Administration Tasks
This chapter describes some of the routine administration tasks for running a Kanidm server, such as making backups and restoring from backups, testing server configuration, reindexing, verifying data consistency, and renaming your domain.
Backup and Restore
With any Identity Management (IDM) software, it's important you have the capability to restore in case of a disaster - be that physical damage or a mistake. Kanidm supports backup and restore of the database with three methods.
Method 1 (Preferred)
Method 1 involves taking a backup of the database entry content, which is then re-indexed on restore. This is the preferred method.
To take the backup (assuming our docker environment) you first need to stop the instance:
docker stop <container name>
docker run --rm -i -t -v kanidmd:/data -v kanidmd_backups:/backup \
kanidm/server:latest /sbin/kanidmd backup -c /data/server.toml \
docker start <container name>
You can then restart your instance. DO NOT modify the backup.json as it may introduce data errors into your instance.
To restore from the backup:
docker stop <container name>
docker run --rm -i -t -v kanidmd:/data -v kanidmd_backups:/backup \
kanidm/server:latest /sbin/kanidmd restore -c /data/server.toml \
docker start <container name>
That's it!
Method 2
This is a simple backup of the data volume.
docker stop <container name>
# Backup your docker's volume folder
docker start <container name>
Method 3
Automatic backups can be generated online by a kanidmd server
by including the [online_backup]
section in the server.toml
This allows you to run regular backups, defined by a cron schedule, and maintain
the number of backup versions to keep. An example is located in
Configuration Test
You can test your configuration will correctly start with the server.
WARNING: While this is a configuration test, it still needs to open the database so that it can check a number of internal values are consistent with the configuration. As a result, this requires the instance under config test to be stopped!
docker stop <container name>
docker run --rm -i -t -v kanidmd:/data \
kanidm/server:latest /sbin/kanidmd configtest -c /data/server.toml
docker start <container name>
Reindexing after schema extension
In some (rare) cases you may need to reindex. Please note the server will sometimes reindex on startup as a result of the project changing its internal schema definitions. This is normal and expected - you may never need to start a reindex yourself as a result!
You'll likely notice a need to reindex if you add indexes to schema and you see a message in your logs such as:
Index EQUALITY name not found
Index {type} {attribute} not found
This indicates that an index of type equality has been added for name, but the indexing process has not been run. The server will continue to operate and the query execution code will correctly process the query - however it will not be the optimal method of delivering the results as we need to disregard this part of the query and act as though it's un-indexed.
Reindexing will resolve this by forcing all indexes to be recreated based on their schema definitions (this works even though the schema is in the same database!)
docker stop <container name>
docker run --rm -i -t -v kanidmd:/data \
kanidm/server:latest /sbin/kanidmd reindex -c /data/server.toml
docker start <container name>
Generally, reindexing is a rare action and should not normally be required.
Vacuuming is the process of reclaiming un-used pages from the sqlite freelists, as well as performing some data reordering tasks that may make some queries more efficient . It is recommended that you vacuum after a reindex is performed or when you wish to reclaim space in the database file.
Vacuum is also able to change the pagesize of the database. After changing db_fs_type
(which affects
pagesize) in server.toml, you must run a vacuum for this to take effect:
docker stop <container name>
docker run --rm -i -t -v kanidmd:/data \
kanidm/server:latest /sbin/kanidmd vacuum -c /data/server.toml
docker start <container name>
The server ships with a number of verification utilities to ensure that data is consistent such as referential integrity or memberof.
Note that verification really is a last resort - the server does a lot to prevent and self-heal from errors at run time, so you should rarely if ever require this utility. This utility was developed to guarantee consistency during development!
You can run a verification with:
docker stop <container name>
docker run --rm -i -t -v kanidmd:/data \
kanidm/server:latest /sbin/kanidmd verify -c /data/server.toml
docker start <container name>
If you have errors, please contact the project to help support you to resolve these.
Rename the domain
There are some cases where you may need to rename the domain. You should have configured this initially in the setup, however you may have a situation where a business is changing name, merging, or other needs which may prompt this needing to be changed.
WARNING: This WILL break ALL u2f/webauthn tokens that have been enrolled, which MAY cause accounts to be locked out and unrecoverable until further action is taken. DO NOT CHANGE the domain name unless REQUIRED and have a plan on how to manage these issues.
WARNING: This operation can take an extensive amount of time as ALL accounts and groups in the domain MUST have their Security Principal Names (SPNs) regenerated. This WILL also cause a large delay in replication once the system is restarted.
You should make a backup before proceeding with this operation.
When you have a created a migration plan and strategy on handling the invalidation of webauthn, you can then rename the domain.
First, stop the instance.
docker stop <container name>
Second, change domain
and origin
in server.toml
Third, trigger the database domain rename process.
docker run --rm -i -t -v kanidmd:/data \
kanidm/server:latest /sbin/kanidmd domain rename -c /data/server.toml
Finally, you can now start your instance again.
docker start <container name>
Raw actions
The server has a low-level stateful API you can use for more complex or advanced tasks on large numbers of entries at once. Some examples are below, but generally we advise you to use the APIs as listed above.
# Create from json (group or account)
kanidm raw create -H https://localhost:8443 -C ../insecure/ca.pem -D admin example.create.account.json
kanidm raw create -H https://localhost:8443 -C ../insecure/ca.pem -D idm_admin
# Apply a json stateful modification to all entries matching a filter
kanidm raw modify -H https://localhost:8443 -C ../insecure/ca.pem -D admin '{"or": [ {"eq": ["name", "idm_person_account_create_priv"]}, {"eq": ["name", "idm_service_account_create_priv"]}, {"eq": ["name", "idm_account_write_priv"]}, {"eq": ["name", "idm_group_write_priv"]}, {"eq": ["name", "idm_people_write_priv"]}, {"eq": ["name", "idm_group_create_priv"]} ]}' example.modify.idm_admin.json
kanidm raw modify -H https://localhost:8443 -C ../insecure/ca.pem -D idm_admin '{"eq": ["name", "idm_admins"]}' example.modify.idm_admin.json
# Search and show the database representations
kanidm raw search -H https://localhost:8443 -C ../insecure/ca.pem -D admin '{"eq": ["name", "idm_admin"]}'
# Delete all entries matching a filter
kanidm raw delete -H https://localhost:8443 -C ../insecure/ca.pem -D idm_admin '{"eq": ["name", "test_account_delete_me"]}'