValueSet> {
pub fn avas_mut(&mut self) -> EntryAvasMut {
EntryAvasMut {
inner: self.attrs.iter_mut(),
/// Apply the content of this modlist to this entry, enforcing the expressed state.
pub fn apply_modlist(&mut self, modlist: &ModifyList<ModifyValid>) {
// -> Result<Entry<EntryInvalid, STATE>, OperationError> {
// Apply a modlist, generating a new entry that conforms to the changes.
// This is effectively clone-and-transform
// mutate
for modify in modlist {
match modify {
Modify::Present(a, v) => self.add_ava(a.as_str(), v.clone()),
Modify::Removed(a, v) => self.remove_ava(a.as_str(), v),
Modify::Purged(a) => self.purge_ava(a.as_str()),
impl<VALID, STATE> PartialEq for Entry<VALID, STATE> {
fn eq(&self, rhs: &Entry<VALID, STATE>) -> bool {
// This may look naive - but it is correct. This is because
// all items that end up in an item MUST have passed through
// schema validation and normalisation so we can assume that
// all rules were applied correctly. Thus we can just simply
// do a char-compare like this.
// Of course, this is only true on the "Valid" types ... the others
// are not guaranteed to support this ... but more likely that will
// just end in eager false-results. We'll never say something is true
// that should NOT be.
compare_attrs(&self.attrs, &rhs.attrs)
impl From<&SchemaAttribute> for Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> {
fn from(s: &SchemaAttribute) -> Self {
// Convert an Attribute to an entry ... make it good!
let uuid_v = vs_uuid![s.uuid];
let name_v = vs_iutf8![s.name.as_str()];
let desc_v = vs_utf8![s.description.clone()];
let multivalue_v = vs_bool![s.multivalue];
let unique_v = vs_bool![s.unique];
let index_v = ValueSetIndex::from_iter(s.index.iter().copied());
let syntax_v = vs_syntax![s.syntax];
// Build the Map of the attributes relevant
// let mut attrs: Map<AttrString, Set<Value>> = Map::with_capacity(8);
let mut attrs: Map<AttrString, ValueSet> = Map::new();
attrs.insert(AttrString::from("attributename"), name_v);
attrs.insert(AttrString::from("description"), desc_v);
attrs.insert(AttrString::from("uuid"), uuid_v);
attrs.insert(AttrString::from("multivalue"), multivalue_v);
attrs.insert(AttrString::from("unique"), unique_v);
if let Some(vs) = index_v {
attrs.insert(AttrString::from("index"), vs);
attrs.insert(AttrString::from("syntax"), syntax_v);
vs_iutf8!["object", "system", "attributetype"],
// Insert stuff.
Entry {
valid: EntryInit,
state: EntryNew,
impl From<&SchemaClass> for Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> {
fn from(s: &SchemaClass) -> Self {
let uuid_v = vs_uuid![s.uuid];
let name_v = vs_iutf8![s.name.as_str()];
let desc_v = vs_utf8![s.description.clone()];
// let mut attrs: Map<AttrString, Set<Value>> = Map::with_capacity(8);
let mut attrs: Map<AttrString, ValueSet> = Map::new();
attrs.insert(AttrString::from("classname"), name_v);
attrs.insert(AttrString::from("description"), desc_v);
attrs.insert(AttrString::from("uuid"), uuid_v);
vs_iutf8!["object", "system", "classtype"],
let vs_systemmay = ValueSetIutf8::from_iter(s.systemmay.iter().map(|sm| sm.as_str()));
if let Some(vs) = vs_systemmay {
attrs.insert(AttrString::from("systemmay"), vs);
let vs_systemmust = ValueSetIutf8::from_iter(s.systemmust.iter().map(|sm| sm.as_str()));
if let Some(vs) = vs_systemmust {
attrs.insert(AttrString::from("systemmust"), vs);
Entry {
valid: EntryInit,
state: EntryNew,
mod tests {
use crate::be::{IdxKey, IdxSlope};
use crate::entry::{Entry, EntryInit, EntryInvalid, EntryNew};
use crate::modify::{Modify, ModifyList};
use crate::value::{IndexType, PartialValue, Value};
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use smartstring::alias::String as AttrString;
use std::collections::BTreeSet as Set;
fn test_entry_basic() {
let mut e: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e.add_ava("userid", Value::from("william"));
fn test_entry_dup_value() {
// Schema doesn't matter here because we are duplicating a value
// it should fail!
// We still probably need schema here anyway to validate what we
// are adding ... Or do we validate after the changes are made in
// total?
let mut e: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e.add_ava("userid", Value::from("william"));
e.add_ava("userid", Value::from("william"));
let values = e.get_ava_set("userid").expect("Failed to get ava");
// Should only be one value!
assert_eq!(values.len(), 1)
fn test_entry_pres() {
let mut e: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e.add_ava("userid", Value::from("william"));
fn test_entry_equality() {
let mut e: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e.add_ava("userid", Value::from("william"));
assert!(e.attribute_equality("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("william")));
assert!(!e.attribute_equality("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("test")));
assert!(!e.attribute_equality("nonexist", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("william")));
// Also test non-matching attr syntax
assert!(!e.attribute_equality("userid", &PartialValue::new_class("william")));
fn test_entry_substring() {
let mut e: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e.add_ava("userid", Value::from("william"));
assert!(e.attribute_substring("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("william")));
assert!(e.attribute_substring("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("will")));
assert!(e.attribute_substring("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("liam")));
assert!(e.attribute_substring("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("lli")));
assert!(!e.attribute_substring("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("llim")));
assert!(!e.attribute_substring("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("bob")));
assert!(!e.attribute_substring("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("wl")));
fn test_entry_lessthan() {
let mut e1: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
let pv2 = PartialValue::new_uint32(2);
let pv8 = PartialValue::new_uint32(8);
let pv10 = PartialValue::new_uint32(10);
let pv15 = PartialValue::new_uint32(15);
e1.add_ava("a", Value::new_uint32(10));
assert!(e1.attribute_lessthan("a", &pv2) == false);
assert!(e1.attribute_lessthan("a", &pv8) == false);
assert!(e1.attribute_lessthan("a", &pv10) == false);
assert!(e1.attribute_lessthan("a", &pv15) == true);
e1.add_ava("a", Value::new_uint32(8));
assert!(e1.attribute_lessthan("a", &pv2) == false);
assert!(e1.attribute_lessthan("a", &pv8) == false);
assert!(e1.attribute_lessthan("a", &pv10) == true);
assert!(e1.attribute_lessthan("a", &pv15) == true);
fn test_entry_apply_modlist() {
// Test application of changes to an entry.
let mut e: Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryNew> = unsafe { Entry::new().into_invalid_new() };
e.add_ava("userid", Value::from("william"));
let present_single_mods = unsafe {
// Assert the changes are there
assert!(e.attribute_equality("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("william")));
assert!(e.attribute_equality("attr", &PartialValue::new_iutf8("value")));
// Assert present for multivalue
let present_multivalue_mods = unsafe {
Modify::Present(AttrString::from("class"), Value::new_iutf8("test")),
Modify::Present(AttrString::from("class"), Value::new_iutf8("multi_test")),
assert!(e.attribute_equality("class", &PartialValue::new_iutf8("test")));
assert!(e.attribute_equality("class", &PartialValue::new_iutf8("multi_test")));
// Assert purge on single/multi/empty value
let purge_single_mods =
unsafe { ModifyList::new_valid_list(vec![Modify::Purged(AttrString::from("attr"))]) };
let purge_multi_mods =
unsafe { ModifyList::new_valid_list(vec![Modify::Purged(AttrString::from("class"))]) };
let purge_empty_mods = purge_single_mods;
// Assert removed on value that exists and doesn't exist
let remove_mods = unsafe {
assert!(e.attribute_equality("attr", &PartialValue::new_iutf8("value")));
let remove_empty_mods = remove_mods;
fn test_entry_idx_diff() {
let mut e1: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e1.add_ava("userid", Value::from("william"));
let mut e1_mod = e1.clone();
e1_mod.add_ava("extra", Value::from("test"));
let e1 = unsafe { e1.into_sealed_committed() };
let e1_mod = unsafe { e1_mod.into_sealed_committed() };
let mut e2: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e2.add_ava("userid", Value::from("claire"));
let e2 = unsafe { e2.into_sealed_committed() };
let mut idxmeta = HashMap::with_capacity(8);
IdxKey {
attr: AttrString::from("userid"),
itype: IndexType::Equality,
IdxKey {
attr: AttrString::from("userid"),
itype: IndexType::Presence,
IdxKey {
attr: AttrString::from("extra"),
itype: IndexType::Equality,
// When we do None, None, we get nothing back.
let r1 = Entry::idx_diff(&idxmeta, None, None);
eprintln!("{:?}", r1);
assert!(r1 == Vec::new());
// Check generating a delete diff
let mut del_r = Entry::idx_diff(&idxmeta, Some(&e1), None);
eprintln!("del_r {:?}", del_r);
== Err((
== Err((
// Check generating an add diff
let mut add_r = Entry::idx_diff(&idxmeta, None, Some(&e1));
eprintln!("{:?}", add_r);
== Ok((
== Ok((
// Check the mod cases now
// Check no changes
let no_r = Entry::idx_diff(&idxmeta, Some(&e1), Some(&e1));
assert!(no_r.len() == 0);
// Check "adding" an attribute.
let add_a_r = Entry::idx_diff(&idxmeta, Some(&e1), Some(&e1_mod));
== Ok((
// Check "removing" an attribute.
let del_a_r = Entry::idx_diff(&idxmeta, Some(&e1_mod), Some(&e1));
== Err((
// Change an attribute.
let mut chg_r = Entry::idx_diff(&idxmeta, Some(&e1), Some(&e2));
eprintln!("{:?}", chg_r);
== Err((
== Ok((
fn test_entry_mask_recycled_ts() {
let mut e1: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e1.add_ava("class", Value::new_class("person"));
let e1 = unsafe { e1.into_sealed_committed() };
let mut e2: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e2.add_ava("class", Value::new_class("person"));
e2.add_ava("class", Value::new_class("recycled"));
let e2 = unsafe { e2.into_sealed_committed() };
let mut e3: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e3.add_ava("class", Value::new_class("tombstone"));
let e3 = unsafe { e3.into_sealed_committed() };
fn test_entry_idx_name2uuid_diff() {
// none, none,
let r = Entry::idx_name2uuid_diff(None, None);
assert!(r == (None, None));
// none, some - test adding an entry gives back add sets
let mut e: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e.add_ava("class", Value::new_class("person"));
let e = unsafe { e.into_sealed_committed() };
assert!(Entry::idx_name2uuid_diff(None, Some(&e)) == (Some(Set::new()), None));
let mut e: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e.add_ava("class", Value::new_class("person"));
e.add_ava("gidnumber", Value::new_uint32(1300));
e.add_ava("name", Value::new_iname("testperson"));
e.add_ava("spn", Value::new_spn_str("testperson", "example.com"));
let e = unsafe { e.into_sealed_committed() };
// Note the uuid isn't present!
Entry::idx_name2uuid_diff(None, Some(&e))
== (
// some, none,
// Check delete, swap the order of args
Entry::idx_name2uuid_diff(Some(&e), None)
== (
// some, some (same), should be empty changes.
Entry::idx_name2uuid_diff(Some(&e), Some(&e))
== (Some(Set::new()), Some(Set::new()))
// some, some (diff)
let mut e1: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e1.add_ava("class", Value::new_class("person"));
e1.add_ava("spn", Value::new_spn_str("testperson", "example.com"));
let e1 = unsafe { e1.into_sealed_committed() };
let mut e2: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e2.add_ava("class", Value::new_class("person"));
e2.add_ava("name", Value::new_iname("testperson"));
e2.add_ava("spn", Value::new_spn_str("testperson", "example.com"));
let e2 = unsafe { e2.into_sealed_committed() };
// One attr added
Entry::idx_name2uuid_diff(Some(&e1), Some(&e2))
== (Some(btreeset!["testperson".to_string()]), Some(Set::new()))
// One removed
Entry::idx_name2uuid_diff(Some(&e2), Some(&e1))
== (Some(Set::new()), Some(btreeset!["testperson".to_string()]))
// Value changed, remove old, add new.
let mut e1: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e1.add_ava("class", Value::new_class("person"));
e1.add_ava("spn", Value::new_spn_str("testperson", "example.com"));
let e1 = unsafe { e1.into_sealed_committed() };
let mut e2: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e2.add_ava("class", Value::new_class("person"));
e2.add_ava("spn", Value::new_spn_str("renameperson", "example.com"));
let e2 = unsafe { e2.into_sealed_committed() };
Entry::idx_name2uuid_diff(Some(&e1), Some(&e2))
== (
fn test_entry_idx_uuid2spn_diff() {
assert!(Entry::idx_uuid2spn_diff(None, None) == None);
let mut e1: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e1.add_ava("spn", Value::new_spn_str("testperson", "example.com"));
let e1 = unsafe { e1.into_sealed_committed() };
let mut e2: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e2.add_ava("spn", Value::new_spn_str("renameperson", "example.com"));
let e2 = unsafe { e2.into_sealed_committed() };
Entry::idx_uuid2spn_diff(None, Some(&e1))
== Some(Ok(Value::new_spn_str("testperson", "example.com")))
assert!(Entry::idx_uuid2spn_diff(Some(&e1), None) == Some(Err(())));
assert!(Entry::idx_uuid2spn_diff(Some(&e1), Some(&e1)) == None);
Entry::idx_uuid2spn_diff(Some(&e1), Some(&e2))
== Some(Ok(Value::new_spn_str("renameperson", "example.com")))
fn test_entry_idx_uuid2rdn_diff() {
assert!(Entry::idx_uuid2rdn_diff(None, None) == None);
let mut e1: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e1.add_ava("spn", Value::new_spn_str("testperson", "example.com"));
let e1 = unsafe { e1.into_sealed_committed() };
let mut e2: Entry<EntryInit, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e2.add_ava("spn", Value::new_spn_str("renameperson", "example.com"));
let e2 = unsafe { e2.into_sealed_committed() };
Entry::idx_uuid2rdn_diff(None, Some(&e1))
== Some(Ok("spn=testperson@example.com".to_string()))
assert!(Entry::idx_uuid2rdn_diff(Some(&e1), None) == Some(Err(())));
assert!(Entry::idx_uuid2rdn_diff(Some(&e1), Some(&e1)) == None);
Entry::idx_uuid2rdn_diff(Some(&e1), Some(&e2))
== Some(Ok("spn=renameperson@example.com".to_string()))