Installing Client Tools
NOTE As this project is in a rapid development phase, running different release versions will likely present incompatibilities. Ensure you're running matching release versions of client and server binaries. If you have any issues, check that you are running the latest software.
From packages
Kanidm currently is packaged for the following systems:
- OpenSUSE Tumbleweed
- OpenSUSE Leap 15.4
- MacOS
- Arch Linux
- NixOS
- Fedora 36
- CentOS Stream 9
The kanidm
client has been built and tested from Windows, but is not (yet) packaged routinely.
OpenSUSE Tumbleweed
Kanidm has been part of OpenSUSE Tumbleweed since October 2020. You can install the clients with:
zypper ref
zypper in kanidm-clients
OpenSUSE Leap 15.3/15.4
Using zypper you can add the Kanidm leap repository with:
zypper ar -f obs://network:idm network_idm
Then you need to refresh your metadata and install the clients.
zypper ref
zypper in kanidm-clients
MacOS - Brew
Homebrew allows addition of third party repositories for installing tools. On MacOS you can use this to install the Kanidm tools.
brew tap kanidm/kanidm
brew install kanidm
Arch Linux
Fedora / Centos Stream
{{#template templates/ imagepath=images title=Take Note! text=Kanidm frequently uses new Rust versions and features, however Fedora and Centos frequently are behind in Rust releases. As a result, they may not always have the latest Kanidm versions available. }}
Fedora has limited support through the development repository. You need to add the repository metadata into the correct directory:
# Fedora
# Centos Stream 9
You can then install with:
dnf install kanidm-clients
The tools are available as a cargo download if you have a rust tool chain available. To install rust you should follow the documentation for rustup. These will be installed into your home directory. To update these, re-run the install command.
cargo install kanidm_tools
Tools Container
In some cases if your distribution does not have native kanidm-client support, and you can't access cargo for the install for some reason, you can use the cli tools from a docker container instead.
This really is a "last resort" and we don't really recommend this for day to day usage.
echo '{}' > ~/.cache/kanidm_tokens
chmod 666 ~/.cache/kanidm_tokens
docker pull kanidm/tools:latest
docker run --rm -i -t \
--network host \
-v /etc/kanidm/config:/etc/kanidm/config:ro \
-v ~/.config/kanidm:/home/kanidm/.config/kanidm:ro \
-v ~/.cache/kanidm_tokens:/home/kanidm/.cache/kanidm_tokens \
kanidm/tools:latest \
/sbin/kanidm --help
If you have a ca.pem you may need to bind mount this in as required as well.
TIP You can alias the docker run command to make the tools easier to access such as:
alias kanidm="docker run ..."
Checking that the tools work
Now you can check your instance is working. You may need to provide a CA certificate for verification with the -C parameter:
kanidm login --name anonymous
kanidm self whoami -H https://localhost:8443 --name anonymous
kanidm self whoami -C ../path/to/ca.pem -H https://localhost:8443 --name anonymous
Now you can take some time to look at what commands are available - please ask for help at any time.