pub trait QueryServerTransaction<'a> {
    type BackendTransactionType: BackendTransaction;
    type SchemaTransactionType: SchemaTransaction;
    type AccessControlsTransactionType: AccessControlsTransaction<'a>;

Show 34 methods // Required methods fn get_be_txn(&mut self) -> &mut Self::BackendTransactionType; fn get_schema<'b>(&self) -> &'b Self::SchemaTransactionType; fn get_accesscontrols(&self) -> &Self::AccessControlsTransactionType; fn get_domain_uuid(&self) -> Uuid; fn get_domain_name(&self) -> &str; fn get_domain_display_name(&self) -> &str; fn get_resolve_filter_cache(&mut self) -> &mut ResolveFilterCacheReadTxn<'a>; fn get_resolve_filter_cache_and_be_txn( &mut self ) -> (&mut Self::BackendTransactionType, &mut ResolveFilterCacheReadTxn<'a>); // Provided methods fn search_ext( &mut self, se: &SearchEvent ) -> Result<Vec<Entry<EntryReduced, EntryCommitted>>, OperationError> { ... } fn search( &mut self, se: &SearchEvent ) -> Result<Vec<Arc<EntrySealedCommitted>>, OperationError> { ... } fn exists(&mut self, ee: &ExistsEvent) -> Result<bool, OperationError> { ... } fn name_to_uuid(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result<Uuid, OperationError> { ... } fn sync_external_id_to_uuid( &mut self, external_id: &str ) -> Result<Option<Uuid>, OperationError> { ... } fn uuid_to_spn( &mut self, uuid: Uuid ) -> Result<Option<Value>, OperationError> { ... } fn uuid_to_rdn(&mut self, uuid: Uuid) -> Result<String, OperationError> { ... } fn internal_exists( &mut self, filter: Filter<FilterInvalid> ) -> Result<bool, OperationError> { ... } fn internal_search( &mut self, filter: Filter<FilterInvalid> ) -> Result<Vec<Arc<EntrySealedCommitted>>, OperationError> { ... } fn impersonate_search_valid( &mut self, f_valid: Filter<FilterValid>, f_intent_valid: Filter<FilterValid>, event: &Identity ) -> Result<Vec<Arc<EntrySealedCommitted>>, OperationError> { ... } fn impersonate_search_ext_valid( &mut self, f_valid: Filter<FilterValid>, f_intent_valid: Filter<FilterValid>, event: &Identity ) -> Result<Vec<Entry<EntryReduced, EntryCommitted>>, OperationError> { ... } fn impersonate_search( &mut self, filter: Filter<FilterInvalid>, filter_intent: Filter<FilterInvalid>, event: &Identity ) -> Result<Vec<Arc<EntrySealedCommitted>>, OperationError> { ... } fn impersonate_search_ext( &mut self, filter: Filter<FilterInvalid>, filter_intent: Filter<FilterInvalid>, event: &Identity ) -> Result<Vec<Entry<EntryReduced, EntryCommitted>>, OperationError> { ... } fn internal_search_uuid( &mut self, uuid: Uuid ) -> Result<Arc<EntrySealedCommitted>, OperationError> { ... } fn impersonate_search_ext_uuid( &mut self, uuid: Uuid, event: &Identity ) -> Result<Entry<EntryReduced, EntryCommitted>, OperationError> { ... } fn impersonate_search_uuid( &mut self, uuid: Uuid, event: &Identity ) -> Result<Arc<EntrySealedCommitted>, OperationError> { ... } fn clone_value( &mut self, attr: &str, value: &str ) -> Result<Value, OperationError> { ... } fn clone_partialvalue( &mut self, attr: &str, value: &str ) -> Result<PartialValue, OperationError> { ... } fn resolve_valueset( &mut self, value: &ValueSet ) -> Result<Vec<String>, OperationError> { ... } fn resolve_valueset_ldap( &mut self, value: &ValueSet, basedn: &str ) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>, OperationError> { ... } fn get_db_domain_name(&mut self) -> Result<String, OperationError> { ... } fn get_domain_fernet_private_key( &mut self ) -> Result<String, OperationError> { ... } fn get_domain_es256_private_key( &mut self ) -> Result<Vec<u8>, OperationError> { ... } fn get_domain_cookie_key(&mut self) -> Result<[u8; 32], OperationError> { ... } fn get_password_badlist( &mut self ) -> Result<HashSet<String>, OperationError> { ... } fn get_oauth2rs_set( &mut self ) -> Result<Vec<Arc<EntrySealedCommitted>>, OperationError> { ... }
Expand description

The QueryServerTransaction trait provides a set of common read only operations to be shared between QueryServerReadTransaction and QueryServerWriteTransactions.

These operations tend to be high level constructions, generally different types of searches that are capable of taking different types of parameters and applying access controls or not, impersonating accounts, or bypassing these via internal searches.

Required Associated Types§

Required Methods§

Provided Methods§


fn search_ext( &mut self, se: &SearchEvent ) -> Result<Vec<Entry<EntryReduced, EntryCommitted>>, OperationError>

Conduct a search and apply access controls to yield a set of entries that have been reduced to the set of user visible avas. Note that if you provide a SearchEvent for the internal user, this query will fail. It is invalid for the access module to attempt to reduce avas for internal searches, and you should use fn search instead.


fn search( &mut self, se: &SearchEvent ) -> Result<Vec<Arc<EntrySealedCommitted>>, OperationError>


fn exists(&mut self, ee: &ExistsEvent) -> Result<bool, OperationError>


fn name_to_uuid(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result<Uuid, OperationError>


fn sync_external_id_to_uuid( &mut self, external_id: &str ) -> Result<Option<Uuid>, OperationError>


fn uuid_to_spn(&mut self, uuid: Uuid) -> Result<Option<Value>, OperationError>


fn uuid_to_rdn(&mut self, uuid: Uuid) -> Result<String, OperationError>


fn internal_exists( &mut self, filter: Filter<FilterInvalid> ) -> Result<bool, OperationError>

From internal, generate an “exists” event and dispatch


fn impersonate_search_valid( &mut self, f_valid: Filter<FilterValid>, f_intent_valid: Filter<FilterValid>, event: &Identity ) -> Result<Vec<Arc<EntrySealedCommitted>>, OperationError>


fn impersonate_search_ext_valid( &mut self, f_valid: Filter<FilterValid>, f_intent_valid: Filter<FilterValid>, event: &Identity ) -> Result<Vec<Entry<EntryReduced, EntryCommitted>>, OperationError>

Applies ACP to filter result entries.


fn impersonate_search_ext( &mut self, filter: Filter<FilterInvalid>, filter_intent: Filter<FilterInvalid>, event: &Identity ) -> Result<Vec<Entry<EntryReduced, EntryCommitted>>, OperationError>


fn internal_search_uuid( &mut self, uuid: Uuid ) -> Result<Arc<EntrySealedCommitted>, OperationError>

Get a single entry by its UUID. This is used heavily for internal server operations, especially in login and ACP checks.


fn impersonate_search_ext_uuid( &mut self, uuid: Uuid, event: &Identity ) -> Result<Entry<EntryReduced, EntryCommitted>, OperationError>


fn impersonate_search_uuid( &mut self, uuid: Uuid, event: &Identity ) -> Result<Arc<EntrySealedCommitted>, OperationError>


fn clone_value( &mut self, attr: &str, value: &str ) -> Result<Value, OperationError>

Do a schema aware conversion from a String:String to String:Value for modification present.


fn clone_partialvalue( &mut self, attr: &str, value: &str ) -> Result<PartialValue, OperationError>


fn resolve_valueset( &mut self, value: &ValueSet ) -> Result<Vec<String>, OperationError>


fn resolve_valueset_ldap( &mut self, value: &ValueSet, basedn: &str ) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>, OperationError>


fn get_db_domain_name(&mut self) -> Result<String, OperationError>

Pull the domain name from the database


fn get_domain_fernet_private_key(&mut self) -> Result<String, OperationError>


fn get_domain_es256_private_key(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, OperationError>


fn get_password_badlist(&mut self) -> Result<HashSet<String>, OperationError>


fn get_oauth2rs_set( &mut self ) -> Result<Vec<Arc<EntrySealedCommitted>>, OperationError>
