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Interacting with the Server
To interact with Kanidm as an administrator, you'll need to use our command line tools.
From (experimental) packages
Kanidm currently supports:
- Fedora 33
- OpenSUSE Leap 15.2
- OpenSUSE Tumbleweed
Fedora is still experimentally supported through the development repository. You need to add the repository metadata into the correct directory.
cd /etc/yum.repos.d
wget https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/firstyear:/kanidm/Fedora_33/home:firstyear:kanidm.repo
You can then install with:
dnf install kanidm-clients
OpenSUSE Leap 15.2
Leap 15.2 is still not fully supported with Kanidm. For an experimental client, you can try the development repository. Using zypper you can add the repository with:
zypper ar obs://home:firstyear:kanidm home_firstyear_kanidm
zypper mr -f home_firstyear_kanidm
Then you need to refresh your metadata and install the clients.
zypper ref
zypper in kanidm-clients
OpenSUSE Tumbleweed
Kanidm is part of OpenSUSE Tumbleweed since October 2020. This means you can install the clients with:
zypper ref
zypper in kanidm-clients
From source
After you check out the source (see GitHub), navigate to:
cd kanidm_tools
cargo install --path .
Checking that the tools work
Now you can check your instance is working. You may need to provide a CA certificate for verification with the -C parameter:
kanidm login --name anonymous
kanidm self whoami -C ../path/to/ca.pem -H https://localhost:8443 --name anonymous
kanidm self whoami -H https://localhost:8443 --name anonymous
Now you can take some time to look at what commands are available - please ask for help at any time.
Kandim configuration
You can configure kanidm to help make commands simpler by modifying ~/.config/kanidm OR /etc/kanidm/config
uri = "https://idm.example.com"
verify_ca = true|false
verify_hostnames = true|false
ca_path = "/path/to/ca.pem"
Once configured, you can test this with:
kanidm self whoami --name anonymous
Session Management
To authenticate as a user for use with the command line, you need to use the login
to establish a session token.
kanidm login --name USERNAME
kanidm login --name admin
Once complete, you can use kanidm without reauthenticating for a period of time for administration.
You can list active sessions with:
kanidm session list
Sessions will expire after a period of time (by default 1 hour). To remove these expired sessions locally you can use:
kanidm session cleanup
To logout of a session:
kanidm logout --name USERNAME
kanidm logout --name admin