mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 05:27:01 +01:00
This adds support for authentication and credential storage to the server. It also adds account recovery and options for integration test fixtures, refactors to make the client library easier to manage, and support clean seperation of the proto vs lib.
1472 lines
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1472 lines
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// use serde_json::{Error, Value};
use crate::audit::AuditScope;
use crate::credential::Credential;
use crate::filter::{Filter, FilterInvalid, FilterResolved, FilterValidResolved};
use crate::modify::{Modify, ModifyInvalid, ModifyList, ModifyValid};
use crate::schema::{SchemaAttribute, SchemaClass, SchemaTransaction};
use crate::server::{QueryServerTransaction, QueryServerWriteTransaction};
use crate::value::{IndexType, SyntaxType};
use crate::value::{PartialValue, Value};
use rsidm_proto::v1::Entry as ProtoEntry;
use rsidm_proto::v1::Filter as ProtoFilter;
use rsidm_proto::v1::{OperationError, SchemaError};
use crate::be::dbentry::{DbEntry, DbEntryV1, DbEntryVers};
use std::collections::btree_map::{Iter as BTreeIter, IterMut as BTreeIterMut};
use std::collections::btree_set::Iter as BTreeSetIter;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::iter::ExactSizeIterator;
use uuid::Uuid;
// use std::convert::TryFrom;
// use std::str::FromStr;
// make a trait entry for everything to adhere to?
// * How to get indexs out?
// * How to track pending diffs?
// Entry is really similar to serde Value, but limits the possibility
// of what certain types could be.
// The idea of an entry is that we have
// an entry that looks like:
// {
// 'class': ['object', ...],
// 'attr': ['value', ...],
// 'attr': ['value', ...],
// ...
// }
// When we send this as a result to clients, we could embed other objects as:
// {
// 'attr': [
// 'value': {
// },
// ],
// }
lazy_static! {
static ref CLASS_EXTENSIBLE: PartialValue = PartialValue::new_class("extensibleobject");
pub struct EntryClasses<'a> {
size: usize,
inner: Option<BTreeSetIter<'a, Value>>,
// _p: &'a PhantomData<()>,
impl<'a> Iterator for EntryClasses<'a> {
type Item = &'a Value;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(&'a Value)> {
match self.inner.iter_mut().next() {
Some(i) => i.next(),
None => None,
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
match self.inner.iter().next() {
Some(i) => i.size_hint(),
None => (0, None),
impl<'a> ExactSizeIterator for EntryClasses<'a> {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub struct EntryAvas<'a> {
inner: BTreeIter<'a, String, BTreeSet<Value>>,
impl<'a> Iterator for EntryAvas<'a> {
type Item = (&'a String, &'a BTreeSet<Value>);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(&'a String, &'a BTreeSet<Value>)> {
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
pub struct EntryAvasMut<'a> {
inner: BTreeIterMut<'a, String, BTreeSet<Value>>,
impl<'a> Iterator for EntryAvasMut<'a> {
type Item = (&'a String, &'a mut BTreeSet<Value>);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(&'a String, &'a mut BTreeSet<Value>)> {
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
// This is a BE concept, so move it there!
// Entry should have a lifecycle of types. THis is Raw (modifiable) and Entry (verified).
// This way, we can move between them, but only certain actions are possible on either
// This means modifications happen on Raw, but to move to Entry, you schema normalise.
// Vice versa, you can for free, move to Raw, but you lose the validation.
// Because this is type system it's "free" in the end, and means we force validation
// at the correct and required points of the entries life.
// This is specifically important for the commit to the backend, as we only want to
// commit validated types.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct EntryNew; // new
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct EntryCommitted {
id: u64,
} // It's been in the DB, so it has an id
// pub struct EntryPurged;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct EntryValid {
// Asserted with schema, so we know it has a UUID now ...
uuid: Uuid,
// Modified, can't be sure of it's content! We therefore disregard the UUID
// and on validate, we check it again.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct EntryInvalid;
// This state can't exist because everything is normalised now with Value types
// #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
// pub struct EntryNormalised;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct EntryReduced;
pub struct Entry<VALID, STATE> {
valid: VALID,
state: STATE,
// We may need to change this to BTreeSet to allow borrow of Value -> PartialValue for lookups.
attrs: BTreeMap<String, BTreeSet<Value>>,
impl<STATE> std::fmt::Display for Entry<EntryValid, STATE> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.get_uuid())
impl Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryNew> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Entry {
// This means NEVER COMMITED
valid: EntryInvalid,
state: EntryNew,
attrs: BTreeMap::new(),
// Could we consume protoentry?
// I think we could, but that would limit us to how protoentry works,
// where we are likely to actually change the Entry type here and how
// we store and represent types and data.
pub fn from_proto_entry(
audit: &mut AuditScope,
e: &ProtoEntry,
qs: &QueryServerWriteTransaction,
) -> Result<Self, OperationError> {
// Why not the trait? In the future we may want to extend
// this with server aware functions for changes of the
// incoming data.
// Somehow we need to take the tree of e attrs, and convert
// all ref types to our types ...
let map2: Result<BTreeMap<String, BTreeSet<Value>>, OperationError> = e
.map(|(k, v)| {
let nv: Result<BTreeSet<Value>, _> =
v.iter().map(|vr| qs.clone_value(audit, &k, vr)).collect();
match nv {
Ok(nvi) => Ok((k.clone(), nvi)),
Err(e) => Err(e),
let x = map2?;
Ok(Entry {
// For now, we do a straight move, and we sort the incoming data
// sets so that BST works.
state: EntryNew,
valid: EntryInvalid,
attrs: x,
pub fn from_proto_entry_str(
audit: &mut AuditScope,
es: &str,
qs: &QueryServerWriteTransaction,
) -> Result<Self, OperationError> {
// str -> Proto entry
let pe: ProtoEntry = try_audit!(
serde_json::from_str(es).map_err(|_| OperationError::SerdeJsonError)
// now call from_proto_entry
Self::from_proto_entry(audit, &pe, qs)
pub(crate) fn unsafe_from_entry_str(es: &str) -> Self {
// Just use log directly here, it's testing
// str -> proto entry
let pe: ProtoEntry = serde_json::from_str(es).expect("Invalid Proto Entry");
// use a static map to convert str -> ava
let x: BTreeMap<String, BTreeSet<Value>> = pe.attrs.into_iter()
.map(|(k, vs)| {
let attr = k.to_lowercase();
let vv: BTreeSet<Value> = match attr.as_str() {
"name" | "version" | "domain" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_iutf8(v)).collect()
"userid" | "uidnumber" => {
warn!("WARNING: Use of unstabilised attributes userid/uidnumber");
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_iutf8(v)).collect()
"class" | "acp_create_class" | "acp_modify_class" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_class(v.as_str())).collect()
"acp_create_attr" | "acp_search_attr" | "acp_modify_removedattr" | "acp_modify_presentattr" |
"systemmay" | "may" | "systemmust" | "must"
=> {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_attr(v.as_str())).collect()
"uuid" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_uuids(v.as_str())
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
warn!("WARNING: Allowing syntax incorrect attribute to be presented UTF8 string");
"member" | "memberof" | "directmemberof" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_refer_s(v.as_str()).unwrap() ).collect()
"acp_enable" | "multivalue" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_bools(v.as_str())
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
warn!("WARNING: Allowing syntax incorrect attribute to be presented UTF8 string");
"syntax" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_syntaxs(v.as_str())
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
warn!("WARNING: Allowing syntax incorrect attribute to be presented UTF8 string");
"index" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_indexs(v.as_str())
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
warn!("WARNING: Allowing syntax incorrect attribute to be presented UTF8 string");
"acp_targetscope" | "acp_receiver" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_json_filter(v.as_str())
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
warn!("WARNING: Allowing syntax incorrect attribute to be presented UTF8 string");
"displayname" | "description" => {
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_utf8(v)).collect()
ia => {
warn!("WARNING: Allowing invalid attribute {} to be interpretted as UTF8 string. YOU MAY ENCOUNTER ODD BEHAVIOUR!!!", ia);
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::new_utf8(v)).collect()
(attr, vv)
// return the entry!
Entry {
state: EntryNew,
valid: EntryInvalid,
attrs: x,
impl<STATE> Entry<EntryInvalid, STATE> {
// This is only used in tests today, but I don't want to cfg test it.
fn get_uuid(&self) -> Option<&Uuid> {
match self.attrs.get("uuid") {
Some(vs) => match vs.iter().take(1).next() {
// Uv is a value that might contain uuid - we hope it does!
Some(uv) => uv.to_uuid(),
_ => None,
None => None,
pub fn normalise(
schema: &SchemaTransaction,
) -> Result<Entry<EntryNormalised, STATE>, SchemaError> {
let Entry {
valid: _,
} = self;
let schema_attributes = schema.get_attributes();
// This should never fail!
let schema_attr_name = match schema_attributes.get("name") {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
return Err(SchemaError::Corrupted);
let mut new_attrs = BTreeMap::new();
// First normalise - this checks and fixes our UUID format
// but should not remove multiple values.
for (attr_name, avas) in attrs.iter() {
let attr_name_normal: String = schema_attr_name.normalise_value(attr_name);
// Get the needed schema type
let schema_a_r = schema_attributes.get(&attr_name_normal);
let mut avas_normal: Vec<String> = match schema_a_r {
Some(schema_a) => {
.map(|av| {
// normalise those based on schema?
None => avas.clone(),
// Ensure they are ordered property, with no dupes.
// Should never fail!
let _ = new_attrs.insert(attr_name_normal, avas_normal);
Ok(Entry {
valid: EntryNormalised,
state: state,
attrs: new_attrs,
pub fn validate(
schema: &SchemaTransaction,
) -> Result<Entry<EntryValid, STATE>, SchemaError> {
// We need to clone before we start, as well be mutating content.
// We destructure:
// self.normalise(schema).and_then(|e| e.validate(schema))
pub fn validate(
schema: &SchemaTransaction,
) -> Result<Entry<EntryValid, STATE>, SchemaError> {
let schema_classes = schema.get_classes();
let schema_attributes = schema.get_attributes();
let uuid: Uuid = match &self.attrs.get("uuid") {
Some(vs) => match vs.iter().take(1).next() {
Some(uuid_v) => match uuid_v.to_uuid() {
Some(uuid) => *uuid,
None => return Err(SchemaError::InvalidAttribute),
None => return Err(SchemaError::MissingMustAttribute("uuid".to_string())),
None => return Err(SchemaError::MissingMustAttribute("uuid".to_string())),
// Build the new valid entry ...
let ne = Entry {
valid: EntryValid { uuid },
state: self.state,
attrs: self.attrs,
// Now validate it!
// We scope here to limit the time of borrow of ne.
// First, check we have class on the object ....
if !ne.attribute_pres("class") {
debug!("Missing attribute class");
return Err(SchemaError::InvalidClass);
// Do we have extensible?
let extensible = ne.attribute_value_pres("class", &CLASS_EXTENSIBLE);
let entry_classes = ne.classes().ok_or(SchemaError::InvalidClass)?;
let entry_classes_size = entry_classes.len();
let classes: Vec<&SchemaClass> = entry_classes
// we specify types here to help me clarify a few things in the
// development process :)
.filter_map(|c: &Value| {
let x: Option<&SchemaClass> = c.as_string().and_then(|s| schema_classes.get(s));
if classes.len() != entry_classes_size {
debug!("Class on entry not found in schema?");
return Err(SchemaError::InvalidClass);
// What this is really doing is taking a set of classes, and building an
// "overall" class that describes this exact object for checking. IE we
// build a super must/may set from the small class must/may sets.
// for each class
// add systemmust/must and systemmay/may to their lists
// add anything from must also into may
// Now from the set of valid classes make a list of must/may
// NOTE: We still need this on extensible, because we still need to satisfy
// our other must conditions as well!
let must: Result<Vec<&SchemaAttribute>, _> = classes
// Join our class systemmmust + must into one iter
.flat_map(|cls| cls.systemmust.iter().chain(cls.must.iter()))
.map(|s| {
// This should NOT fail - if it does, it means our schema is
// in an invalid state!
let must = must?;
// Check that all must are inplace
// for each attr in must, check it's present on our ent
for attr in must {
let avas = ne.get_ava(&attr.name);
if avas.is_none() {
return Err(SchemaError::MissingMustAttribute(attr.name.clone()));
debug!("Extensible object -> {}", extensible);
if extensible {
for (attr_name, avas) in ne.avas() {
match schema_attributes.get(attr_name) {
Some(a_schema) => {
// Now, for each type we do a *full* check of the syntax
// and validity of the ava.
let r = a_schema.validate_ava(avas);
match r {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
debug!("Failed to validate: {}", attr_name);
return Err(e);
None => {
debug!("Invalid Attribute {} for extensible object", attr_name);
return Err(SchemaError::InvalidAttribute);
} else {
// We clone string here, but it's so we can check all
// the values in "may" ar here - so we can't avoid this look up. What we
// could do though, is have &String based on the schemaattribute though?;
let may: Result<HashMap<&String, &SchemaAttribute>, _> = classes
// Join our class systemmmust + must + systemmay + may into one.
.flat_map(|cls| {
.map(|s| {
// This should NOT fail - if it does, it means our schema is
// in an invalid state!
Ok((s, schema_attributes.get(s).ok_or(SchemaError::Corrupted)?))
let may = may?;
// TODO #70: Error needs to say what is missing
// We need to return *all* missing attributes, not just the first error
// we find. This will probably take a rewrite of the function definition
// to return a result<_, vec<schemaerror>> and for the schema errors to take
// information about what is invalid. It's pretty nontrivial.
// Check that any other attributes are in may
// for each attr on the object, check it's in the may+must set
for (attr_name, avas) in ne.avas() {
match may.get(attr_name) {
Some(a_schema) => {
// Now, for each type we do a *full* check of the syntax
// and validity of the ava.
let r = a_schema.validate_ava(avas);
match r {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
debug!("Failed to validate: {}", attr_name);
return Err(e);
None => {
debug!("Invalid Attribute {} for may+must set", attr_name);
return Err(SchemaError::InvalidAttribute);
} // unborrow ne.
// Well, we got here, so okay!
impl<VALID, STATE> Clone for Entry<VALID, STATE>
VALID: Clone,
STATE: Copy,
// Dirty modifiable state. Works on any other state to dirty them.
fn clone(&self) -> Entry<VALID, STATE> {
Entry {
valid: self.valid.clone(),
state: self.state,
attrs: self.attrs.clone(),
* A series of unsafe transitions allowing entries to skip certain steps in
* the process to facilitate eq/checks.
impl Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryCommitted> {
pub unsafe fn to_valid_new(self) -> Entry<EntryValid, EntryNew> {
Entry {
valid: EntryValid {
uuid: self.get_uuid().expect("Invalid uuid").clone(),
state: EntryNew,
attrs: self.attrs,
// Both invalid states can be reached from "entry -> invalidate"
impl Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryNew> {
pub unsafe fn to_valid_new(self) -> Entry<EntryValid, EntryNew> {
Entry {
valid: EntryValid {
uuid: self.get_uuid().expect("Invalid uuid").clone(),
state: EntryNew,
attrs: self.attrs,
pub unsafe fn to_valid_normal(self) -> Entry<EntryNormalised, EntryNew> {
Entry {
valid: EntryNormalised,
state: EntryNew,
attrs: self
.map(|(k, mut v)| {
(k, v)
pub unsafe fn to_valid_committed(self) -> Entry<EntryValid, EntryCommitted> {
Entry {
valid: EntryValid {
uuid: self
.and_then(|u| Some(u.clone()))
.unwrap_or_else(|| Uuid::new_v4()),
state: EntryCommitted { id: 0 },
attrs: self.attrs,
impl Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryCommitted> {
pub unsafe fn to_valid_committed(self) -> Entry<EntryValid, EntryCommitted> {
Entry {
valid: EntryValid {
uuid: self.get_uuid().expect("Missing UUID!").clone(),
state: self.state,
attrs: self.attrs,
impl Entry<EntryValid, EntryNew> {
pub unsafe fn to_valid_committed(self) -> Entry<EntryValid, EntryCommitted> {
Entry {
valid: self.valid,
state: EntryCommitted { id: 0 },
attrs: self.attrs,
pub fn compare(&self, rhs: &Entry<EntryValid, EntryCommitted>) -> bool {
self.attrs == rhs.attrs
impl Entry<EntryValid, EntryCommitted> {
pub unsafe fn to_valid_committed(self) -> Entry<EntryValid, EntryCommitted> {
// NO-OP to satisfy macros.
pub fn compare(&self, rhs: &Entry<EntryValid, EntryNew>) -> bool {
self.attrs == rhs.attrs
pub fn to_tombstone(&self) -> Self {
// Duplicate this to a tombstone entry
let class_ava = btreeset![Value::new_class("object"), Value::new_class("tombstone")];
let mut attrs_new: BTreeMap<String, BTreeSet<Value>> = BTreeMap::new();
attrs_new.insert("class".to_string(), class_ava);
Entry {
valid: self.valid.clone(),
state: self.state,
attrs: attrs_new,
pub fn get_id(&self) -> u64 {
pub fn from_dbentry(db_e: DbEntry, id: u64) -> Result<Self, ()> {
// Convert attrs from db format to value
let r_attrs: Result<BTreeMap<String, BTreeSet<Value>>, ()> = match db_e.ent {
DbEntryVers::V1(v1) => v1
.map(|(k, vs)| {
let vv: Result<BTreeSet<Value>, ()> =
vs.into_iter().map(|v| Value::from_db_valuev1(v)).collect();
match vv {
Ok(vv) => Ok((k, vv)),
Err(e) => Err(e),
let attrs = r_attrs?;
let uuid: Uuid = match attrs.get("uuid") {
Some(vs) => vs.iter().take(1).next(),
None => None,
// Now map value -> uuid
Ok(Entry {
valid: EntryValid { uuid: uuid },
state: EntryCommitted { id },
attrs: attrs,
pub fn to_reduced(self) -> Entry<EntryReduced, EntryCommitted> {
Entry {
valid: EntryReduced,
state: self.state,
attrs: self.attrs,
pub fn reduce_attributes(
allowed_attrs: BTreeSet<&str>,
) -> Entry<EntryReduced, EntryCommitted> {
// Remove all attrs from our tree that are NOT in the allowed set.
let Entry {
valid: _s_valid,
state: s_state,
attrs: s_attrs,
} = self;
let f_attrs: BTreeMap<_, _> = s_attrs
.filter_map(|(k, v)| {
if allowed_attrs.contains(k.as_str()) {
Some((k, v))
} else {
Entry {
valid: EntryReduced,
state: s_state,
attrs: f_attrs,
// These are special types to allow returning typed values from
// an entry, if we "know" what we expect to receive.
/// This returns an array of IndexTypes, when the type is an Optional
/// multivalue in schema - IE this will *not* fail if the attribute is
/// empty, yielding and empty array instead.
/// However, the converstion to IndexType is fallaible, so in case of a failure
/// to convert, an Err is returned.
pub(crate) fn get_ava_opt_index(&self, attr: &str) -> Result<Vec<&IndexType>, ()> {
match self.attrs.get(attr) {
Some(av) => {
let r: Result<Vec<_>, _> = av.iter().map(|v| v.to_indextype().ok_or(())).collect();
None => Ok(Vec::new()),
/// Get a bool from an ava
pub fn get_ava_single_bool(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<bool> {
match self.get_ava_single(attr) {
Some(a) => a.to_bool(),
None => None,
pub fn get_ava_single_syntax(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<&SyntaxType> {
match self.get_ava_single(attr) {
Some(a) => a.to_syntaxtype(),
None => None,
pub fn get_ava_single_credential(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<&Credential> {
match self.get_ava_single(attr) {
Some(a) => a.to_credential(),
None => None,
pub fn get_ava_reference_uuid(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<Vec<&Uuid>> {
// If any value is NOT a reference, return none!
match self.attrs.get(attr) {
Some(av) => {
let v: Option<Vec<&Uuid>> = av.iter().map(|e| e.to_ref_uuid()).collect();
None => None,
/// This interface will get &str (if possible).
pub(crate) fn get_ava_opt_str(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<Vec<&str>> {
match self.attrs.get(attr) {
Some(a) => {
let r: Vec<_> = a.iter().filter_map(|v| v.to_str()).collect();
if r.len() == 0 {
} else {
None => Some(Vec::new()),
pub(crate) fn get_ava_opt_string(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<Vec<String>> {
match self.attrs.get(attr) {
Some(a) => {
let r: Vec<String> = a
.filter_map(|v| v.as_string().map(|s| s.clone()))
if r.len() == 0 {
// Corrupt?
} else {
None => Some(Vec::new()),
pub(crate) fn get_ava_string(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<Vec<String>> {
match self.attrs.get(attr) {
Some(a) => {
let r: Vec<String> = a
.filter_map(|v| v.as_string().map(|s| s.clone()))
if r.len() == 0 {
// Corrupt?
} else {
None => None,
pub fn get_ava_single_str(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<&str> {
self.get_ava_single(attr).and_then(|v| v.to_str())
pub fn get_ava_single_string(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<String> {
.and_then(|v: &Value| v.as_string())
.and_then(|s: &String| Some((*s).clone()))
pub fn get_ava_single_protofilter(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<ProtoFilter> {
.and_then(|v: &Value| {
debug!("get_ava_single_protofilter -> {:?}", v);
.and_then(|f: &ProtoFilter| Some((*f).clone()))
impl<STATE> Entry<EntryValid, STATE> {
// Returns the entry in the latest DbEntry format we are aware of.
pub fn into_dbentry(&self) -> DbEntry {
// In the future this will do extra work to process uuid
// into "attributes" suitable for dbentry storage.
// How will this work with replication?
// Alternately, we may have higher-level types that translate entry
// into proper structures, and they themself emit/modify entries?
DbEntry {
ent: DbEntryVers::V1(DbEntryV1 {
attrs: self
.map(|(k, vs)| {
let dbvs: Vec<_> = vs.iter().map(|v| v.to_db_valuev1()).collect();
(k.clone(), dbvs)
pub fn invalidate(self) -> Entry<EntryInvalid, STATE> {
Entry {
valid: EntryInvalid,
state: self.state,
attrs: self.attrs,
pub fn get_uuid(&self) -> &Uuid {
pub fn filter_from_attrs(&self, attrs: &Vec<String>) -> Option<Filter<FilterInvalid>> {
// Because we are a valid entry, a filter we create still may not
// be valid because the internal server entry templates are still
// created by humans! Plus double checking something already valid
// is not bad ...
// Generate a filter from the attributes requested and defined.
// Basically, this is a series of nested and's (which will be
// optimised down later: but if someone wants to solve flatten() ...)
// Take name: (a, b), name: (c, d) -> (name, a), (name, b), (name, c), (name, d)
let mut pairs: Vec<(&str, &Value)> = Vec::new();
for attr in attrs {
match self.attrs.get(attr) {
Some(values) => {
for v in values {
pairs.push((attr, v))
None => return None,
.map(|(attr, value)| {
// We use FC directly here instead of f_eq to avoid an excess clone.
FC::Eq(attr, value.to_partialvalue())
pub fn gen_modlist_assert(
schema: &SchemaTransaction,
) -> Result<ModifyList<ModifyInvalid>, SchemaError> {
// Create a modlist from this entry. We make this assuming we want the entry
// to have this one as a subset of values. This means if we have single
// values, we'll replace, if they are multivalue, we present them.
let mut mods = ModifyList::new();
for (k, vs) in self.attrs.iter() {
// WHY?! We skip uuid here because it is INVALID for a UUID
// to be in a modlist, and the base.rs plugin will fail if it
// is there. This actually doesn't matter, because to apply the
// modlist in these situations we already know the entry MUST
// exist with that UUID, we only need to conform it's other
// attributes into the same state.
// In the future, if we make uuid a real entry type, then this
// check can "go away" because uuid will never exist as an ava.
// NOTE: Remove this check when uuid becomes a real attribute.
// UUID is now a real attribute, but it also has an ava for db_entry
// conversion - so what do? If we remove it here, we could have CSN issue with
// repl on uuid conflict, but it probably shouldn't be an ava either ...
// as a result, I think we need to keep this continue line to not cause issues.
if k == "uuid" {
// Get the schema attribute type out.
match schema.is_multivalue(k) {
Ok(r) => {
if !r {
// As this is single value, purge then present to maintain this
// invariant
// A schema error happened, fail the whole operation.
Err(e) => return Err(e),
for v in vs {
mods.push_mod(Modify::Present(k.clone(), v.clone()));
impl Entry<EntryReduced, EntryCommitted> {
pub fn into_pe(&self) -> ProtoEntry {
// Turn values -> Strings.
ProtoEntry {
attrs: self
.map(|(k, vs)| {
let pvs: Vec<_> = vs.iter().map(|v| v.to_proto_string_clone()).collect();
(k.clone(), pvs)
// impl<STATE> Entry<EntryValid, STATE> {
* WARNING: Should these TODO move to EntryValid only?
* I've tried to do this once, but the issue is that there
* is a lot of code in normalised and other states that
* relies on the ability to get ava. I think we may not be
* able to do so "easily".
pub fn get_ava(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<Vec<&Value>> {
match self.attrs.get(attr) {
Some(vs) => {
let x: Vec<_> = vs.iter().collect();
None => None,
pub fn get_ava_set(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<BTreeSet<&Value>> {
.and_then(|vs| Some(vs.iter().collect()))
pub fn get_ava_set_str(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<BTreeSet<&str>> {
self.attrs.get(attr).and_then(|vs| {
let x: Option<BTreeSet<_>> = vs.iter().map(|s| s.to_str()).collect();
// Returns NONE if there is more than ONE!!!!
pub fn get_ava_single(&self, attr: &str) -> Option<&Value> {
match self.attrs.get(attr) {
Some(vs) => {
if vs.len() != 1 {
} else {
None => None,
pub fn get_ava_names(&self) -> BTreeSet<&str> {
// Get the set of all attribute names in the entry
let r: BTreeSet<&str> = self.attrs.keys().map(|a| a.as_str()).collect();
pub fn attribute_pres(&self, attr: &str) -> bool {
// Note, we don't normalise attr name, but I think that's not
// something we should over-optimise on.
pub fn attribute_value_pres(&self, attr: &str, value: &PartialValue) -> bool {
// Yeah, this is techdebt, but both names of this fn are valid - we are
// checking if an attribute-value is equal to, or asserting it's present
// as a pair. So I leave both, and let the compiler work it out.
self.attribute_equality(attr, value)
pub fn attribute_equality(&self, attr: &str, value: &PartialValue) -> bool {
// we assume based on schema normalisation on the way in
// that the equality here of the raw values MUST be correct.
// We also normalise filters, to ensure that their values are
// syntax valid and will correctly match here with our indexes.
match self.attrs.get(attr) {
Some(v_list) => v_list.contains(value),
None => false,
pub fn attribute_substring(&self, attr: &str, subvalue: &PartialValue) -> bool {
match self.attrs.get(attr) {
Some(v_list) => v_list
.fold(false, |acc, v| if acc { acc } else { v.contains(subvalue) }),
None => false,
pub fn classes(&self) -> Option<EntryClasses> {
// Get the class vec, if any?
// How do we indicate "empty?"
let v = self.attrs.get("class").map(|c| c.len())?;
let c = self.attrs.get("class").map(|c| c.iter());
Some(EntryClasses { size: v, inner: c })
pub fn avas(&self) -> EntryAvas {
EntryAvas {
inner: self.attrs.iter(),
// Since EntryValid/Invalid is just about class adherenece, not Value correctness, we
// can now apply filters to invalid entries - why? Because even if they aren't class
// valid, we still have strict typing checks between the filter -> entry to guarantee
// they should be functional. We'll never match something that isn't syntactially valid.
pub fn entry_match_no_index(&self, filter: &Filter<FilterValidResolved>) -> bool {
// This is private, but exists on all types, so that valid and normal can then
// expose the simpler wrapper for entry_match_no_index only.
// Assert if this filter matches the entry (no index)
fn entry_match_no_index_inner(&self, filter: &FilterResolved) -> bool {
// Go through the filter components and check them in the entry.
// This is recursive!!!!
match filter {
FilterResolved::Eq(attr, value) => self.attribute_equality(attr.as_str(), value),
FilterResolved::Sub(attr, subvalue) => {
self.attribute_substring(attr.as_str(), subvalue)
FilterResolved::Pres(attr) => {
// Given attr, is is present in the entry?
FilterResolved::Or(l) => l.iter().fold(false, |acc, f| {
// Check with ftweedal about or filter zero len correctness.
if acc {
} else {
FilterResolved::And(l) => l.iter().fold(true, |acc, f| {
// Check with ftweedal about and filter zero len correctness.
if acc {
} else {
FilterResolved::AndNot(f) => !self.entry_match_no_index_inner(f),
impl<STATE> Entry<EntryInvalid, STATE>
STATE: Copy,
// This should always work? It's only on validate that we'll build
// a list of syntax violations ...
// If this already exists, we silently drop the event? Is that an
// acceptable interface?
pub fn add_ava(&mut self, attr: &str, value: &Value) {
// How do we make this turn into an ok / err?
.and_modify(|v| {
// Here we need to actually do a check/binary search ...
if v.contains(value) {
// It already exists, done!
} else {
fn remove_ava(&mut self, attr: &str, value: &PartialValue) {
// It would be great to remove these extra allocations, but they
// really don't cost much :(
self.attrs.entry(attr.to_string()).and_modify(|v| {
// Here we need to actually do a check/binary search ...
pub fn purge_ava(&mut self, attr: &str) {
/// Overwrite the existing avas.
pub fn set_avas(&mut self, attr: &str, values: Vec<Value>) {
// Overwrite the existing value, build a tree from the list.
let x: BTreeSet<_> = values.into_iter().collect();
let _ = self.attrs.insert(attr.to_string(), x);
pub fn avas_mut(&mut self) -> EntryAvasMut {
EntryAvasMut {
inner: self.attrs.iter_mut(),
// Should this be schemaless, relying on checks of the modlist, and the entry validate after?
// YES. Makes it very cheap.
pub fn apply_modlist(&mut self, modlist: &ModifyList<ModifyValid>) {
// -> Result<Entry<EntryInvalid, STATE>, OperationError> {
// Apply a modlist, generating a new entry that conforms to the changes.
// This is effectively clone-and-transform
// mutate
for modify in modlist {
match modify {
Modify::Present(a, v) => self.add_ava(a.as_str(), v),
Modify::Removed(a, v) => self.remove_ava(a.as_str(), v),
Modify::Purged(a) => self.purge_ava(a.as_str()),
impl<VALID, STATE> PartialEq for Entry<VALID, STATE> {
fn eq(&self, rhs: &Entry<VALID, STATE>) -> bool {
// This may look naive - but it is correct. This is because
// all items that end up in an item MUST have passed through
// schema validation and normalisation so we can assume that
// all rules were applied correctly. Thus we can just simply
// do a char-compare like this.
// Of course, this is only true on the "Valid" types ... the others
// are not guaranteed to support this ... but more likely that will
// just end in eager false-results. We'll never say something is true
// that should NOT be.
self.attrs == rhs.attrs
impl From<&SchemaAttribute> for Entry<EntryValid, EntryNew> {
fn from(s: &SchemaAttribute) -> Self {
// Convert an Attribute to an entry ... make it good!
let uuid = s.uuid.clone();
let uuid_v = btreeset![Value::new_uuidr(&uuid)];
let name_v = btreeset![Value::new_iutf8(s.name.clone())];
let desc_v = btreeset![Value::new_utf8(s.description.clone())];
let multivalue_v = btreeset![Value::from(s.multivalue)];
let index_v: BTreeSet<_> = s.index.iter().map(|i| Value::from(i.clone())).collect();
let syntax_v = btreeset![Value::from(s.syntax.clone())];
// Build the BTreeMap of the attributes relevant
let mut attrs: BTreeMap<String, BTreeSet<Value>> = BTreeMap::new();
attrs.insert("name".to_string(), name_v);
attrs.insert("description".to_string(), desc_v);
attrs.insert("uuid".to_string(), uuid_v);
attrs.insert("multivalue".to_string(), multivalue_v);
attrs.insert("index".to_string(), index_v);
attrs.insert("syntax".to_string(), syntax_v);
// Insert stuff.
Entry {
valid: EntryValid { uuid: uuid },
state: EntryNew,
attrs: attrs,
impl From<&SchemaClass> for Entry<EntryValid, EntryNew> {
fn from(s: &SchemaClass) -> Self {
let uuid = s.uuid.clone();
let uuid_v = btreeset![Value::new_uuidr(&uuid)];
let name_v = btreeset![Value::new_iutf8(s.name.clone())];
let desc_v = btreeset![Value::new_utf8(s.description.clone())];
let mut attrs: BTreeMap<String, BTreeSet<Value>> = BTreeMap::new();
attrs.insert("name".to_string(), name_v);
attrs.insert("description".to_string(), desc_v);
attrs.insert("uuid".to_string(), uuid_v);
if s.systemmay.len() > 0 {
.map(|sm| Value::new_attr(sm.as_str()))
if s.systemmust.len() > 0 {
.map(|sm| Value::new_attr(sm.as_str()))
Entry {
valid: EntryValid { uuid: uuid },
state: EntryNew,
attrs: attrs,
mod tests {
use crate::entry::{Entry, EntryInvalid, EntryNew};
use crate::modify::{Modify, ModifyList};
use crate::value::{PartialValue, Value};
fn test_entry_basic() {
let mut e: Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e.add_ava("userid", &Value::from("william"));
fn test_entry_dup_value() {
// Schema doesn't matter here because we are duplicating a value
// it should fail!
// We still probably need schema here anyway to validate what we
// are adding ... Or do we validate after the changes are made in
// total?
let mut e: Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e.add_ava("userid", &Value::from("william"));
e.add_ava("userid", &Value::from("william"));
let values = e.get_ava("userid").expect("Failed to get ava");
// Should only be one value!
assert_eq!(values.len(), 1)
fn test_entry_pres() {
let mut e: Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e.add_ava("userid", &Value::from("william"));
fn test_entry_equality() {
let mut e: Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e.add_ava("userid", &Value::from("william"));
assert!(e.attribute_equality("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("william")));
assert!(!e.attribute_equality("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("test")));
assert!(!e.attribute_equality("nonexist", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("william")));
// Also test non-matching attr syntax
assert!(!e.attribute_equality("userid", &PartialValue::new_class("william")));
fn test_entry_substring() {
let mut e: Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e.add_ava("userid", &Value::from("william"));
assert!(e.attribute_substring("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("william")));
assert!(e.attribute_substring("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("will")));
assert!(e.attribute_substring("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("liam")));
assert!(e.attribute_substring("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("lli")));
assert!(!e.attribute_substring("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("llim")));
assert!(!e.attribute_substring("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("bob")));
assert!(!e.attribute_substring("userid", &PartialValue::new_utf8s("wl")));
fn test_entry_apply_modlist() {
// Test application of changes to an entry.
let mut e: Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryNew> = Entry::new();
e.add_ava("userid", &Value::from("william"));
let mods = unsafe {
// Assert the changes are there
assert!(e.attribute_equality("attr", &PartialValue::new_iutf8s("value")));
// Assert present for multivalue
// Assert purge on single/multi/empty value
// Assert removed on value that exists and doesn't exist