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Proxmox PVE/PBS
Helpful links
- https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/User_Management
- https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/pve-admin-guide.html#pveum_openid
Proxmox OIDC limitation
As of December 2024, the OIDC implementation in Proxmox supports only authentication. Authorization has to be done manually. Mapping user to specific groups won't work yet (steps 2,3,4).
Patch for this feature exists, but it hasn't been tested extensively: https://lore.proxmox.com/pve-devel/20240901165512.687801-1-thomas@atskinner.net/ See also: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/openid-connect-default-group.103394/
On Kanidm
1. Create the proxmox resource server and configure the redirect URL
kanidm system oauth2 create proxmox "proxmox" https://yourproxmox.example.com
kanidm system oauth2 add-redirect-url "proxmox" https://yourproxmox.example.com
2. Create the appropriate group(s)
kanidm group create proxmox_users --name idm_admin
kanidm group create proxmox_admins --name idm_admin
3. Add the appropriate users to the group
kanidm group add-members proxmox_users user.name
kanidm group add-members proxmox_admins user.name
4. scope map
kanidm system oauth2 update-claim-map-join 'proxmox' 'proxmox_role' array
kanidm system oauth2 update-claim-map 'proxmox' 'proxmox_role' 'proxmox_admins' 'admin'
kanidm system oauth2 update-claim-map 'proxmox' 'proxmox_role' 'proxmox_users' 'user'
5. Add the scopes
kanidm system oauth2 update-scope-map proxmox proxmox_users email profile openid
6. Get the client secret
kanidm system oauth2 show-basic-secret proxmox
Copy the value that is returned.
On proxmox server
Using WebGUI
Go to https://yourproxmox.example.com
Select Datacenter->Realms->Add->OpenID Connect Server
Issuer URL:
- https://idm.example.com:8443/oauth2/openid/proxmox When kanidm is behind reverse proxy or when using docker port mapping:
- https://idm.example.com/oauth2/openid/proxmox
Realm: give some proper name or anything that's meaningful
Client ID: name given in step 1 (resource server)
Client Key: secret from step 6
Autocreate Users: Automatically create users if they do not exist. Users are stored in Proxmox Cluster File System (pmxcfs) - /etc/pve/user.cfg
Using CLI
Login to proxmox node and execute:
pveum realm add kanidm --type openid --issuer-url https://idm.example.com/oauth2/openid/proxmox --client-id proxmox --client-key="secret from step 6" --username-claim username --scopes="email profile openid" --autocreate