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Backup and Restore

With any Identity Management (IDM) software, it's important you have the capability to restore in case of a disaster - be that physical damage or a mistake. Kanidm supports backup and restore of the database with three methods.

It is important that you only attempt to restore data with the same version of the server that the backup originated from.

Method 1 - Automatic Backup

Automatic backups can be generated online by a kanidmd server instance by including the [online_backup] section in the server.toml. This allows you to run regular backups, defined by a cron schedule, and maintain the number of backup versions to keep. An example is located in examples/server.toml.

Method 2 - Manual Backup

This method uses the same process as the automatic process, but is manually invoked. This can be useful for pre-upgrade backups

To take the backup (assuming our docker environment) you first need to stop the instance:

docker stop <container name>
docker run --rm -i -t -v kanidmd:/data -v kanidmd_backups:/backup \
    kanidm/server:latest /sbin/kanidmd database backup -c /data/server.toml \
docker start <container name>

You can then restart your instance. DO NOT modify the backup.json as it may introduce data errors into your instance.

To restore from the backup:

docker stop <container name>
docker run --rm -i -t -v kanidmd:/data -v kanidmd_backups:/backup \
    kanidm/server:latest /sbin/kanidmd database restore -c /data/server.toml \
docker start <container name>

Method 3 - Manual Database Copy

This is a simple backup of the data volume containing the database files. Ensure you copy the whole folder, rather than individual files in the volume!

docker stop <container name>
# Backup your docker's volume folder
# cp -a /path/to/my/volume /path/to/my/backup-volume
docker start <container name>

Restoration is the reverse process where you copy the entire folder back into place.